Epitaph on Don Francisco
- An Epitaph.
- Here lieth the Body of Colonel
- Who, with inflexible Constancy,
- And inimitable Uniformity of Life,
Persisted, in Spite of Age and Infirmity,
- In the Practice of every human Vice,
- Excepting Prodigality and Hypocrisy;
- His insatiable Avarice
- Exempting him from the first,
- And his matchless Impudence
- From the latter.
- Nor was he more singular
- In that undeviating Viciousness of Life,
- Than successful in accumulating Wealth;
- Having,
- Without Trust of public Money, Bribe,
- Worth, Service, Trade, or Profession,
- Acquired, or rather created
- A Ministerial Estate.
- Acquired, or rather created
Among the Singularities of his Life and Fortune
- Be it likewise commemorated,
- That he was the only Person in his Time
- Who could cheat without the Mask of Honesty;
- Who could retain his primaeval Meanness
- After being possessed of 10,000 Pounds a Year;
- And who, having done, every Day of his Life,
- Something worthy of a Gibbet,
- Was once condemned to one
- For what he had not done.
- Something worthy of a Gibbet,
- Think not, indignant Reader,
- His Life, useless to Mankind.
- Favoured, or rather connived at
- His execrable Designs,
- That he might remain,
- To this, and future Ages,
- A conspicuous Proof and Example
- Of how small Estimation
Exorbitant Wealth is held in the Sight
- Of the ALMIGHTY,
- By his bestowing it on
- The most unworthy
- Of all the Descendants
- of Adam.