2033910Englishmen in the French Revolution — end matterJohn Goldworth Alger


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September, 1888.

A Selection from the List of Books


ABBOTT (C. C.) Poaetquissings Chronicle. 10s. 6d.
——Waste Land Wanderings. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Abney (W. de W.) and Cunningham. Pioneers of the Alps.
With photogravure portraits of guides. Imp. 8vo, gilt top, 21s.
Adam (G. Mercer) and Wetherald, An Algonquin Maiden.
Crown 8vo, 5s.
Adams (C K.) Manual of Historical Literature. Cr. 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Agassiz (A.) Three Cruises of the Blake. Illustrated. 2 vols.,
8vo, 42s.
Alcott, Works of the late Miss Louisa May Alcott:—
Eight Cousins. Illustrated, 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Jack and Jill. Illustrated, 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Jo's Boys. 5s.
Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore, &c. Illustrated, cloth, 2s.; gilt edges,
3s. 6d.
Little Men. Double vol., 2s.; cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.

Little Women. 1s.
Little Women Wedded, 1s.

    1 vol., cloth, 2s.; larger ed., gilt

edges, 3s. 6d.

Old-fashioned Girl. 2s.; cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 6d.
Rose in Bloom. 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Silver Pitchers. Cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
Under the Lilacs. Illustrated, 2s.; cloth gilt, 5s.

Work: a Story of Experience. 1s.
——Its Sequel, "Beginning Again." 1s. )

    1 vol., cloth, gilt

edges, 3s. 6d.

Alden (W. L.) Adventures of Jimmy Brown, written by himself
Illustrated. Small crown 8vo, cloth, 2s.
Aldrich (T. B.) Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book, &c, 3s. 6d.
Alford {Lady Marian) Needlework as Art. With over 100
Woodcuts, Photogravures, &c. Royal 8vo, 21s.; large paper, 84s.
Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale: Three Weeks' Holiday
in 1884. By E. M. is. 6d.; boards, is.; large paper, 51s.
Andersen. Fairy Tales. An entirely new Translation. With
over 500 Illustrations by Scandinavian Artists. Small 4to, 6s.
Anderson (W.) Pictorial Arts of Japan. With 80 full-page
and other Plates, 16 of them in Colours. Large imp. 4to, £8. 8s. (in
four folio parts, £2. 2s. each); Artists' Proofs, £12 12s.
Angler's Strange Experiences (An). By Cotswold Isys. With
numerous Illustrations, 4to, 5s. New Edition, 3s. 6d.
Angling. See Amateur, "British," "Cutcliffe," "Fennell,"
"Halford," " Hamilton," "Martin," "Orvis," " Pennell," " Pritt,"
"Senior," "Stevens," "Theakston," "Walton," "Wells," and
Annals of the Life of Shakespeare, from the most recent authorities.
Fancy boards, 2s.
Annesley (C.) Standard Opera Glass, Detailed Plots of 80
Operas. Small 8vo, sewed, 1s. 6d.
Antipodean Notes, collected on a Nine Months Tour round the
World. By Wanderer, Author of "Fair Diana." Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Appleton. European Guide. 2 Parts, 8vo, 10s. each.
Armytage (Hon, Mrs.) Wars of Victorians Reign. 5s.
Art Education. See "Biographies," "D'Anvers," "Illustrated
Text Books," "Mollett's Dictionary."
Artistic Japan. Illustrated with Coloured Plates. Monthly.
Royal 4to, 2s.
Attwell (Prof.) The Italian Masters. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Audsley (G. A.) Handbook of the Organ. Top edge gilt, 42s.;
large paper, 84s.
—— Ornamental Arts of Japan. 90 Plates, 74 in Colours
and Gold, with General and Descriptive Text 2 vols., folio, £15 15s,;
in specially designed leather, £23 2s.
—— The Art of Chromo-Lithography. Coloured Plates
and Text. Folio, 63s.
—— and Tomkinson. Ivory and Wood Carvings of Japan.
84s. Artists' proofs (100), 168s.
Auerbach (B.) Brigitta. (B. Tauchnitz Collection.) 2s.
—— On the Heights. 3 vols., 6s.
—— Spinoza. 2 vols., 18mo, 4s.

BADDELEY (S.) Tchay and Chianti. Small 8vo, 5s.
Baldwin {James) Story of Siegfried. 6s.
—— Story of the Golden Age. Illustrated by Howard
Pyle. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Baldwin (James) Story of Roland. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Bamford (A. J.) Turbans and Tails. Sketches in the Unromantic
East. Crown 8vo, £1. 6d.
Barlow (Alfred) Weaving by Hand and by Power. With
several hundred Illustrations. Third Edition, royal 8vo, £1 5s.
Barlow (P. W.) Kaipara, Experiences of a Settler in N. New
Zealand. Illust., crown 8vo, 6s.Barrow (J.) Mountain Ascents in Cumberland and Westmorland.
Crown 8vo, 7s, 6d.; new edition, 5s.
Bassett (F. S.) Legends and Superstitions of the Sea. 7s. 6d.


Edited by the late J. Hain Friswell.

Comprising Pleasure Books of Literature produced in the Choicest Style.

"We can hardly imagine better books for boys to read or for men to ponder
Price 2s. 6d. each Volume, complete in itself, flexible cloth extra, gilt edges,
with silk Headbands and Registers.

The Story of the Chevalier Bayard.
Joinville's St. Louis of France.
The Essays of Abraham Cowley.
Abdallah. By Edouard Laboullaye.
Napoleon, Table-Talk and Opinions.
Words of Wellington.
Johnson's Rasselas. With Notes.
Hazlitt's Round Table.
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&c. By Sir Thomas Browne, Knt.
Coleridge's Christabel, &c. With
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Ballad Poetry of the Affections. By
Robert Buchanan.

