LESSON XIV.—Judicial.
  1. I want to summon this man.
  2. He is a thief, and has stolen things of mine.
  3. Have you any witnesses?
  4. I have witnesses; they haven’t come yet.
  5. Issue subpoenas for them to come,
  6. Where is the constable?
  7. He is at the gaol.
  8. This is the yamen.
  9. What yamen?
  10. The Consul’s yamen (the Consulate).
  11. Who is the present Consul?
  12. Mr, F——. (lit. Mr. Buddha).
  13. Send this bottle to the Commissioner of Cusoms
  14. Today a man come with a petition.
  15. The plaintiff’s case is weak(lit. his right is short).
  16. The defendant's case is strong (lit. his right is long.
  17. I will decide this case tomorrow.
  18. You seem to me to be both in the wrong,
  19. Give back this petition.
  20. Tomorrow I shall issue a Proclamation,
  21. Forbidding people to gamble.
  22. If they don’t obey it, they will certainly be punished.
  23. The gate-keeper is too old.
  24. I have business today.
  25. I have never done this business before.
  26. This kind of case is very frequent.
  27. Take down his deposition.
  28. His evidence is not true.
  29. Did he see this affair?
  30. He did not see it himself.
  31. How does he know about it?
  32. He heard people talking of it.

  1. Uá àiⁿ kò chí-kâi-nâng.
  2. I tsò-tsha̍t; thau-khie̍h uá-kâi-mue̍h.
  3. Ũ kan-chèng a-bô?
  4. Ũ kan-chèng; hûan-būe, lâi.
  5. Tshut-phiè hàm-i-lâi.
  6. Chhê-koi tõ-tî-kò?
  7. I tõ sûn-kam
  8. Chí-kâi sĩ gê-mn̂g.
  9. Sĩ-mih gê-mn̂g?
  10. Niá-sṳ̄-hú kâi gê-mn̂g.
  11. Hīn-jīm kâi niáⁿ-sṳ̄-hú sĩ tî-tiâng?
  12. Sĩ Hu̍t tãi-jîn.
  13. Chí-kâi-tsun khie̍h-khṳ̀ sùe-bũ-si.
  14. Kim-ji̍t ũ nâng lâi ji̍p-pín.
  15. Ngûan-kò kâi-lí tó.
  16. Pì-kò kâi-lí tn̂g.
  17. Chí-kâi uàⁿ mùa-khí tùan.
  18. thóiⁿ[errata 1] jī-ke ũ tshò.
  19. Chí-kâi pín huat-hûe.
  20. Mùa-khí uá àiⁿ tshut kò-sī.
  21. Kìm nâng mìaⁿ-pua̍h-chîⁿ.
  22. Jia̍k-sĩ m̄-tsun tiāⁿ-tie̍h ũ tsũe.
  23. Pé-mn̂g kâi-nâng khah-lãu.
  24. Kim-ji̍t ũ kong-sṳ̄.
  25. Chí-kâi-sṳ̄ uá m̄-pat phōiⁿ--kùe.
  26. Chí-iēⁿ kâi-ùaⁿ sî-sî-ũ.
  27. Kì i kâi kháu-keng.
  28. I kâi kháu-keng bô-si̍t.
  29. Chí[errata 2]-kâi sṳ̄ i ũ thóiⁿ--kìⁿ a-bô?
  30. I bô chhin-ma̍k thóiⁿ--kìⁿ.
  31. I tsò-nî tsai?
  32. I thiaⁿ-kìⁿ nâng tàⁿ.
  1. Original: thôiⁿ was amended to thóiⁿ: detail
  2. Original: Chî was amended to Chí: detail