Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect/Vocabulary

Probably authored by John Campbell Gibson

4112924Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect — Vocabulary1881J. C. G.

Ability lêng-kàn; 300a, 195a
Able to, to be õi, 351a
Accounts, to make up sǹg-siàu; 449b, 430a
Accuse, to kò; 228b
Advantage iah; 166a
Afraid, to be phàⁿ; 388b, kiaⁿ-ùi; 213b 600a, khióng-ùi; 276a 600a
Afternoon ẽ-kuà; 100a, —.
Afterwards ãu-lâi; 7b, 289b
Again têng-gūa; 487b, 111a, tsài; 574a
Agreement ha̍p-tâng: 119a ,475a
Ague, fever and kûaⁿ-zua̍h-pēⁿ; 235a 185b, 369b
All lóng-tsóng; 322b, 588b
Already íⁿ-keng; 163a, 206b
Also iā; 165a
Although sui-jiên; 463a, 181b
America Múi-kok; 18b (v. beautiful) 243b
Anchor, to pha-tèng; 388a, 494a
Anchor, to weigh khieh-tèng; 275b, 494a
Animals seⁿ-kháu; 423b 262b. cheng-seⁿ;34b 423b
Angry, to be siũ-khì; 447a, 269a, seⁿ-khì; 423b 269a,
Another, i.e. a different one pa̍t-kâi; 361a, —,
Another, i.e. one more ke-kâi; 200b, —,
Answer, an hûe-jī; 121b, 179b; hûe-sìn; 121b, 438a
Anything sĩ-mih,—, 330a[errata 1]
Ask, to mn̄g; 331b
Ask leave of absence, to kò-kè; 228b, 202a
Bad m̄-hó; 326b 137a; ak; 352a
Bag tō; 483a
Baggage hêng-lí; 125a 303b
Bait sà; —, jī; 180b
Bale (of goods) khún; 287a
Ball kiû; 224b
Bamboo tek; 484b
Bananas keng-chie; 207b, 51b
Basket láng; 293b, kheng; 266a
Basket lam; 291a. nâⁿ; 334a
Bath-tub e̍k-tháng; 101a 540b
Bathe, to sói-e̍k; 456b 101a
Be, to sĩ; 422b, tõ; 492a, ũ; 598a
Bear it, can’t (weight) nãi m̄-khṳ̀; 335a 326b, 269b
Because in-ũi; 171b, 600b
Bed mîn-tshn̂g; 20b, 89a
Bed-clothes phũe; 393a
Bed-room mîn-pâng; 20b, 359b
Beef gû-ne̍k; 112b 8b (v. bah).
Before (time) soiⁿ-ji̍t; 416b 184b tshông-tsôiⁿ; 54b 35a
Before (place) tsôiⁿ; 35a, tsôiⁿ-mīn; 35a 20b
Begin, to khí; 267b
Beginning tsho; 93a, khí-thâu; 267b, 542b
Behind ãu; 7b, ãu-mīn; 7b, 20b. ãu-pôiⁿ; 7b, 366b
Below ẽ-mīn; 100a, 20b
Besides têng-gūa; 487b, 111a
Better kèng-hó; 209a, 137a
Bill tuaⁿ; 520b
Bird chiáu; 46b
Bite, to kã; 188b
Black hek; 124b, ou; 345a
Blow out, to pûn-kùe; 386b 203a
Blowing, it is thàu-huang; 545a 150b
Blue lâm; 291b
Board pang; 359b
Boat tsûn; 595a
Boatman kiâⁿ-tsûn--nâng; 214a 595a 293a
Body sin-thói; 434b 546a
Boiling kún; 254b
Bones kut; 255b, kut-thâu; 255b 542b
Book chheh; 68a, tsṳ; 590a
Book-case tsṳ-chheh-tû; 590a 68a 530a
Boots ôi; 350b
Borrow, to chieh; 52b
Bottle tsun, —; kùan 240b
Box sieⁿ; 447a, a̍p-kiáⁿ; 2b, 214b
Bread mīⁿ-pau; 329a 361b
Breakfast tsá-pn̄g; 572a 375a
Brick tsng; 579b
Bridge kiê; 221b
Bring khie̍h--lâi; 547b 289b
Broad khuah; 281a
Brothers hiaⁿ-tĩ; 129a 492b
Brothers elder a hiaⁿ,
Brothers younger a tĩ,
Brush sueh; 413b
Bucket tsúi-tháng; 593a 540b
Bundle pau; 361b
Burn sie; 438b, sie-tiāu 438b, —,
Business sṳ̄; 462a, kong-sṳ̄; 245a 462a
Busy huang-mâng; 152a, 12a
Butter gû-nĩⁿ-lâ; 112b 310b 288b
Buttons niú; 313b
Buy bói; 24b
By and by khùn-kiáⁿ; — 214b, ke--khùn 200b, —.
