Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period/Lang T'ing-tso

3642442Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, Volume 1 — Lang T'ing-tsoFang Chao-ying

LANG T'ing-tso 郎廷佐 (T. 一柱), d. 1676, official, was a member of the Chinese Bordered Yellow Banner. Beginning as a pupil in the Banner school, he served for a time as a clerk. In 1645 he became a sub-reader in the Grand Secretariat and later a reader. Appointed governor-general in Kiangsi in 1655, he was promoted to the post of governor-general of both Kiangnan (Kiangsu and Anhwei) and Kiangsi in the following year. When Chêng Ch'êng-kung [q. v.] invaded Kiangnan in 1659 Lang T'ing-tso and several other generals withstood him and finally defeated him at Nanking. In 1661 a separate governor-general was appointed for Kiangsi, after which Lang's jurisdiction extended over Kiangnan only. But when Kiangnan and Kiangsi were reunited in 1665 under one governor-general (兩江總督) he once more held that post until his retirement on account of illness in 1668. After the revolt of Kêng Ching-chung [q. v.] and the imprisonment of Fan Ch'êng-mo [q. v.] in 1674, Lang was ordered to take the latter's place as governor-general of Fukien. But because that province was in a state of rebellion, he maintained his headquarters with Giyešu [q. v.] at Chin-hua, Chekiang, where he died two years later. He was succeeded by his younger brother, Lang T'ing-hsiang 郎廷相 (d. 1688), who was dismissed in 1678 on a charge of incompetence.

[1/279/4b; 2/5/18a; 9/1/8b; Shêng-ching t'ung-chih (1784) 77/4b; 34/189/33a.]

Fang Chao-ying