3643623Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, Volume 1 — Li Fu-sunArthur W. HummelTu Lien-chê

LI Fu-sun 李富孫 (T. 既汸, H. 薌沚, 畗盦), 1764–1843, scholar, was a native of Kashing (Chia-hsing), Chekiang, whose family was well-known for several generations for its literary achievements. A direct ancestor in the fifth generation, Li Liang-nien 李良年 (T. 武曾, H. 秋錦, 1635–1694), competed in the special po-hsüeh hung-tz'ŭ examination of 1679. Although he was unsuccessful, he became one of the celebrated poets of his time. Li Liang-nien and his elder brother, Li Shêng-yüan 李繩遠 (T. 斯年, H. 尋壑, 1633–1708), and a younger brother, Li Fu 李符 (T. 分虎, H. 耕客, 1639–1689), came to be known collectively as The Three Lis (三李). In like manner Li Fu-sun, together with his elder brother, Li Ch'ao-sun 李超孫 (T. 奉墀, H. a chü-jên of 1795), and a remote counsin, Li Yü-sun 李遇孫 (T. 慶伯, H. 金瀾, 1765–after 1839), a senior licentiate of the third class (yu-kung) in 1798, were known as The Three Younger Lis (小三李) or Three Later Lis (後三李). After 1782 Li Fu-sun studied under Li Yü-sun's grandfather, Li Chi 李集 (T. 繹初, H. 敬堂, 六忍老人, 1716–1794), who was a chin-shih of 1763 and a scholar of considerable repute. Later Li Fu-sun had contacts with such scholars as Lu Wên-ch'ao, Ch'ien Ta-hsin, Wang Ch'ang, and Sun Hsing-yen [qq. v.]. In 1801 he became a senior licentiate of the first class (pa-kung), and in the following year went to Peking with his brother, Li Ch'ao-sun. Upon his return to the south he studied in the Ku-ching Ching-shê, an Academy at Hangchow founded by Juan Yüan [q. v.] when the latter was governor of Chekiang.

In 1804 Li Fu-sun became head of the Li-chêng Shu-yüan 麗正書院 at Chin-hua, Chekiang. Though occupied as a teacher in various places he found time to write on the Classics, on history and on other subjects. His work on the Classic of Changes, entitled 李氏易解賸義 Li-shih i-chieh shêng-i, 3 chüan, also known as 周易集解賸義 Chou-i chi-chieh shêng-i (author's preface dated 1790), is included in several collectanea. Seven other works by Li Fu-sun on the Classics appear in the Huang Ch'ing ching-chieh hsü pien (see under Juan Yüan). His two widely known historical works: 鶴徵錄 Ho-chêng lu, 8 chüan, first printed in 1797, and Ho-chêng hou (後) lu, 12 chüan, first printed in 1807, consist of biographical sketches of all the scholars who competed in the two po-hsüeh hung-tz'ŭ examinations of 1679 and 1736 (see under P'êng Sun-yü and Liu Lun). The Ho-chêng lu was begun by Li Chi and was completed in collaboration with Li Yü-sun. The collected literary works of Li Fu-sun, entitled 校經廎文稿 Chiao-ching ch'ing wên-kao, comprise 8 chüan of verse and 10 of prose. The collection was first printed in 1821.

The other two members of the above-mentioned trio also left works of importance. Li Ch'ao-sun produced a work on the Odes, entitled 詩氏族考 Shih shih-tsu k'ao, 6 chüan, which is included in the Pieh-hsia chai ts'ung-shu (see under Chiang Kuang-hsü) and other collectanea. Li Yü-sun was primarily a student of inscriptions on metal and stone. His 括蒼金石志 Kua-ts'ang chin-shih chih, 12 chüan, first printed in 1834, is a collection of such inscriptions found in the region of Kua-ts'ang, Chekiang, where he officiated as sub-director of schools. His 金石學錄 Chin-shih hsüeh-lu, 4 chüan, consists of some 450 biographical sketches of collectors or students of epigraphy. It has a preface by Li Fu-sun dated 1822, and was first printed in 1824 and later included in the Ku-hsüeh hui-k'an (see under Li Ch'ing).

[1/488/13ab, 14a; 2/69/28ab; Chia-hsing hsien chih (1906) 21/34b, 35b; 3/240/21a (for Li Chi); 梅里備志 Mei-li pei-chih 4/22b, 6/21a.]

Tu Lien-chê