Lord Chesterfield's Letters, Sentences,
and Maxims. With Essay
by Sainte-Beuve.
The King and the Commons. Cavelier
and Puritan Songs.
Vathek. By William Beckford.
Essays in Mosaic. By Ballantyne.
My Uncle Toby; his Story and
his Friends. By P. Fitzgerald.
Reflections of Rochefoucauld.
Socrates: Memoirs for English
Readers from Xenophon's Memorabilia.
By Edw. Levien.
Prince Albert's Golden Precepts.

A Case containing 12 Volumes, price 31s 6d; or the Case separately, price 3s. 6d.

Baynes (Canon) Hymns and other Verses. Crown 8vo, sewed,
1s; cloth, 1s. 6d.
Beaugrand (C) Walks Abroad of Two Young Naturalists.
By D. Sharp. Illust., 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Beecher (H. W.) Authentic Biography and Diary. [Preparing
Behnke and Browne. Child's Voice: its Treatment with regard
to After Developmert. Small 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Beyschlag. Female Costume Figures of various Centuties. 12
reproductions of pastel designs in portfolio, imperial. 21s.
Bickersteth (Bishop E. H.) Clergyman in his Home. 1s.
—— Evangelical Churchmanship. 1s.
Bickersteth (Bishop E. H.) From Year to Year: Original
Poetical Pieces. Small post 8vo, 3s. 6d.; roan, 6s. and 5s.; calf or
morocco, 10s. 6d.
——The Master's Home-Call. 20th Thous. 32mo, cloth
gilt, 1s.
——The Master's Will. A Funeral Sermon preached on
the Death of Mrs. S. Gurney Buxton. Sewn, 6d.; cloth gilt, 1s.
—— The Reef, and other Parables. Crown 8vo, 2s, 6d.
—— Shadow of the Rock. Select Religious Poetry. 2s. 6d.
—— The Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond. 5s.
Bigelow (John) France, and the Confederate Navy. An International
Episode. 7s. 6d.
Biographies of the Great Artists (Illustrated). Crown 8vo,
emblematical binding, 3s. 6d. per volume, except where the price is given.

Claude le Lorrain, by Owen J. Dullea.
Correggio, by M. E. Heaton. 2s. 6d.
Delia Robbia and Cellini. 2s. 6d.
Albrecht Dürer, by R. F. Heath.
Figure Painters of Holland.
FraAngelico,Masaccio,and Botticelli.
Fra Bartolommeo, Albertinelli, and
Andrea del Sarto.
Gainsborough and Constable.
Ghiberti and Donatello. 2s. 6d.
Giotto, by Harry Quilter.
Hans Holbein, by Joseph Cundall.
Hogarth, by Austin Dobson.
Landseer, by F. G. Stevens.
Lawrence and Romney, by Lord
Ronald Gower. 2s. 6d.
Leonardo da Vinci.
Little Masters of Germany, by W.
B. Scott.

Mantegna and Francia.
Meissonier, by J. W. Mollett. 2s. 6d.
Michelangelo Buonarotti, by Clément.
Murillo, by Ellen E. Minor. 2s. 6d.
Overbeck, by J. B. Atkinson.
Raphael, by N. D'Anvers.
Rembrandt, by J. W. Mollett.
Reynolds, by F. S. Pulling.
Rubens, by C. W. Rett.
Tintoretto, by W. R. Osier.
Titian, by R. F. Heath.
Turner, by Cosmo Monkhouse.
Vandyck and Hals, by P. R.
Velasquez, by E. Stowe.
Vernet and Delaroche, by J. Rees.
Watteau, by J. W. Mollett. 2s. 6d.
Wilkie, by J. W. Mollett.

Bird (F. J.) American Practical Dyer's Companion. 8vo, 42s.
—— (H. E.) Chess Practice. 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Black (Robert) Horse Pacing in France: a History. 8vo, 14s.
Black (Wm.) Novels. See "Low's Standard Library."
—— Strange Adventures of a House-Boat. 3 vols., 31s. 6d.
—— In Far Lochaber. 3 vols., crown 8vo., 31s. 6d.
Blackburn (Charles F.) Hints on Catalogue Titles and Index
Entries, with a Vocabulary of Terms and Abbreviations, chiefly from
Foreign Catalogues. Royal 8vo, 14s.
Blackburn (Henry) Breton Folk. With 171 Illust. by Randolph
Caldecott. Imperial 8vo, gilt edges, 21s.; plainer binding, 10s. 6d.
—— Pyrenees. Illustrated by Gustave Doré, corrected
to l881. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. See also Caldecott.
Blachmore (R. D.) Loma Doom. Edition deluxe. Crown 4to,
very numerous Illustrations, cloth, gilt edges, 3Is. 6d. parchment,
uncut, top gilt, 35s.; new issue, plainer, 21s.; small post 8vo, 6s.
—— Novels. See "Low's Standard Library."
—— Springhaven. Illust. by Parsons and Barnard. Sq.
8vo, 12s.
Blaikie (William) How to get Strong and how to Stay so.
Rational, Physical, Gymnastic, &c., Exercises. Illust., sm. post. 8vo, 5s.
——— Sound Bodies for our Boys and Girls. 16mo, 2s. 6d.
Bonwick. British Colonies. Asia, 1s.; Africa, 1s. America,
1s.; Australasia, 1s. One vol., cloth, 5s.
Bosanquet (Rev. C.) Blossoms from the King's Garden: Sermons
for Children. 2nd Edition, small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.
—— Jehoshaphat; or, Sunlight and Clouds, 1s.
Boussenard (L.) Crusoes of Guiana. Gilt, 2s. 6d.; gilt ed , 3s. 6d.
—— Gold-seekers. Sequel to the above. Illust. 16mo, 5s.
Boyesen (F.) Story of Norway. Illustrated, sm. 8vo, 7s. 6d
Boyesen (H. H.) Modern Vikings: Stories of Life and Sport
in Norseland. Cr. 8vo, 6s.
Boys Froissart. King Arthur, Knightly Legends of Wales.
Percy. See Lanier.
Bradshaw (J.) New Zealand of To-doy, 1884–87. 8vo.
Brannt (W. T.) Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils. 244
Illust., 8vo, 35s.
—— Manufacture of Soap and Candles, with many Formulas.
Illust., 8vo, 35s.
—— Metallic Alloys, Chiefly from the German of Krupp
and Wilberger. Crown 8vo, I2s. 6d.
Bright (John) Public Letters. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Brisse (Baron) Ménus (366). A ménu, in French and English,
for every Day in the Year. 2nd Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s.
British Fisheries Directory. Small 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Brittany. See Blackburn.
Browne (G. Lennox) Voice Use and Stimulants, Sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d.
—— and Behnke {Emit) Voice, Song, and Speech. N. ed., 5s.
Bryant (W. C.) and Gay (S. H.) History of the United States.
4 vols., royal 8vo, profusely Illustrated, 60s.
Bryce (Rev. Professor) Manitoba. Illust. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
—— Short History of the Canadian People. 7s. 6d.
Burnaby (Capt.) On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols.,
8vo, 38s. Cheaper Edition, 1 vol., crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Burnaby (Mrs. F.) High Alps in Winter; or, Mountaineering
in Search of Health. With Illustrations, &c., 14s. See also Main.
Burnley (J.) History of Wool and Woolcombing. Illust. 8vo, 21s.
Burton (Sir R. F.) Early, Public, and Private Life. Edited
by F. Hitchman. 2 vols., 8vo, 36s.
Butler (Sir W. F.) Campaign of the Cataracts. Illust., 8vo, 18s.
—— Invasion of England, told twenty years after. 2s. 6d.
—— Red Cloud; or, the Solitary Sioux. Imperial 16mo,
numerous illustrations, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.; plainer binding, 2s. 6d.
—— The Great Lone Land; Red River Expedition. 7s. 6d.
—— The Wild North Land; the Story of a Winter Journey
with Dogs across Northern North America. 8vo, 18s. Cr. 8vo, 7s. 6d.

