Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Henry Thomas De la Beche

1696710Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, Volume VII — Henry Thomas De la Beche

DE LA BECHE, Henry Thomas (1796–1855), one of the band of enthusiastic workers by whom the science of geology was developed so rapidly in England during the early part of this century, was born in the year 1796. His father, an officer in the army, possessed landed property in Jamaica, but died while his son was still young. The boy accordingly spent his youth with his mother among the interesting and picturesque coast cliffs of the south-west of England, where probably he early imbibed that love for geological pursuits, and cultivated that marked artistic faculty, to which in large measure he owed the high position he ultimately reached. When fourteen years of age, being destined, like his friend Murchison, for the military profession, he entered the college at Great Marlowe, where he specially distinguished himself by the rapidity and skill with which he executed sketches showing the salient features of a district. But this aptitude, which would have been of great service in a soldier s life, was not called forth for warlike purposes. The peace of 1815 changed the career of many young aspirants for military distinction, and among them De la Beche. Instead of pursuing the calling he had chosen, he began to devote himself with ever- increasing assiduity to the pursuit of geology. When only twenty-one years of age he joined the Gealogical Society of London, continuing throughout life to be one of its most active, useful, and honoured members. Possessing a for tune sufficient for the gratification of his tastes, he visited many localities of geological interest in Britain, and spent some time on the Continent studying features in the geology and physical geography of France and Switzerland. His journeys seldom failed to bear fruit in suggestive notes, papers, or sketches. Early attachment to the south-west of England led him back to that region, where, with augmented power from enlarged experience and reflection, he began the detailed investigation of the rocks of Cornwall and Devon. Thrown much into contact with the mining community of that part of the country, he conceived the idea that the nation ought to compile a geological map of the United Kingdom, and collect and preserve specimens to illustrate, and perhaps even to aid in further developing, its mineral industries. He showed his skilful management of affairs by inducing the Government of the day to recognize his work and give him an appointment in connection with the Ordnance Survey. This formed the starting-point of the present Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Year by year increasing stores of valuable specimens were transmitted to London ; for De la Beche enlisted the sym pathy and co-operation of the mining authorities of Corn wall and Devon. At last the building where the young Museum of Economic Geology was placed became too small. But De la Beche, having seen how fruitful his first idea had become, determined to use all his persuasion to prevail on the authorities not merely to provide a large structure, but to widen the whole scope of the scientific establishment of which he was the head, so as to impart to it the character of a great educational institution where practical as well as theoretical instruction should be given in every branch of science necessary for the conduct of mining work. In this endeavour he was again successful. Parliament sanctioned the erection of a museum in Jermyn Street, London, and the organization of a staff of professors with laboratories and other appliances. The establishment was opened in 1851. The Geological Survey also, which had grown up under his care, no longer under the Ordnance Department, received a new organization and an increase to its staff. To De la Beche belongs the high praise of having entirely originated and developed this important branch of the public service. Many foreign countries have since formed geological surveys avowedly based upon the organization and experience of that of the United Kingdom. The British colonies, also, have in many instances established similar surveys for the development of their mineral resources, and have had recourse to the parent survey for advice and for officers to conduct the operations. De la Beche was an able mineralogist as well as an admirable field-geologist. He published numerous memoirs on English geology in the Transactions of the Geological Society of London, as well as in the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. He likewise wrote a valuable text-book of geology, and a work of singular breadth and clearness Researches in Theoretical Geology in which he enunciated a philosophical treatment of geological questions much in advance of his time. An early volume, How to Observe in Geology, was rewritten and enlarged by him late in life, and published under the title of The Geological Observer. It was marked by wide practical experience, multifarious knowledge, philosophical insight, and a genius for artistic delineation of geological phenomena. He received from many foreign societies recognition of his services to science, and at the close of his life was awarded the Wollaston medal the highest honour in the gift of the Geological Society of London. After a life of constant activity he began to suffer from partial paralysis, but, though becoming gradually worse, continued able to transact his official business until a few days before his death, which took place on 13th April 1855.