Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Talavera de la Reina

2596528Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, Volume XXIII — Talavera de la Reina

TALAVERA de la Reina, a town of Spain, in the province of Toledo, is situated on the right bank of the Tagus, and on the railway from Madrid to Caceres, some 40 miles below Toledo and 64 miles south-east from Madrid. It was formerly surrounded by a triple circumvallation, portions of which still remain. It has no buildings of special interest, and its commerce and manufactures are inconsiderable. The population within the municipal limits in 1877 was 10,029.

Talavera is the birthplace (1536) of Mariana the historian. Wellington overcame a superior French force here on July 27–28, 1809.