Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Khairábád

KHAIRÁBÁD, or Khyrabad, the chief town of Sitápur district, Oudh, India, situated 5 miles south of Sitápur civil station and cantonment, 27° 31′ 30″ N. lat., 80° 47′ 35″ E. long. It is the fifth largest town in Oudh, with a population in 1869 of 15,677, made up of Hindus and Mohammedans in about equal numbers. The town contains forty mosques and thirty Hindu temples, besides a beautiful group of sacred Mohammedan buildings. A large fair is held here in January, lasting ten days, and attended by an average of 60,000 persons. A second fair is held at the Daschára festival, attended by about 15,000 persons. The annual value of bázár sales is about £34,000.