Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Georg Ludwig Hartig

1371199Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, Volume XI — Georg Ludwig Hartig

HARTIG, Georg Ludwig (17641836), a German writer on forestry, was born at Gladenbach near Marburg, 2d September 1764. After obtaining a practical knowledge of forestry from his uncle at Harzburg, he studied from 1781 to 1783 at the university of Giessen. In 1786 he became inspector of forests to the prince of Solms-Braunfels at Hungen in the Wetterau, where he founded a school for the teaching of forestry. After obtaining in 1797 the appointment of inspector of forests to the prince of Orange-Nassau, he continued his school of forestry at Dillenburg, where its attendance considerably increased. On the dissolution of the principality by Napoleon I. in 1805 he lost his situation, but in 1806 he went as chief superintendent of forests to Stuttgart, whence in 1811 he was called to Berlin as principal superintendent of forests under the Prussian Government. There he again opened his institution for instruction in forestry, and succeeded in connecting it with the university of Berlin, where in 1830 he was named honorary professor. He died at Berlin 2d February 1836.

Hartig was the author of a number of valuable works on forestry, new editions of which have been published by his son Theodor. The principal of these works are Lehrbuch für Jäger; Lehrbuch für Förster; Kubiktabellen für geschnittene, beschlagene, und runde Hölzer; and Lexikon für Jäger und Jagdfreunde.