Cabin (sleeping) bā-lî; 8a 302b
Cake koi-nñg-ko; 241b 339a 228a
Calico pòu; 378b
Call, to hàm; 130a, kiè; 221b
Can do tsò-tit; 586a 506a
Candareen hun; 158a
Candle chek; 32b, la̍h-chek; 289a 32b
Cap bō; 22a
Captain tsûn-tsú; 595a 591b
Care, take tsṳ́-sòi; 591a 457b
Cargo hùe-mue̍h; 123b 330a
Carpenter sai-pẽ; 407b 156b
Carpet zông; 184a
Carry, to (a child) phõ; 399a
Carry, to (a sedan) kng; 226b
Cart chhia; 75a
Cash chîⁿ; 39b
Cat niau; 336b
Catty kṳn; 253b
Certainly tiāⁿ-tie̍h; 494b 503b
Chair kau-íⁿ; 197b 162b
Chair (sedan) kiē; 222a
Chair-bearer kiē-hu; 222a 154a
Change, to hùe; 148a, kói; 242a
Charcoal thùaⁿ; 564a
Cheap phiⁿ—.
Chicken koi; 241b
Child nôu-kiáⁿ; 315b 214b; kiáⁿ; 214b
China Tong-kok; 504a 243b
Chinese tn̂g-nâng; 510a 293a
Chop, a jī-hō; 179b 138a,
Cigar hun; 159a
City, a siâⁿ; 426a
Clean chheng-khih; 69b —.
Clear mêng-pe̍h; 16b 364b
Clever lêng-lāi; 301b 289b
Cloth (woollen) nîⁿ; 335b
Clothes saⁿ-khòu; 406a 279b, i-ho̍k; 162a 150a
Clumsy tshún-pũn; 98a 387b
Coal thôu-thùaⁿ; 561a 564a
Coarse tshou; 90b
Cold chhìn; 82a
Collar niáⁿ; 336a
Colour sek; 414b
Comb, a siu; 456a
Come, to lâi; 289b
» back, to tńg--lâi; 511a 289b
Commissioner of Customs, sùe-bũ-si; 413b 420a 28a,
Compass,a lô-keⁿ; 314b 212b
Compensate,to pûe; 362b
Comprador kúan-sṳ̄; 240a 462a
Confucius khóng-hu-tsṳ́; 284a 154a 591a
Confused (as the mind) kông; 246a
Confused (as things) zṳ̂, 186a
Consequences kuan-hĩ; 238a 123b
Constable chhê-koi; 59b 241b
Cook, a húe-thâu; 122b 542b
Cooked (not raw) se̍k; 416a
Cook-house húe-si̍t-pâng; 122b 444a 359b
Cool liâng; 306b
Copper tâng; 475a
Copy, to tshau; 65a
Cork, a that; 514b
Corkscrew lô-si-tsũn, 315b 519a 596a
Corrupt practices lī-pī, 304a 363a
Cotton thread sùaⁿ; 454b
Cotton-wool mîⁿ-hue; 328b 146b
Courage táⁿ; 468b
Course, of tsṳ̃-jiên; 592b 181b
Cover, a khòiⁿ; 266b, khàm; 260a
Crack, a pit-hûn; 374b 159a
Crack, to pit; 374b
Credit, on chhia; 424b
Crab hõi; 148b
Cry khàu; 263b
Cup pue; 382b, tê-pue; 481a 382b
Cupboard tû; 530a
Curtains (mosquito) máng-tièⁿ; 12a 509a
Cushion íⁿ-tiẽn; 162b 496b
Custom, a hong-so̍k; 150b 440a,
Customs, hiàng-kuan 134b 238a, hái-kuan; 116a 238a
Cut, to (a pencil) phoi; 402a
Cut, to (in two) tok; 526a
Cut, to (as one’s hand) kuah; 236a
Cut, down, to (as trees) tsám; 575b
Dangerous hong-hiám; 133b 130a
Dare, to káⁿ; 189a
Dark àm-àm; 3b
Daughter tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; 589b 337b 214b
Day ji̍t; 184b
Daytime ji̍t--kùa; 184b —.