CABLE (G. W.) Bonaventure: A Prose Pastoral of Acadian
Louisiana. Sm. post 8vo, 5s.
Cadogan (Lady A.) Illustrated Games of Patience. Twenty-four
Diagrams in Colours, with Text. Fcap. 4to, 12s. 6d.
—— New Games of Patience. Coloured Diagrams, 4to, 12s,6d.
Caldecott (Randolph) Memoir. By Henry Blackburn. With
170 Examples of the Artist's Work. 14s.; large paper, 21s.
California. See Nordhoff.
Callan (H.) Wanderings on Wheel and on Foot. Cr. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Campbell (Lady Colin) Book of the Running Brook: and of
Still Waters. 5s.
Canadian People: Short History. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Carleton (Will) Farm Ballads, Farm Festivals, and Farm
Legends. Paper boards, 1s. each; 1 vol., small post 8vo, 3s. 6d.
—— City Ballads. Illustrated, 12. 6d. New Ed. (Rose
Library), 16mo, 1s.
Carnegie (A.) American Four-in-Hand in Britain. Small
4to, Illustrated, 10s. 6d. Popular Edition, paper, 1s.
—— Round the World. 8vo, 10s. 6d.
—— Triumphant Democracy. 6s.; also 1s. 6d. and 1s.
Chairman's Handbook. By R. F. D. Palgrave. 5th Edit., 2s.
Changed Cross, &c. Religious Poems. 16mo, 2s. 6d.; calf, 6s.
Chaplin (J. G.) Three Principles of Book-keeping. 2s. 6d.
Charities of London. See Low's.
Chattock (R. S.) Practical Notes on Etching. New Ed. 8vo,
10s. 6d.
Chess. See Bird (H. E.). Children's Praises. Hymns for Sunday-Schools and Services.
Compiled by Louisa H. H. Tristram. 4d.
Choice Editions of Choice Books. 2s. 6d. each. Illustrated by
C. W. Cope, R.A., T. Creswick, R.A., E. Duncan, Birket
Foster, J. C. Horsley, A.R.A., G. Hicks, R. Redgrave, R.A.,
C. Stonehouse, F. Tayler, G. Thomas, H. J. Townshend,
E. H. Wehnert, Harrison Weir, &c.

Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy.
Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.
Coleridge's Ancient Mariner.
Goldsmith's Deserted Village.
Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield.
Gray's Elegy in a Churchyard.
Keat's Eve of St. Agnes.

Milton's L' Allegro.
Poetry of Nature. Harrison Weir.
Rogers' (Sam.) Pleasures of Memory.
Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets.
Tennyson's May Queen.
Elizabethan Poets.
Wordsworth's Pastoral Poems.

"Such works are a glorious beatification for a poet."— Athenœum.

