Easton's Bible Dictionary |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
- Cab
- Cabins
- Cabul
- Caesar
- Caesara Philippi
- Caesarea
- Cage
- Caiaphas
- Cain
- Cainan
- Cake
- Calah
- Calamus
- Calcol
- Caleb
- Calf
- Calkers
- Call
- Calling
- Calneh
- Calvary
- Camel
- Camon
- Camp
- Camphire
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canaanite
- Canaanites
- Canaan, the language of
- Candace
- Candle
- Candlestick
- Cane
- Canker
- Cankerworm
- Canneh
- Canon
- Capernaum
- Caphtor
- Cappadocia
- Captain
- Captive
- Captivity
- Carbuncle
- Carcass
- Carchemish
- Carmel
- Carmi
- Carnal
- Carpenter
- Carriage
- Cart
- Carve
- Casement
- Casiphia
- Casluhim
- Cassia
- Castaway
- Castle
- Castor and Pollux
- Caterpillar
- Catholic epistles
- Cattle
- Caul
- Cauls
- Causeway
- Cave
- Cedar
- Cedron
- Ceiling
- Cellar
- Cenchrea
- Censer
- Census
- Centurion
- Cephas
- Cesarea
- Chaff
- Chain
- Chalcedony
- Chaldea
- Chaldee language
- Chaldees
- Chamber
- Chambering
- Chamberlain
- Chameleon
- Chamois
- Champion
- Chance
- Chancellor
- Changes of rainment
- Channel
- Chapel
- Chapiter
- Chapter
- Charashim
- Charger
- Chariot
- Charity
- Charmer
- Charran
- Chebar
- Chedorlaomer
- Cheek
- Cheese
- Chemarim
- Chemosh
- Chenaanah
- Chenaiah
- Chephirah
- Cherethim
- Cherith
- Cherub
- Chesalon
- Chesed
- Chesil
- Chest
- Chesnut tree
- Chesulloth
- Chezib
- Chidon
- Chief of the three
- Chief priest
- Chiefs of Asia
- Child
- Chileab
- Chilion
- Chilmad
- Chimham
- Chinnereth
- Chios
- Chisleu
- Chittim
- Chiun
- Chloe
- Chor-ashan
- Chorazin
- Chosen
- Chozeba
- Christ
- Christian
- Christs, False
- Chronicles
- Chronicles, Books of
- Chronicles of king David
- Chronology
- Chrysoprasus
- Chub
- Chun
- Church
- Churl
- Chushan-rishathaim
- Cilicia
- Cinnamon
- Cinnereth
- Circuit
- Circimcision
- Cistern
- Citizenship
- City
- Clauda
- Claudia
- Claudius
- Clay
- Clean
- Clement
- Cleopas
- Cleophas
- Cloak
- Closet
- Cloud
- Cnidus
- Coal
- Coat
- Coat of mail
- Cockatrice
- Cock-crowing
- Cockle
- Coele-Syria
- Coffer
- Coffin
- Cogitations
- Coin
- Collar
- Collection
- College
- Colony
- Colossae
- Colossians, Epistle to the
- Colour
- Comforter
- Coming of Christ
- Commandments, the Ten
- Communion
- Conaniah
- Concision
- Concubine
- Concupiscence
- Conduit
- Coney
- Confection
- Confectionaries
- Confession
- Congregation
- Congregation, mount of the
- Conscience
- Consecration
- Consolation of Israel
- Constellation
- Contentment
- Conversation
- Conversion
- Convocation
- Cook
- Coos
- Copper
- Cor
- Coral
- Corban
- Cord
- Coriander
- Corinth
- Corinthians, First Epistle to the
- Corinthians, Second Epistle to the
- Cormorant
- Corn
- Cornelius
- Corner
- Cornet
- Cotes
- Cottage
- Couch
- Coulter
- Council
- Counsellor
- Courses
- Court
- Covenant
- Covering of the eyes
- Covetousness
- Cow
- Crane
- Creation
- Creature
- Crescens
- Crete
- Crimson
- Crisping-pin
- Crispus
- Cross
- Crown
- Crown of thorns
- Crucifixion
- Cruse
- Crystal
- Cubit
- Cuckoo
- Cucumbers
- Cummin
- Cup
- Cup-bearer
- Curious arts
- Curse
- Curtain
- Cush
- Cushan
- Cushite
- Custom
- Cuthah
- Cutting
- Cymbals
- Cypress
- Cypruis
- Cyrene
- Cyrenius
- Cyrus
Easton's Bible Dictionary |
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