Dead sí; 421a, sí--khṳ̀; 421a 269b
Dear kùi; 251b
Despatch, a kong-bûn; 245a 28b, bûn-tsṳ; 28b 590a
Devil kúi; 250a
Difference, a hun-pie̍t; 158a 372b
Different m̄-tâng; 326b 475a
Difficult kan-khóu; 194b 279a
Directly sûi-sî; 463a 420a
Dirty nah-sap; 294b 410b
Do, to tsò; 586a
Doctor ui-seng; 161a 416b
Dog káu; 198b
Dollar, one che̍k-kâi-ngṳ̂n; 56a —, 113b
Door mn̂g; 330b
Double up, to (as clothes) chih--khí-lâi; 49a 267b 289b
Downstairs lãu-ẽ[errata 2]; 295b 100a
Drawer, a keh; 204a
Drink, to chia̍h; 42b
Dry ta; 467a
Duck, a ah; 2a, tsúi-ah; 593a 2a
Dust sua-thôu; 452a 561a, tîn-eng; 502a l0la
Dye, to níⁿ; 336a
Each kak; 243b, kak-kâi 243b, —,
Ear hĩⁿ; 127b
Earrings hĩⁿ-kau; 127b 197a
East tang; 474a
Easy kōi; 242, iông-ĩ; 174b 163b
Eat chia̍h; 42b
Ebb-tide khó-lâu; 278a 295b
Egg (fowl’s) koi-nñg; 241b 339a
Employ ēng; 102b
Empty khang; 261a
Ended uân--liáu; 349a 307b
England Eng-kok; 101a 243b
Enough kàu; 199b, lã, —,
Enquire mn̄g; 331b, thàm-thóiⁿ; 538a 280b
Evening mêⁿ-hng; 328b 136a
Ever, for ióng-kú; 102a 248a
Every kak; 243b
Eyes ma̍k; 10a
Expenses hùi-ēng; 157a 102b
Expenses (on a journey) lōu-hùi; 317a 157a
Face mīn; 20b
Fair (wind) sũn; 466a
Fair (weather) chêⁿ; 39a
Fall, to (things) ka-lau̍h; 187a 297a
Fall, to (persons) pua̍h; 381b
Fan, a sìⁿ; 424a
Fancy, I phah-sǹg; 389a 449b
Far hñg; 136b
Fast mé-mé; 328a
Fat pûi; 385b
Father pẽ; 363a
Fear (see Afraid)
Feed,to (animals ete.) chhī; 73b
Festival tsoih 587a
Fetch, to khie̍h--lâi; 547b 289b
Few chié; 52a,
Fight, to sie-phah; 438b 389a
Fine, to hua̍t; 146b
Fingers chhiú-tsóiⁿ; 85b 580a
Finished uân--liáu; 349a 307b
Fire húe; 122b
Fire a gun, to phah-chhèng; 389a 71a
First, at khí-thâu; 267a 542b
First, the tõiⁿ-it; 524b 175b
Fish hṳ̂; 126b
Flesh ne̍k; 124b
Flies hôu-sîn; 138b 435b
Flood-tide nâm-lâu; 291a 295b
Floor lâu-pang; 295b 359b
Flour mīⁿ; 329a
Flowers hue; 146b
Foot kha; 256a,
Foot (measure) chhieh; 82b
Fork chhe; 66a
Foreign iêⁿ; 178a
Fox suaⁿ-káu; 453a l98b
Fry, to luah; —, chien; 47a
Fruit kúeⁿ-chí 201b 37b
Full múaⁿ; 333a,
Gamble, to pua̍h; 382a, pua̍h-chîⁿ; 382a 39b
Garden hue-hn̂g; 146b 136a
Gay ngiá, —,
Get up, to khí--lâi; 267b 289b
Get, to (as meals) pû; 385a
Girl tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; 589b 337b 214b
Give, to pun; 386b
Glad, to be huaⁿ-hí; 142a 127a
Go, to khṳ̀; 269b
Go out,to tshut-mn̂g; 98a 330b
Goat suaⁿ-iêⁿ; 453a l77b
Go-down tsàn-pâng; 576b 359b
Gods, the sîn-mêng; 436a l6b
Gold kim; 219b
Good hó; 137a
Goods hùe-mue̍h; 123b 330a
Goose gô; 110a
Glass po-lî; 375b 297a
Green 1e̍k; 299a
Grey shirtings iêⁿ-pòu; 178a 378b
Guest nâng-kheh; 293a 265a
Gun chhèng; 71a
Gunboat piaⁿ-tsûn; 370a 595a,
Hair mô; 33la
Half pùaⁿ; 381a, che̍k-pùaⁿ; 56a 381a
Ham húe-thúi; 122b 570a
Hammer thih-thûi; 556a 569b
Hand chhiú; 85b
Handkerchief chhiú-kṳn; 85b 253a
Hang up, to tiàu; 499a
Hard tōiⁿ; 489b
Harm, no bô-gāi; 22a 103a
Hat bō; 22a
Hat, to put on a tì-bō; 491a 22a
Have or have got ũ; 598a
He i; 162a
Head thâu; 542b
Hear thiaⁿ; 551a, thiaⁿ-kìⁿ; 551a 213a
Heavy tãng; 476a
Here chí-kò; 38a 482a
Hire, to kòu; 232a
Hold, the tshng; 89a
Hold, to khie̍h; 547b
Home, at ke-lãi; 200b 290a
Hong hâng; 119a,
Honourable kùi-khì; 251b 269b
Horse bé; 14a
Hot sie; 438b
Hot, of weather zua̍h; 185b
Hot-tempered pek-sèⁿ; 365a 424a,
House tshù; 95a.