Chreiman (Miss) Physical Culture of Women. A Lecture at the
Parkes Museum. Small 8vo, 1s.
Christ in Song. By Philip Schaff. New Ed, gilt edges, 6s.
Chromo-Lithography. See Audsley.
Cochran ( W.) Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor. lllust., 8vo, 21s.
Collingwood (Harry) Under the Meteor Flag. The Log of a
Midshipman. Illustrated, small post 8vo, gilt, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d
—— Voyage of the"Aurora." Gilt, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
Cook (Button) Book of the Play. New Edition, 1 vol., 3s. 6d.
—— On the Stage: Studies. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, 24s.
Cowen (Jos. J M.P.) Life and Speeches. 8vo, 14s.
Cowper (W.) Poetical Works: A Concordance. Roy. 8vo, 21s.
Cozzens (F.) American Yachts. 27 Plates, 22 x 28 inches.
Proofs, £21; Artist's Proofs, £31; 10s.
Crew (B.J.) Practical Treatise on Petroleum. Illust., 8vo, 28s.
Crouch (A. P.) On a Surf-bound Coast. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Crown Prince of Germany: a Diary. 2s. 6d.
Cudworth (W.) Life and Correspondence of Abraham Sharp.
Illustrated from Drawings. (To Subscribers, 21s.) 26s.
Cumberland (Stuart) Thought Reader's Thoughts. Cr. 8vo., 10s. 6d.
—— Queen's Highway from Ocean to Ocean. III., 8vo, 18s.;
new ed., 7s. 6d.
Cundall (Joseph) Annals of the Life and Work of Shakespeare.
With a List of Early Editions. 3s. 6d.; large paper, 5s.; also 2s.
—— Remarkable Bindings in the British Museum.
Curtis (W. E.) Capitals of Spanish America. Illust., roy. 8vo.
Cushing (W.) Initials and Pseudonyms. Large 8vo, 25s.;
second series, large 8vo, 2s.
Custer (Eliz. B.) Tenting on the Plains; Gen, Custer in Kansas
and Texas. Royal 8vo, 18s.
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De Leon (E.) Under the Stars and under the Crescent. N. ed., 6s.
Dethroning Shakspere. Letters to the Daily Telegraph; and
Editorial Papers. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Dictionary. See Tolhausen, "Technological."
Dogs in Disease. By Ashmont. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Donnelly (Ignatius) Atlantis; or, the Antediluvian World.
7th Edition, crown 8vo, I2s. 6d.
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Educational Works published in Great Britain. A Classified
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Broads. Plates 12 x 8 inches, 126s.; large paper, 210s.
English Catalogue of Books, Vol. III., 1872–1880. Royal
8vo, half-morocco, 42s. See also "Index."
English Etchings. Published Quarterly. 35s. 6d. Vol. VI., 25s.
English Philosophers. Edited by E. B. Ivan Mūller. M.A.
Crown 8vo volumes of 180 or 200 pp., price 3s. 6d. each.

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Farm Ballads, Festivals, and Legends. See Carleton.
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Fenn (G. Manville) Off to the Wilds: A Story for Boys.
Profusely Illustrated. Crown 8vo, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
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Fennell (Greville) Book of the Roach. New Edition, 12mo, 2s.
Ferns. See Heath.
Field (H. M.) Greek Islands and Turkey after the War. 8s. 6d.
Field {Mrs. Horace) Anchorage. 2 vols., crown 8vo, 12s.
Fields (J.T.) Yesterdays with Authors. New Ed., 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Fitzgerald (P.) Book Fancier. Cr. 8vo. 5s.; large pap. 12s. 6d.
Fleming (Sandford) England and Canada: a Tour. Cr. 8vo, 6s.
Florence. See Yriarte.
Folkard (R. Jun.) Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. 8vo, 16s.
Forbes (H. O.) Naturalist in the Eastern Archipelago. 8vo. 16s.
Foreign Countries and British Colonies. Cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d. each.

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Marian; or. The Light of Some
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Freeman (J.) Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life, Cr. 8vo.
French. See Julien and Porcher.
Fresh Woods and Pastures New. By the Author of "An
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Froissart. See Lanier.
Fuller (Edward) Fellow Travellers. 3s. 6d.
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London Season, by W. ARCHER. Crown 8vo. GANE (D. N) New South Wales and Victoria in 1885. 5s.
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Grant (General, U.S.) Personal Memoirs. 2 vols., 8vo, 28s.
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English Church Composers.
Richard Wagner.

Groves (J. Percy) Charmouth Grange. Gilt, 5s.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
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Irving (Washington). Library Edition of his Works in 27 vols.,
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Daisies and Buttercups. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell.
The Senior Partner. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell.
A Struggle for Fame. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell.
Frozen Pirate. By W. Clark Russell.
Jack's Courtship. By W. Clark Russell.
John Holdsworth. By W. Clark Russell.
A Sailor's Sweetheart. By W. Clark Russell.
Sea Queen. By W. Clark Russell.
Watch Below. By W. Clark Russell.
Strange Voyage. By W. Clark Russell.
Wreck of the Grosvenor. By W. Clark Russell.
The Lady Maud. By W. Clark Russell.
Little Loo. By W. Clark Russell.
Bee-man of Orn. By Frank R. Stockton.
My Wife and I. By Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe. Low's Standard Novels—continued.
The Late Mrs. Null. By Frank R. Stockton.
Hundredth Man. By Frank R. Stockton.
Old Town Folk. By Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe.
We and our Neighbours. By Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe.
Poganue People, their Loves and Lives. By Mrs. Stowe.
Ulu: an African Romance. By Joseph Thomson.
Ben Hur: a Tale of the Christ. By Lew. Wallace.
Anne. By Constance Fenimore Woolson.
East Angrels. By Constance Fenimore Woolson.
For the Major. By Constance Fenimore Woolson. 5s.
French Heiress in her own Chateau.
Low's Series of Standard Books for Boys. With numerous
Illustrations, 2s. 6d.; gilt edges, 3s, 6d. each.
Dick Cheveley. By W. H. G. Kingston.
Heir of Kilfinnan. By W. H. G. Kingston.
Off to the Wilds. By G. Manville Fenn.
The Two Supercargoes. By W. H. G. Kingston.
The Silver Cañon. By G. Manville Fenn.
Under the Meteor Flag. By Harry Collingwood.
Jack Archer: a Tale of the Crimea. By G. A. Henty.
The Mutiny on Board the Ship Leander. By B. Heldmann.
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The Voyage of the Aurora. By Harry Collingwood.
Charmouth Grange: a Tale of the 17th Century. By J.
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The Son of the Constable of France. By Louis Rousselet.
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Edited by W. H. G. Kingston.
The Cornet of Horse, a Tale of Marlborough's Wars. By
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The Adventures of Captain Mago. By Leon Cahun.
Noble Words and Noble Needs.
The King of the Tigers. By Rousselet.
Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates. By Mrs. Dodge.
The Drummer-Boy, a Story of the time of Washington. By
Adventures in New Guinea: The Narrative of Louis Tregance.
The Crusoes of Guiana. By Boussenard.
The Gold Seekers. A Sequel to the Above. By Boussenard.
Winning His Spurs, a Tale of the Crusades. By G. A. Henty.
The Blue Banner. By Leon Cahun.
Low's Pocket Encyclopædia: a Compendium of General Knowledge
for Ready Reference. Upwards of 25,000 References, with
Plates. New ed., imp. 32mo, cloth, marbled edges, 3s. 6d.; roan, 4s. 6d. Low's Handbook to London Charities. Yearly, cloth, 1s. 6d.;

