Education and Art in Soviet Russia
Document 23: Decree on Nationalization of Tretiakov Gallery
4382099Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 23: Decree on Nationalization of Tretiakov Gallery


Decree on Nationalization of Tretiakov Gallery

Whereas, the Moscow Municipal Art Gallery—foundation of P. & S. M. Tretiakovs—in the domain or art and culture has risen to the level of an institution carrying out State-wide educational functions; and that the interests of the working-class demand that the Tretiakov's Gallery become one of the State museums whose activities have been under the direction of the People's Commissariat of Education—the Soviet of People's Commissaires decrees:

1. The Moscow Municipal Art Gallery, founded of P. & S. M. Tretiakovs, be declared State property of the Soviet Republic and placed under jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Education, subject to same regulations governing the rest of State Museums.

2. The Collegium in charge of the museums and preservations of art objects and relics of the past attached to the People's Commissariat of Education is to speedily draw up and put in operation the new regulation concerning the management of the Gallery and its activity in accordance with present day museum requirements and problems of democratization of art, educational institutions of the Russian Soviet Republic.

Chairman of the Soviet of People's Commissaires,
V. J. Ulianov (Lenin).

Chief Clerk, Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich.

Secretary, N. P. Gorbunov.