How? tsò-nî; 581b 335b
How much; how many? jie̍h-tsōi; 185b 587a
How far? jie̍h-hñg; 185b 136b
Husband ang; 5b, jî-sài; 179a 408a,
Hungry tóu-khùn; 517b,—,
I uá; 110b
Ice piaⁿ-sng; 366a 449a
Ice-box piaⁿ-sng-sieⁿ; 366a 449a 447a,
Idle lán-tũaⁿ; 292b 522b
If jia̍k-sĩ; –, 442b
Ill m̄-sóng-khùai; 326b 458b 281a, ũ-pēⁿ; 598a 369b
Inch tshùn; 98a
Ink (Chinese) ba̍k; 10b
Ink-bottle ba̍k-tsúi-kùan; 10b 593a 240b
Inform, to (by proclamation) hiáu-zũ; 131a 186b
Insect thâng; 540a
Inside lãi-mīn; 290a 19b, lãi-pôiⁿ; 290a 366b
Inside out, turn it póiⁿ--kùe-lâi; 366b 203a 289b
Instance, for phì-zũ; 394b 186b, khó-pí; 277b 367b, pí-huang; 367b 151b
Investigate, to chhê-mêng; 59b 16b
Invite chhiáⁿ; 76a
Iron thih; 556a
Iron, an ut-táu; 604b 478b
Iron, to ut; 604b
Jade ge̍k; 105b
Jetty bé-thâu; 14a 542b
Jug tsúi-kùan; 593a 240b
Keep, to lâu--pàng; 295a 360a
Kettle ue; 99a
Key só-sî; 450b 420b
Kill, to (with a knife) thâi; 536b
Kill, to (with clubs etc.) phah-sí; 389a 421a
Kind, a iēⁿ; 178b
Knife to; 513a
Knot, a kat; 196b
Know, to (as facts) tsai; 573a
Know, to (as acquaintances, languages etc) pat; 13a
Ladder, a thui; 569a
Ladder, to bring a taⁿ-thui--lâi; 468a 569a
Lamp teng; 486b
Lantern teng-nâng; 486b
Large tōa; 520a
Last (of months, years etc) chiēⁿ; 58b
Late uàⁿ; 347a
Laugh, to chhiè; 82a
Lawn tsháu-pou; 65b 377b
Lazy lán-tũaⁿ; 292b 522b
Leaf, a (either of books or trees) hie̍h; 133b
Leak làu 296b
Learn, to o̍h; 352a, ha̍k-si̍p; 116b 443a
Leather phûe; 392a
Left hand tsó-chhiú; 581a 85b
Leg kha; 256a
Leisure ôiⁿ; 101b
Lend chieh; 52b
Let go, to pàng; 360a
Letter sìn; 438a
Lie down, to tó; 515a
Lies to tell sueh-huáng; 414a
Light (not heavy) khin; 275a
Light (not dark) kng-kng; 226a
Light, to (lamps etc) tiám; 495b
Lightning tiẽn-húe; 500b 122b
Like chhin-chhiẽⁿ; 81a 88b
Lime hue; 121b
Little, a lân-ló; 292b, —, se-su
Live, to (reside) khiã-khí; 270b 267b
Lock, to só; 450a
Lock, a só-thâu; 450a 542b
Long tn̂g; 510a
Long (of time), kú; 248a
Look, to thóiⁿ; 280b
Looking glass kiàⁿ; 215a
Low (down) kẽ; 204a
Lose, to sit-lo̍h; 443b 320a
Lucky tsãu-hùe; 582a l41b
Mace, a chîⁿ; 39b
Magistrate, District kūiⁿ; 238a
Make, to tsò; 586a
Make haste! mé-mé; 328a
Male nâm; 291a
Man nâng; 293a
Many tsōi; 587a
Mast ûi; 599a
Master thâu-ke; 542b 200b, tsú; 591b
Matches tsṳ̃-lâi-húe; 592a 289b 122b
Matter? what’s the ũ sĩ-mih-sṳ̄; 598a, —, 330a 462a
Matting chhie̍h; 83a
Medicine ie̍h; 173b
Meal, a tǹg; 512a
Meat ne̍k; 183b
Meet, to sie-ngõ; 438b 113b
Mend, to póu; 378a
Merchant seng-lí-nâng; 416b 303a 298a
Middle, in the tìn-tang; —, 504a, tong-iang; 504a 167b
Milk (cow’s) gû-nĩ; 112b 310b
Mince, to tok-iùⁿ; 526a 177a
Mistress thâu-ke-niêⁿ; 337b
