Education and Art in Soviet Russia
Document 2: Decree of the Workers' and Peasants' Government: Provision for the Organization of Popular Education in the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic
4372727Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 2: Decree of the Workers' and Peasants' Government: Provision for the Organization of Popular Education in the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic


Decree of the Workers' and Peasants' Government

Provision for the Organization of Popular Education in the Russian
Socialist Soviet Republic.

1. General direction of work connected with popular education in the Russian Federated Socialist Soviet Republic is entrusted to a State Commission of Education, whose chairman is the People's Commissaire of Education.

2. The membership of the State Commission is as follows:

(a) By Appointment—Members of the Commissariat's Collegium; all department heads of the Commissariat; the chief clerk of the Commissariat and the secretary of the State Commission.

(b) Elected——Three representatives of the Central Executive Committee; three representatives of professional teachers' organizations accepting the platform of the Soviet Government; two representatives of the Central Bureau of Trade Unions, one representative of the Central Bureau of Labor Cooperatives and one representative of the Central Culture Organization.

(c) In the Capacity of Representatives of Departments—One member of the Commissariat of Education in charge of the Bureau of Nationalities and one member of the Supreme Soviet of National Economy.

Note 1. The right is reserved for the delegates of the People's Commissariat in charge of nationalities to invite to the session of the State Commission, in advisory capacity, a representative of the nationality whose cultural institutions are under discussion at the particular session.

Note 2. In the course of the formation of new regional divisions, their representatives, one from each region, become members of the State Commission, with the right to vote.

Note 3. The State Commission has also the right to augment its membership with representatives of other organizations—cultural, professional, student, etc.—in case these organizations have a clearly defined all-Russian character and accept the platform of the Soviet Government.

3. The management of the People's Commissariat of Education is placed in the hands of a Collegium including: The People's Commissaire, his assistant, and five members.

4. The People's Commissaire is elected by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers', Peasants', Red Guard Army and Cossacks' Deputies; the assistant of the People's Commissaire and the member of the Collegium are elected by the Soviet of People's Commissaires at the recommendation of the People's Commissaire of Education.

5. The Collegium appoints directors to various Departments of the Commissariat, a chief clerk of the Commissariat and a secretary of the State Commission of Education.

6. In addition to matters enumerated in other articles of this act the following duties are also within the jurisdiction of the State Commission: The formulation of a general plan of People's Education in the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, and the establishment of fundamental principles governing the people's education, as well as those of school reconstruction; the coordination of cultural activities in the localities; the drafting of a budget and the distribution of funds appropriated for common federal cultural needs; as well as other matters of fundamental significance submitted for consideration to the State Commission by the Commissariat's Collegium.

Note.—Individual members of the State Commission have the right to demand a discussion of matters they consider of prime importance only in case their statement is sustained by. not less than one-third of all the members of the Commission.

7. In addition to matters enumerated in other articles of this statement, the People's Commissariat of Education has direct charge of institutions of learning and academic instruction of a state-wide importance, and passes its final judgment on questions and conflicts arising between the various organizations of educational nature.

8. The State Commission calls and convenes, periodically, an All-Russian Congress of Education, to which it submits a report of its activity and to whose consideration it submits for discussion questions of great importance coming within the jurisdicton of the State Commission.

9. An All-Russian Congress of Education comprises: (a) elected representatives of Departments and Soviets of People's Education from each province (gubernia) in the following ratio: One representative from each Provincial Department and Soviet; from all County Departments and Soviets of the province—two from Departments and two from the Soviets; from all Volost Soviets and Departments, also two from the Soviets and two from the Departments of each province; (b) full representation of the State Commission; (c) competent persons in advisory capacity.

10. The direction of affairs connected with people's education, such as primary education and self-instruction outside the academic walls, with the exception of higher education, is entrusted to Departments of People's Education, appropriately organized in Executive Committees:—Regional, Provincial, County and Volost.

11. The Soviet of People's Education functions as a controlling and advisory organ attached to each Department of People's Education.

12. All Departments and Soviets of People's Education act within boundaries established by the fundamental laws of the Republic; coordinate their activities in accordance with enactments of the State Commission of Education; and follow instructions in this order: Volost follows instructions of county; county—of provincial; and provincial—of regional departments of People's Education.

13. A Volost Department of People's Education consists of members, not less than three in number, elected by the executive committee of the Volost Soviet of Workmen's Deputies, forming thus a Collegium.

Note.—The right is granted to a Volost Department to augment its membership by inviting representatives of settlements and volosts, in an advisory capacity.

14. A Volost Department of People's Education is entrusted with carrying into effect the principle of universal literacy within the boundaries of the particular volost; it shall organize social education and spread education through the entire volost population and aid in the development of the initiative of the population in matters of people's education.