MCCORMICK (R.). Voyages in the Arctic and Antarctic
Seas in Search of Sir John Franklin, &c. With Maps and Lithos.
2 vols., royal 8vo, 52s. 6d.
Mac Donald (George). See Low's Standard Novels.
Macdowall (Alex, B.) Curve Pictures of London for the Social
Reformer. 1s.
McGoun's Commercial Correspondence. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Macgregor (John) "Rob Roy" on the Baltic. 3rd Edition,
small post 8vo, 2.s. 6d.; cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
—— A Thousand Miles in the "Rob Roy" Canoe. 11nth
Edition, small post 8vo, 2s. 6d.; cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
—— Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy." New Edition,
with additions, small post 8vo, 5s.; 3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d.
Mackay (C) Glossary of Obscure Words in Shakespeare. 21s.
Mackenzie (Sir Morell) Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble.
Crown 8vo, limp cloth, 2s. 6d.
Mackenzie (Rev, John) Austral Africa: Losing it or Ruling it?
Illustrations and Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, 32s.
McLellan's Own Story: The War for the Union. Illust. 18s.
McMurdo (Edward) History of Portugal. 8vo, 21s.
Macquoid (Mrs.). See Low's Standard Novels.
Magazine. See English Etchings, Harper.
Maginn (W.) Miscellanies. Prose and Verse. With Memoir.
2 vols., crown 8vo, 24s.
Main (Mrs.; Mrs. Fred Burnaby) High Life and Towers of
Silence. Illustrated, square 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Manitoba. See Bryce.
Manning (E. F.) Delightful Thames. Illustrated. 4to, fancy
boards, 5s.
Markham (Clements R.) The Fighting Veres, Sir F. and Sir H.
8vo, 18s.
—— War between Peru and Chili, 1879–1881. Third Ed.
Crown 8vo, with Maps, lOs. 6d.—— See also "Foreign Countries," Maury, and Veres.
Marshall (W. G.) Through America. New Ed., cr. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Marston (W.) Eminent Recent Actors, Reminiscences Critical,
&c. 2 vols. Crown 7vo, 21s.
Martin (J. W.) Float Fishing and Spinning in Nottingham
Style. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. Matthews (J. W., M.D.) Incwadi Yami: Twenty years in
South Africa. With many Engavings, royal 8vo, 14s.
Maury (Commander) Physical Geography of the Sea, and its
Meteorology. New Edition, with Charts and Diagrams, cr. 8vo, 6s.
—— Life. By his Daughter. Edited by Mr. Clements R.
MARKHAM. With portrait of Maury. 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Men of Mark: Portraits of the most Eminent Men of the Day.
Complete in 7 Vols., 4to, handsomely bound, gilt edges, 25s. each.
Mendelssohn Family (The), 1729–1847. From Letters and
Journals. Translated. New Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 30s.
Mendelssohn. See also "Great Musicians."
Merrifield's Nautical Astronomy. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
Merry lees (J.) Carlsbad and its Environs. 7s. 6d.; roan, 9s.
Milford (P.) Ned Stafford's Experiences in the United States. 5s.
Mills (J.) Alternative Elementary Chemistry. Illust., cr. 8vo.
—— Alernative Course in Physics.
Mitchell (D. G.; Ik. Marvel) Works. Uniform Edition,
small 8vo, 5s. each.
Bound together.
Doctor Johns.
Dream Life.
Out-of-Town Places.
Reveries of a Bachelor.
Seven Stories, Basement and Attic.
Wet Days at Edgcwood.

Mitford (Mary Russell) Our Village. With 12 full-page and 157
smaller Cuts. Cr. 4to, cloth, gilt edges, 21s. cheaper binding, 10s. 6d.
Moffatt (W.) Land and Work; Depression, Agricultural and
Commercial. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Mohammed Benani: A Story of To-day. 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Mollett (J. W.) Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and
Archaeology. Illustrated, small 4to, 15s.
Moloney (Governor) Forestry of West Africa. 10s. 6d.
Money (E.) The Truth about America. New Edition. 2s. 6d.
Morlands, The. A Tale of Anglo-Indian Life. By Author of
"Sleepy Sketches." Crown 8vo, 6s.
Morley (Henry) English Literature in the Reign of Victoria.
2000th volume of the Tauchnitz Collection of Authors. i8mo, 2s. 6d.
Mormonism. See "Stenhouse."
Morse (E. S.) Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. With
more than 300 Illustrations. Re-issue, 10s. 6d.
Morten (Honnor) Sketches of Hospital Life. Cr. 8vo, sewed, 1s.
Morwood. Our Gipsies in City, Tent, and Van. 8vo, i8s.
Moxon (Walter) Pilocereus Senilis. Fcap. 8vo, gilt top, 3s. 6d.
Muller (E.) Noble Words and Noble Deeds. Illustrated, gilt
edges, 3s. 6d.; plainer binding, 2s. 6d. Murray (E. C. Grenville) Memoirs. By his widow. 2 vols.
Musgrave (Mrs.) Miriam. Crown 8vo.
Music. See "Great Musicians."