Monday lói-pài-it; 297b 355b 175b
Month gue̍h; 105a
Money chîⁿ; 39b
Moon gue̍h; 105a
More ke; 200b
Morning mn̂g-khí; 16b 267b
Mosquitos máng; 12a
Mosquito curtains máng-tièⁿ; 12a 506a
Mother bó; 27a, lãu-bó; 296a 27a, bó-chhin; 27a 81a
Mouse chih-tshṳ́; –, 95a
Mouth kháu; 262b, tshùi; 96a
Much, too khah-tsōi; 258a 587a
Much again, as ke-che̍k-pũe; 200b 56a 363
Mushroom kou; 230a
Mustard kài-lua̍h; 191b 318b
Mutton iêⁿ-ne̍k; 177b 183b
My uá-kâi; 110a—,
Nail, a teng; 486a
Nail a nail, to tèng-teng; 459a 486a
Nail (finger) tsńg-kah; 580a 189b
Name sèⁿ; 424a, miâⁿ; 329a
Narrow o̍ih; 361b
Native pńg-tī-nâng; 386b 525a 293a
Near kṳ̃n; 255a
Nearer, bring it khie̍h-bûa--lâi; 547a–, 289b
Needle tsam; 44b
New sin; 435b
News sin-bûn; 435b 29a
Next year mêⁿ-nîⁿ; 328a 335b
Next month ãu-kâi-gue̍h; 7b 105a
Night mêⁿ--kùa; 328b —,
Noon ji̍t-tàu; 184b 480a
North pak; 357a, pak-pôiⁿ; 357a 366b
Nose phīⁿ; 395b
Notes (of money) chîⁿ-phiè; 39b 398b
Now chí-tsûn; 380a 596b
Numbers (cardinal) bé-kiáⁿ; 14a 37b
Oar chiéⁿ; 58a
Obey sũn; 466a
Office siá-jī-pâng; 425a 179b 359b
Often sî-sî; 420a, siêⁿ-siêⁿ; 441b
Oil iû; 176b
Old (of persons or things) lãu; 296b
Old (of things) kū; 249a
On the table tshn̂g-téng; 89a 488a
Once che̍k-hûe; 56a 121b
Once, go at sûi-sî khṳ̀; 463a 420a 269b
Oneself ka-kī; 187a 212a
Onion tshang; 63b
Only put-kùe; 387b 203a, tuaⁿ-tuaⁿ; 520b
Open, to khui; 63b
Opium a-phièn; 1a 397a
Opposite tùi-mīn; 532a 20b
Or ho̍k-chiá; 124b 41a
Orange kaⁿ; 189a
Ounce niéⁿ; 338a
Ought eng-kai; 101a 190b
Outside gūa-pôiⁿ; 111a 366b
Painter iû-kang; 179b 195b
Paper tuaⁿ; 520b
Partner húe-kì; 122a 212a
Partnership, to dissolve thiah-húe; 552a 122a,
Partnership, to enter into ha̍h-húe; 119b 122a
Paste kôu; 230a
Pastor mo̍k-sṳ; 25b 460a
Pattern iēⁿ; 178b
Pay, to hôiⁿ; 125b
Pecul, one che̍k-tàⁿ; 56a 468b
Peking pak-kiaⁿ; 357a 214a
Pen pit; 374a
Pencil în-pit; 169b 374a
Pepper hôu-chie; 128b 51b
People, the peh-sèⁿ; 364a 424a
Petition, a pín; 373b
Pewter siah; 427a
Please, as you sûi-piẽn; 463a 372b
Pick up, to khie̍h--khí-lâi; 566b 267b 289b
Piece, a kò; 482a
Pigeon hún-chiáu; 160a 46b
Pig tṳ; 490a
Pillow chím-thâu; 50a 542b
Pilot tshūa-tsúi; 91a 593a
Pin tsam; 44a
Pineapple huan-lâi; 143b 289b
Place ūi-tshṳ̀; 600b 95b
Plant, (to) chèng; 36a
Plate pûaⁿ; 380b
Plate (small) ti̍h; 501a
Play, to (as children) sńg; 449a
Play the piano, to thân; 521b
Pocket tō; 483a
Politeness lói-mãu; 297b 327b
Pony bé; 14a
Poor kêng; 207 phîn-khiông; 373a 223b
Pork tṳ-ne̍k; 490a 183b
Port, a hái-kháu; 116a 262b
Potato hô-lân-tsṳ̂; 136b 292a 590b
Pound, a kṳn; 253b
Pour, to tò--tshut-lâi; 516a 98a 289b
Praise, to o-ló; 344a 315a
