Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bonifacio Jozé d'Andrada e Sylva

1839649Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, Volume II — Bonifacio Jozé d'Andrada e Sylva

ANDRADA E SYLVA, Bonifacio Jozé d', a distinguished Brazilian statesman and naturalist, was born at Villa de Santos, near Rio Janeiro, 1765, and died at Nictheroy, 1838. In 1800 he was appointed professor of geology at Coimbra, where he had studied, and soon after inspector-general of the Portuguese mines ; and, in 1812, he was made perpetual secretary of the Academy of Lisbon. Returning to Brazil in 1819, he urged Dom Pedro to resist the recall of the Lisbon court, and was appointed one of his ministers in 1821. When the independence of Brazil was declared, Audrada was made minister of the interior and of foreign affairs ; and when it was established, he was again elected by the constituent Assembly, but his democratic principles resulted in his dismissal from office, July 1823. On the dissolution of the Assembly in November, he was arrested and banished to France, where he lived in exile near Bordeaux till, in 1829, he was permitted to return to Brazil. But being again arrested, in 1833, and tried for intriguing on behalf of Dom Pedro I., lie passed the rest of his days in retirement. He has left no single work of any length, but a multitude of memoirs, chiefly on mines.