NAPOLEON and Marie Louise: Memoirs. By Madame
DURAND. 7s. 6d.
Nethercote (C. B.) Pytchley Hunt. New Ed., cr. 8vo, 8s, 6d.
New Zealand. See Bradshaw.
New Zealand Rulers and Statesmen. See Gisborne.
Nichoils (J. H. Kerry) The King Country: Explorations in
New Zealand. Many Illustrations and Map. New Edition, 8vo, 21s.
Nisbet (Hume) Life and Nature Studies. With Etching by
C. O. MURRAY. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Nordhoff (C.) California, for Health, Pleasure, and Residence.
New Edition, 8vo, with Maps and Illustrations, 12s. 6d.
Norman (C. B.) Corsairs of France. With Portraits. 8vo, 18s.
Northbrook Gallery. Edited by Lord Ronald Gower. 36 Permanent
Photographs. Imperial 4to, 63s.; large paper, 105s.
Nott (Major) Wild Animals Photographed and Described. 35s.
Nursery Playmates (Prince of). 217 Coloured Pictures for
Children by eminent Artists. Folio, in coloured boards, 6s.
Nursing Record. Yearly, 8s, half-yearly, 4s. 6d.; quarterly,
2s. 6d. weekly, 2d.

OBRIEN (R. B.) Fifty Years of Concessions to Ireland.
With a Portrait of T. Drummond. Vol. I., 16s., II., l6s.
Orient Line Guide Book. By W. J. Loftie. 5s.
Orvis (C. F.) Fishing with the Fly. Illustrated. 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Osborne (Duffield) Spell of Ashtaroth. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Our Little Ones in Heaven. Edited by the Rev. H. Robbins.
With Frontispiece after Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS. New Edition, 5s.
Owen (Douglas) Marine Insurance Notes and Clauses. New
Edition, 14s.

PALLISER (Mrs.) A History of Lace. New Edition, with
additional cuts and text. 8vo, 21s.
—— The China Collector's Pocket Companion. With upwards
of 1000 Illustrations of Marks and Monograms. Small 8vo, 5s.
Parkin (J.) Antidotal Treatment of Epidemic Cholera. 3s. 6d.
—— Epidemiology in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdom.
Part I., crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.; Part II., 3s. 6d.
—— Volcanic Origin of Epidemics. Popular Edition,
crown 8vo, 2s. Payne (T. O.) Solomon's Temple and Capitol, Ark of the Flood
and Tabernacle (four sections at 24s.), extra binding, 105s.
Pennell (H. Cholmondeley) Sporting Fish of Great Britain.
15s.; large paper, 30s.
—— Modern Improvements in Fishing-tackle. Crown 8vo, 2s.
Perelaer (M. T. H.) Ran Away from the Dutch; Borneo, &c.
Illustrated, square 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 8vo, 21s.
Philpot (H.J.) Diabetes Mellitus. Crown 8vo, 5s.
—— Diet System. Tables. I. Diabetes; II. Gout;
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Plunkett (Major G. T.) Primer of Orthographic Projection.
Elementary Solid Geometry. With Problems and Exercises. 2s. 6d.
Poe (E. A.) The Raven. Illustr. by Dore. Imperial folio, 63s.
Poems of the Inner Life. Chiefly Modern. Small 8vo, 5s.
Polar Expeditions. See McCormick.
Porcher (A.) Juvenile French Plays. With Notes and a
Vocabulary. 18mo, 5s.
Porter (Admiral David D.) Naval History of Civil War.
Portraits, Plans, &c. 4to, 25s.
Porter (Noah) Elements of Moral Science. 10s. 6d.
Portraits of Celebrated Pace-horses of the Past and Present
Centuries, with Pedigrees and Performances. 4 vols., 4to, 126s.
Powles (L. D.) Land of the Pink Pearl: Life in the Bahamas.
8vo, 10s. 6d.
Poynter (Edward J., R.A.). See "Illustrated Text-books."
Pritt (T. E.) North Country Flies. Illustrated from the
Author's Drawings, 10s. 6d.
Publisher' Circular (The), and General Record of British and
Foreign Literature. Published on the 1st and 15th of every Month, 3s.
Pyle (Howard) Otto of the Silver Hand. Illustrated by the
Author. 8vo, 8s. 6d.

RAMBAUD. History of Russia. New Edition, Illustrated.
3 vols., 8vo, 21s.
Reber. History of Mediceval Art. Translated by Clarke.
422 Illustrations and Glossary. 8vo.
Redford (G. ) Ancient Sculpture. New Ed. Crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Ried (Sir E. J., M.P.) and Simpson. Modern Ships of War.
lllust., royal 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Richards (W.) Aluminium: its History, Occurrence, &c.
Illustrated, crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. Richter (Dr. Jean Paul) Italian Art in the National Gallery.
4to. Illustrated. Cloth gilt, £2 2s. half-morocco, uncut, £2 12s. 6d.
—— See also Leonardo da Vinci.
Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) See Low's Standard Novels.
Robertson (Anne J.) Myself and my Relatives. New Edition,
crown 8vo, 5s.
Robin Hood; Merry Adventures of. Written and illustrated
by HOWARD PYLE. Imperial 8vo, 15s.
Robinson (Phil.) In my Indian Garden. New Edition, 16mo,
limp cloth, 2s.
—— Noah's Ark. Unnatural History. Sm. post 8vo, 12s. 6d.
—— Sinners and Saints: a Tour across the United States of
America, and Round them. Crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.
—— Under the Punkah. New Ed., cr. 8vo, limp cloth, 2s.
Rockstro (W. S.) History of Music. New Edition. 8vo, 14s.
Roland, The Story of. Crown 8vo, illustrated, 6s.
Rolfe (Eustace Neville) Pompeii, Popular and Practical. Cr.
8vo, 7s. 6d.
Rome and the Environs. With plans, 3s.
Rose (J.) Complete Practical Machinist. New Ed., 12mo, 12s. 6d.
—— Key to Engines and Engine-running. Crown 8vo, 8s. 6d.
—— Mechanical Drawing. Illustrated, small 4to, 16s.
—— Modern Steam Engines. Illustrated. 31s. 6d.
—— Steam Boilers. Boiler Construction and Examination.
Illust., 8vo, I2s. 6d.
Rose Library. Each volume, 1s. Many are illustrated—
Little Women. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT.
Little Women Wedded. Forming a Sequel to "Little Women."
Little Women and Little Women Wedded. I vol., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Little Men. By L. M. ALCOTT. Double vol., 2s. cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
An Old-Fashioned Girl. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 2s.; cloth,
3s. 6d.
Work. A Story of Experience. By L. M. ALCOTT. 3s. 6d.; 2 vols.,
1s. each.
Stowe (Mrs. H. B.) Tlie Pearl of Orr's Island.
—— The Minister's Wooing.
——We and our Neig-hbours. 2s.; cloth gilt, 6s.
—— My Wife and I. 2s.
Hans Brinker; or, the Silver Skates. By Mrs. DODGE. Also 5s.
My Study Windows. By J. R. LOWELL.
My Summer in a Garden. By C. D. WARNER.
Dred. By Mrs. BEECHER STOWE. 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
City Ballads. New Ed. 16mo. By WILL CARLETON. Rose Library (The)—continued.