Pray, to khî-táu; 210b 515a
Probably iak-liãng; 174a 312a
Priest (Buddhist) hûe-siēⁿ; 122a 448a
Principle tō-lí; 516b 303a
Protect, to pó-iũ; 376a 177b
Proclamation, a kò-sī; 228b 423a
Proclamation, to issue a tshut-kò-sī; 98a 228b 423a
Present, to make a sàng; 410a
Prison kam; 189a
Prison, to put in kìm-kam; 220b 189a, siu-kam; 445a 189a
Proverb so̍k-gṳ́; 440a ll3a
Pull, to túi; 532a
Pull the punkah, to túi-huang; 532a 150b
Punish him, to phōiⁿ i-kâi-tsũe; 358b 162a —, 587a
Push, to léng, —, léng-khui;� –, 285b
Put, to pàng; 360a, sāi; 62a
Put on clothes, to chhēng-saⁿ; 72a 406a
Quickly mé-mé; 328a
Rain; (2) it rains hõu; 140b, lo̍h-hõu; 320a 140b
Rather se-su; 424b, iáu; 169a, lân-ló; 292b
Raw chheⁿ; 74a
Read tha̍k-tsṳ; 537b 590a
Ready, it (anything) is pīn--liáu; 372b 307b
Ready made tsò-pīn; 586a 372b
Ready money hīn-chîⁿ; 132a 39b
Receive, to siu; 445a
Reckon up, to sǹg-siàu; 449b 430a
Red âng; 5b
Regulations chiang-thiâⁿ; 57b 494a
Relative chhin-chhek; 81a 69a
Reply, to ìn; 172a
Rest, to hiah-he̍k; 133a –,
Rice, (young plants) ng; 340a
Rice, (growing) tiũ; 507b
Rice, (grain) chhek; 69a
Rice, (grain cleaned) bí; 18a
Rice, (cooked) pn̄g; 375a
Rice, (boiled soft) mûeⁿ; 13b
Ride on horseback khiâ-bé; 270b 14a
Right, you are tie̍h; 503b, bõi-tshò; 25a 90b
Right hand iũ-chhiú; 177b 85b, chiàⁿ-chhiú; 42a 85b
Ripe se̍k; 416a
River khoi; 282b
Road lōu; 317a
Roast, to pek; 365a
Room pâng; 359b
Root kṳn; 253b
Rope soh; 457b
Rough (as road) khi-khu; 267a 285a
Rough (as things) tshou; 90b
Round îⁿ; 163b
Rub, to chhiù; 92a
Run, to tsáu; 578b
Sailing-vessel kap-pán-tsûn; 196b 358b 595a
Sailor tsúi-siú; 593a 446a
Sails phâng; 391a
Salt iâm; 167a
Salt meat kiâm-ne̍k; 215b 183b
Same, all the pêⁿ-iēⁿ; 369a l78b, che̍k-iēⁿ; 56a 178b, siang-tâng; 440b 475a
Saturday lói-pài-la̍k; 297b 355b 290b
Saucepan ue; 99a
Say, to tàⁿ; 469a
Scales thien-phêng; 554b 366a
Scissors ka-to; 187a 513a
Screw, a lô-si-teng; 315b 419a 486a
Sea hái; 116a
Sea-sick, to be hîn-tsûn; 133a 595a
Second tõiⁿ-jī; 482b 179b
Security, to go pó; 376a
See thóiⁿ; 280b, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ; 280b 213a
Seek, to tshūe; 67b
Seldom hán--tit; 118a 506a
Send, to (persons) sái; 407b
Sentence, a kù; 248b, che̍k-kù-ūe; 56a 248b 351a
Servant ēng-jîn; 102b 182b
Several kúi-kâi; 25la –,
Sheep iêⁿ; 177b
Sheet of paper che̍k-tieⁿ-tsúa; 56a 507b 588a
Ship tsûn; 595a
Shoes ôi; 350b
Shop phòu; 400a
Shore of the sea hái-kîⁿ; 116a 212b
Short tó; 481b
Shrimps hê; 122a
Shut, to hueⁿ; 237b
Sick (ill) nâng m̄-hó; 293a 326b 137a
Sick, to be i.e. vomit thòu; 562b
Side, this chièⁿ-pôiⁿ; 58a 366b
Silk (thread) si; 419b
Silk and satin tiû-tn̄g; 507a 523b