15. For the realization of aims enumerated in Article 1, the Department of People's Education: (a) takes all measures for carrying into execution the provisions drafted by the State Commissions of Education, particularly those relating to a general program of education; (b) has charge of schools and cultural and educational institutions, in conformity with corresponding orders of the State Commission and direct instructions of the County Department of People's Education; (c) drafts estimates and submits them for approval to the County Department of People's Education, should a need arise for using county funds; (d) submits to the County Department of People's Education a report on its activity and state of affairs in regard to people’s education, these reports being submitted at designated periods, but not less than twice a year; (e) collects and supervises statistics of children of primary and school age and supervises their school attendance; (f) draws and supervises lists of candidates qualifying for the position of a teacher or director of institutions of primary education and, in cooperation with the Soviet of People's Education, organizes elections of teachers by the population; (g) calls and convenes, at appointed times, a Volost Soviet of People's Education; (h) submits to the Soviet of People’s Education detailed reports on its activity and acquaints the S. P. E. with legislative and governmental enactments in their field.

16. A Volost Soviet of People's Education is formed of: (a) representatives of all bodies having the right to send delegates to the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies, representations being the same as those of the collectives in the S. W. D.; (b) representatives of the teaching staff and those of pupils; (c) competent persons invited in advisory capacity.

Note 1.—The whole number of members of the Soviet of People's Education elected by the teachers and pupils must not exceed one-third of the whole number of members of the S. P. E., with the right to vote.

17. Sessions of the Volost Soviet of People's Education are open.

18. Sessions of the Volost S. P. E. are all held at least once a month.

19. A Volost Soviet of People's Education discusses the reports of the Supreme Department of People's Education, analyzes the Department reports on pressing legislative and other governmental acts and discusses the plan of organization pertaining to people's education within the volost.

21. A County Department of People's Education is formed of members, not fewer than five, elected by the Executive Committee of the County's S. W. D., thus forming Collegiums.

22. A County Department of People's Education has the following subdivisions: primary education, school education and self-education outside academic walls—the charge of which subdivisions may be entrusted to specially invited experts by the Department.

23. In addition to matters enumerated in other articles of this provision, a County Department of People's Education directs the whole business of People’s Education in the county; has charge of all educational institutions; corrects and approves estimates of Volost Departments of People's Education, should a need arise for using county funds; organizes the provision and distribution among the Volost Departments of the books and school appliances; issues instructions to Volost Departments of People's Education, calls and convenes at appointed periods County Soviets of People's Education, and submits annual estimates to the Provincial Department of People's Education.

24. The membership, problems and the order of business of a County Soviet of People's Education are to be determined, within the area of its jurisdiction, in accordance with Articles 16, 17, 19 and 20 of this Provision.

Note 1.—A County Soviet of People’s Education convenes not less than once in two months.

25. A Provincial Department of People's Education is composed of members, not less than seven, elected by Executive Committees of the Provincial Soviet of Workers' Deputies and thus forming a Collegium.

26. In addition to matters enumerated in other articles of this Provision, a Provincial Department of People's Education establishes institutions of learning, academic instruction and education of general provincial importance; issues instructions to the County and Volost Departments of People's Education; examines and approves annual estimates, submitted by county departments of people's education; submits an annual estimate to the Regional Department of People's Education; calls periodic conferences of representatives of County Departments of People's Education, as well as all-provincial congresses of active social workers for the promotion of people's education; drafts reports on the state of affairs of people's education in the particular province.

27. The duties of Provincial Soviets of People's Education are: to determine provincial needs pertaining to education; to prepare and develop general measures for promotion of education among the population of the province; to develop projects on school reform; to aid the Regional Department of People's Education in carrying into execution provisions established by the state commission of education.

28. A Regional Soviet of People's Education is formed and acts in accordance with Articles 16, 17, 19, 20 and 24 of this Provision.

Note.—Capital cities are regarded as separate provinces and are directly subordinated to Regional Departments.

29. A Regional Department of People's Education is composed of members, not fewer than seven, elected by a Congress of Soviets of Workmen's Deputies of a Region, thus forming a Collegium.

30. A Regional Department of People's Education develops and approves a plan of all-regional measures pertaining to people's education; systematizes all annual estimates submitted by the various Provincial Departments of People's Education; calls periodic Regional Educational Congresses; opens educational courses, exhibitions, excursions, etc., controls the activity of cultural and educational institutions within boundaries prescribed by corresponding legislative enactments; and submits an annual report on the state of affairs in the sphere of people's education to the State Commission of Education..

Chairman of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, V. Ulianov (Lenin).

Acting People's Commissary of Education, Michael Pokrovsky.

Chief Clerk of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, V. Bonch-Bruevich.

Correct: Secretary of the Soviet, N. Gorbunov.