Farm Ballads. By WILL CARLETON.
Farm Festivals. By WILL CARLETON.
Farm Legends. By WILL CARLETON.

    I vol., cl., gilt ed., 3s. 6d.

The Rose in Bloom. By L. M. ALCOTT. 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Eight Cousins. By L. M. ALCOTT. 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Under the Lilacs. By L. M. ALCOTT. 2s.; also 3s. 6d.
Undiscovered Country. By W. D. HOWELLS.
Clients of Dr. Bernagius. By L. BIART. 2 parts.
Silver Pitchers. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. Cloth, 3s. 6d.
Jimmy's Cruise in the "Pinafore," and other Tales. By
LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 2s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
Jack and Jill. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 2s.; Illustrated, 5s.
Hitherto. By the Author of the "Gayworthys." 2 vols., 1s.each;
I vol., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
A Gentleman of Leisure. A Novel. By EDGAR FAWCETT. 1s.
Ross (Mars) and Stonehewer Cooper. Highlands of Cantabria;
or, Three Days from England. Illustrations and Map, 8vo, 21s.
Rothschilds, the Financial Rulers of Nations. By John
REEVES. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Rousselet (Louis) Son of the Constable of France. Small post
8vo, numerous Illustrations, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
—— King of the Tigers: a Story of Central India. Illustrated.
Small post 8vo, gilt, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
—— Drummer Boy. Illustrated. Small post 8vo, gilt
edges, 3s. 6d.; plainer, 2s. 6d.
Russell (Dora) Strange Message. 3 vols., crown 8vo, 31s. 6d.
Russell (W. Clark) Jack's Courtship. New Ed., small post
8vo, 6s.
—— English Channel Ports and the Estate of the East
and West India Dock Company. Crown 8vo, 1s.
—— Frozen Pirate. New Ed., Illust., small post 8vo, 6s.
—— Sailor's Language. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
—— Sea Queen. New Ed., small post 8vo, 6s.
—— Strange Voyage. New Ed., small post 8vo, 6s.
—— The Lady Maud. New Ed., small post 8vo, 6s.
—— Wreck of the Grosvenor. Small post 8vo, 6s. 4to,
sewed, 6d.