Silver ngṳ̂n; 113b
Sing chhiàng; 88a, ngîm; 109a
Singapore si̍t-la̍t; 444b 295a
Sisters chí-mūeⁿ; 38b 15b
Sister (elder) a-ché; 1a 38b
Sister (younger) a-mūeⁿ; la l5b
Sit down, to tsõ; 31b
Skin phûe; 392a
Sleep, to u̍t; –,
Slowly mān-mān; 11b
Smell, to phīⁿ; 395b
Smell, a bī; 18b
Smoke hun; 159a
Smooth pêⁿ; 369a, ku̍t; 256a
Sneeze, to phah-ka-thì; 389a 187a –,
Snipe ka-chhiê-hún; 187a 82a —,
Soap huan-káng; 144a –,
Soak, to chìm; 50a
Socks bue̍h; 16a
Soft nńg; 338b, nàm; 292a
Solder, to ún-tùe–, 482a; ún-siah–, 427a
Some (a little) lân-ló; 292b –,
Son kiáⁿ; 214b
Sore thiàⁿ; 551b
Sort iēⁿ; 178b
Sound (noise) siaⁿ; 425b
Soup thng; 558b
Sour sng; 448b
South nâm; 291a, nâm-pôiⁿ; 291a 366b
Spectacles ma̍k-kiàⁿ; 10a 215a
Spider ti-tu; 490a 529b
Split, to phùa-khui; 400a 285b
Spoon sî; 420b, thng-sî; 558b 420b
Spread, to phou; 399a
Square sì-pang; 422a 359a
Stab, to tshǹg; 93a
Stale ien;
Start, to khí-sin; 267b 434b
Steamer hué-tsûn; 122b 595a
Steersman tãi-kong; 471a 244b
Stick chiãng; 506a
Still huàn; 144a
Stinking tshàu; 66a
Stone chie̍h; 53a
Stool, a íⁿ-thâu; 162b 542b
Stop, to hiah; 133a
Stop up, to sat; 411a
Stove hué-lôu; 122b 316a
Stow away, to khǹg; 277a
Strange khî-kuài; 211a 237a
Street koi-lōu; 241b 317a
Strength 1a̍t; 295a
Strike phah; 389a
String soh; 457b
Strong khiàng; 272b
Sugar thn̂g; 558b, pe̍h-thn̂g; 364b 558b
Summons, to issue a tshut-phiè; 98a 398b
Sun ji̍t; 184b
Sunstroke ji̍t-pha̍k; 184b 389b
Sunday lói-pài-ji̍t; 297b 355b 184b
Surname sèⁿ; 424a
Sweat kuāⁿ; 235b
Sweet (to smell) phang; 390b
Sweet (to taste) tiâm; 492b
Table tshn̂g; 89a
Table-cloth tshn̂g-pòu; 89a 378b
Tael niéⁿ; 338a
Tail pīⁿ 370a, bué; 15a
Tailor tshâi-hông; 61a l53a
Take away, to khie̍h--khṳ̀; 547b 269b
Take down, to (as pictures) pak--lo̍h-lâi; 156b 320a 289b
Take care tsṳ́-sòi; 591a 457b
Take off clothes, to thǹg-saⁿ; 559a 406a
Talk, to tàⁿ-uē; 469a
Tea tê; 481a
Tea-cup tê-cheng; 481a 33b
Tea-pot tê-kuàn; 481a 460a
Tea-taster tê-sṳ; 481a 460a
Telescope tshoiⁿ-lí-kiàⁿ; 79a 302b 215a
Temple am; 3a
Tender (of meat) nńg; 388b, nap –,
That hṳ́-kâi; 127a –,
Then hṳ́-tsûn; 127a 596b
There hṳ́-pôiⁿ; 127a 366b, hièⁿ-pôiⁿ; 135b 366b
Thermometer hân-sú-tsam; 118a 161a 44b
They i; 162a
Thick (of liquids) kṳ̍t; 224b
Thick (of substances) kãu; 200a
Thimble tâng-tsóiⁿ; 475a 580a
Thin (of liquids) chhieh –,
Thin (of solids or infusions) po̍h; 384a
Thin (of persons) sán; 409b
Thing mue̍h; 330a
Think, to siẽⁿ; 448a
Thirsty at aû ta; 7a 467a
This chí-kâi; 38a –,
Throat aû; 7a
Throw, to ka̍k; 192b
Thunder lûi; 324a, lûi-hiáng; 324a 130b
Thursday lói-pài-sì; 297b 355b 422a
Tiger lãu-hóuⁿ; 296b 139a
Time sî-hāu; 420a 120b