SAINTS and their Symbols: A Companion in the Churches
and Picture Galleries of Europe. Illustrated. Royal 16mo, 3s. 6d.
Samuels (Capt. J. S.) From Forecastle to Cabin: Autobiography.
Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 8s. 6d,; also with fewer Illustrations, cloth,
2s.; paper, 1s.
Sandlands (J. P.) How to Develop Vocal Power. 1s. Saunders (A.) Our Domestic Birds: Poultry in England and
New Zealand. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Our Horses: the Best Muscles controlled by the Best
Brains. 6s.
Scherr (Prof, J.) History of English Literature. Cr. 8vo, 8s. 6d.
Schley, Rescue of Greely. Maps and Illustrations, 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Schuyler (Eugène) American Diplomacy and the Furtherance of
Commerce. 12s. 6d.
—— The Life of Peter the Great. 2 vols., 8vo, 32s.
Schweinfurth (Georg) Heart of Africa. 2 vols., crown 8vo, 15s.
Scott (Leader) Renaissance of Art in Italy. 4to, 31s. 6d.
—— Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern.
Semmes (Adm. Raphael) Service Afloat: The "Sumter" and
the "Alabama." Illustrated. Royal 8vo, 16s.
Senior (W.) Near and Far: an Angler's Sketches of Home
Sport and Colonial Life. Crown 8vo, 6s.
—— Waterside Sketches. Imp. 32mo, 1s. 6d.; boards, 1s.
Shakespeare. Edited by R. Grant White. 3 vols., crown
8vo, gilt top, 36s.; Mition de luxe, 6 vols., 8vo, cloth extra, 63s.
—— See also Cundall, Dethroning, Donnelly, Mackay,
and White (R. Grant).
Shakespeare's Heroines: Studies by Living English Painters.
105s.; artists' proofs, 630s.
—— Songs and Sonnets. Illust. by Sir John Gilbert, R. A.
5to, boards, 5s.
Sharpe (R. Bowdler) Birds in Nature. 39 coloured plates
and text. 4to, 63s.
Sidney (Sir Philip) Arcadia. New Edition, 6s.
Siegfried, The Story of. Illustrated, crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.
Simon. China: its Social Life. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Simson (A.) Wilds of Ecuador and Exploration of the Putumayor
River, Crown 8vo, 8s. 6d.
Sinclair (Mrs.) Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands.
44 Plates in Colour. Imp. folio, extra binding, gilt edges, 3ls. 6d.
Sloane (T. O.) Home Experiments in Science for Old and Young.
Crown 8vo, 6s.
Smith (G.) Assyrian Explorations. Illust. New Ed, 8vo, 18s.
—— The Chaldean Account of Genesis. With many Illustrations.
16s. New Ed. By Professor Sayce, 8vo, 18s.
Smith (G. Barnett) William I. and the German Empire.
New Ed., 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Smith (J. Moyr) Wooing of Æthra. Illustrated. 32mo, 1s. Smith (Sydney) Life and Times. By Stuart J. Reid. Illustrated.
8vo, 21s.
Smith (W. R.) Laws concerning Public Health. 8vo, 31s. 6d.
Spiers' French Dictionary. 29th Edition, remodelled. 2 vols.,
8vo, 18s.; half bound, 21s.
Spry (W.J.J.; R.N., F.R.G.S) Cruise of H M.S. "Challenger."
With Illustrations. 8vo, 18s. Cheap Edit., crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Spyri (Joh.) Heidi's Early Experiences: a Story for Children
and those who love Children. Illustrated, small post 8vo, 4s. 6d.
—— Heidi's Further Experiences. Illust., sm. post 8vo, 4s. 6d.
Stanley (H. M.) Congo, and Founding its Free State. Illustrated,
2 vols., 8vo, 42s.; re-issue, 2 vols. 8vo, 2s
—— How I Found Livingstone. 8vo, 10s. 6d.; cr. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
—— Through the Dark Continent. Crown 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Start (J. W. K.) Junior Mensuration Exercises. 8d.
Stenhouse {Mrs.) Tyranny of Mormonism. An Englishwoman
in Utah. New ed., cr. 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.
Sterry (J. Ashby) Cucumber Chronicles. 5s.
Stevens (E. W.) Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes. 8s. 6d.
Stevens (T.) Around the World on a Bicycle. Vol.11. 8vo. 16s.
Stockton (Frank R.) Rudder Grange. 3s. 6d.
—— Bee-Man of Orn, and other Fanciful Tales. Cr. 8vo,
The Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. 1s.
The Dusantes. Sequel to the above. Sewed, is.;
this and the preceding book in one volume, cloth, 2s. 6d.
—— The Hundredth Man. Small post 8vo, 6s.
—— The Late Mrs. Null. Small post 8vo, 6s.
—— The Story of Viteau. Illust. Cr. 8vo, 5s.
——— See also Low's Standard Novels.
Stoker (Bram) Under the Sunset. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Storer (Professor F. H.) Agriculture in its Relations to
Chemistry. 2 vols., 8vo, 25s.
Stowe (Mrs. Beecher) Dred. Cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.
—— Flowers and Fruit from her Writings. Sm. post 8vo,
3s. 6d
—— Little Foxes. Cheap Ed., 1s.) Library Edition, 4s. 6d.
—— My Wife and I. Cloth, 2s. Stowe (Mrs. Beecher) Old Town Folk. 6s.
—— We and our Neighbours. 2s.
—— Poganuc People. 2s.
—— See also Rose Library.
Strachan (J.) Explorations and Adventures in New Guinea.
Illust., crown 8vo, 12s.
Stuttfield (Hugh E. M.) El Maghreb: 1200 Miles' Ride through
Marocco. 8s. 6d.
Sullivan (A. M.) Nutshell History of Ireland. Paper boards, 6d.

TAINE (H. A) "Origines." Translated by John Durand.
I.The Ancient Regime.Demy 8vo, cloth, 16s.
II.The French Revolution.Vol. 1.do.
III.Do.do.Vol. 2.do.
IV.Do.do.Vol 3.do.
Tauchnitz's English Editions of German Authors. Each
volume, cloth flexible, 2s.; or sewed, 1s. 6d. (Catalogues post free.)
Tauchnitz (B.) German Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan,
2s. 6d.
—— French Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Italian Dictionary. 2s.; paper, `s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Latin Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Spanish and English. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Spanish and French. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
Taylor (R. L.) Chemical Analysis Tables. 1s.
—— Chemistry for Beginners. Small 8vo, 1s. 6d.
Techno-Chemical Receipt Book. With additions by Brannt
and Wahl. 10s. 6d.
Technological Dictionary. See Tolhausen.
Thausing (Prof.) Malt and the Fabrication of Beer. 8vo, 45s.
Theakston (M.) British Angling Flies. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, 5s.
Thomson (Jos.) Central African Lakes. New edition, 2 vols.
in one, crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
—— Through Masai Land. Illust. 21s.; new edition, 7s. 6d.
—— and Miss Harris-Smith. Ulu: an African Romance.
crown 8vo, 6s. Thomson (W.) Algebra for Colleges and Schools. With Answers,
5s.; without, 4s. 6d.; Answers separate, 1s. 6d.
Tolhausen. Technological German, English, arid French Dietionary.
Vols. I., II., with Supplement, 12s. 6d. each; III., 9s.;
Supplement, cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Tromholt (S.) Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis. By
C. Siewers. Photographs and Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, 30s.
Tucker (W.J.) Life and Society in Eastern Europe. 15s.
Tupper (Martin Farquhar) My Life as an Author. 14s.
Turner (Edward) Studies in Russian Literature. Cr. 8vo, 8s. 6d.

UTPTON (H.) Manual of Practical Dairy Farming. Cr.
8vo, 2s.

VAN DAM. Land of Rubens; a companion for visitors to
Belgium. See Huet.
Vane (Denzil) From the Dead. A Romance. 2 vols., cr. 8vo,
Vane (Sir Barry Young). By Prof. James K. Hosmer.
8vo, 18s.
Verses. Biography of Sir Francis Vere and Lord Vere, leading
Generals in the Netherlands. By Clements R. Markham. 8vo, 18s.
Victoria (Queen) Life of. By Grace Greenwood. Illust. 6s.
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