Time? What’s the kúi-tiám-cheng? 251a 495b 33b
Toast pek-mīⁿ-pau; 365a 329a 361b
Today kim-ji̍t; 219b 184b
Toes kha-tsóiⁿ; 256a 575a
Together tsò-pû; 586a 385a
Tomorrow mùaⁿ-khí; –, 267b
Tongue chi̍h; 48a
Too khah; 258a
Towel mīn-pòu; 20b 378b
Translate, to huan-e̍k; 144a l0la
Treacle thn̂g-tsúi; 558b 593a
Treaty ieh; 174a
Tree chhiū; 87a
Truly chin-si̍t; 50a 444b
Tuesday lói-pài-jī; 297b 355b 179b
Tumbler po-lî-pue; 375b 297b 382b
Turn round, to (things) húiⁿ--kùe-lâi; –, 203a 289b
Turn round to (of persons if lying) huan-sin; 143b 434b
Turn around to (of persons) if standing huê-thâu; 147b 542b
Umbrella hõu-suàⁿ; 140b 454a
Under ẽ-mīn; 100a 20b
Understand, to pat; 13a, hiáu; 131a
Unripe chheⁿ; 74a
Untie, to kói; 242a
Upstairs lâu-téng; 295b 488a
Use, to ēng; 102b
Used, very much siêⁿ-en̄g; 441b 102b
Useful, very tōa-ũ-ēng; 520a 598a 102b
Utensils (of any kind) khì; 269b
Vegetables chheⁿ-tshài; 74a 61b
Very tsãi; 574a
Very good hó-tsãi; 137a 574a
Very tsa̍p-hun; 577b 160b
Very good, not bô-mih tsa̍p-hun-hó; 22a 330a 577b 160b 137a
Visit, to pài-kìⁿ; 355b 213a
Wages kang-chîⁿ; 195b 39b
Wait to tán; 474a, thãi; 537b
Walk, to kiâⁿ; 214a
Walk, to go for a kîn-kiâⁿ –, 214a
Wall, a chhiêⁿ; 87b
Want, to àiⁿ; 3a
Warm sie; 438b
Wash, to sói; 456b
Washerman sói-saⁿ kâi-nâng; 456b 406a –, 293a
Wash-hand (lit. face) basin mīn-phûn; 20b 405a
Waste, to tak-nn̄g; 542a —,
Waste time, to sit-lo̍h sî-hāu; 443b 320a 420a 120b
Watch, a sî-pie; 420a 374a
Water tsúi; 593a
Waves éng; 102a
Weak nńg-jia̍k; 338b 183b, lám; 271b
We ún; 112a
We (if including the person addressed) nán; 292b
Week lói-pài; 297b 355b
Weigh, to phêng--kùe; 366a 203a
Well, a chéⁿ; 40a
Well (in health) hó; 137a
West sai; 407a
What? sĩ-mih –, 330a, tsò-nîⁿ? 581b 335b
When? tiâng-sî? 497a 420a
Where? tî-kò? 492a 482a
Whip piⁿ; 369a
White pe̍h; 364a
Who? tî-tiâng? 492a 497a
Whole chiâⁿ-kò; 41b 482a, chiâⁿ-kâi; 41b –,
Why? tsò-nîⁿ? 581b 335b, in-ũi sĩ-mih; 171b 600b – 330a
Wide khuah; 281a
Wife bóu; 23a, chhi; 67a
Wind huang; 150b
Window theng; 539b
Wine chiú; 56b
Wine-glass chiú-pue; 56b 382b
Winter tang-thiⁿ; 474a 549b
Wish, to àiⁿ; 3a
With, together kāng; 196a
With hin, to go kāng-i tsò-pû-khṳ̀; 196a 162a 586a 385a 269l
Woman hũ-jîn; 156b 182b
Wood bȧk; 10a
Work kang-hu; 195b 154a
Work, to tsò kang-hu; 586 195b 154a
Worthy láu-si̇t; 295b 444b
Wounds sieⁿ; 440b
Write siá; 425a, siá-jī; 425a 179b
Wrong m̄-tiėh; 326b 503b
Year nîⁿ; 335b
Year, last kũ-nîⁿ; 249a 335b
Yellow n̂g; 340b
Yesterday tsa-ji̇t; 572b 184b
Yet, not huân-būe; 144a 15b
You lṳ́-kâi; 303b—, nín-kâi; 310b—,
  1. Original: sĩ-mih was amended to sĩ-mih,—, 330a: detail
  2. Original: làu-ẽ was amended to lãu-ẽ: detail