Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 17

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 17
3890108Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 171910


1. And æfter six dagum nam sē Hǣlend Petrum, and Iacobum, and Iohannem hys brōþor, and lǣdde hig onsundron on ǣnne hēahne munt.[1]

2. And hē wæs gehīwod beforan him; and his ansȳn scēan swā swā sunne, and hys rēaf wǣron swā hwīte swā snāw.

3. And efne þā ætȳwde Moyses and Helias mid him sprecende.

4. Þā cwæð Petrus tō him, Drihten, gōd ys ūs hēr tō bēonne; gyf þū wylt, uton wyrcean hēr þrēo eardungstōwa, þē āne, Moyse āne, and Helie āne.[2]

5. Him þā gȳt sprecendum, and sōþlīce þā beorht wolcn hig oferscēan; and þā efne cōm stefn of þām wolcne and cwæþ, Hēr ys mīn lēofa Sunu on þām mē wel gelīcaþ; gehȳrað hyne.

6. And þā hig þis gehȳrdon hys leorningcnihtas, hig fēollon on hyra ansȳne, and hym swȳþe ādrēdon.[3]

7. Hē genēalǣhte þā and hig æthrān, and him tō cwæþ, Ārīsað, and ne ondrǣdaþ ēow.[4]

8. Đā hig hyra ēagan ūpp hōfon, ne gesāwon hig nǣnne būton þone Hǣlend sylfne.[5]

9. And þā hig of ðām munte ēodon, sē Hǣlend hym bebēad and þus cwæþ, Nānum menn ne secgean gē þis, ǣr mannes Sunu of dēaþe ārīse.[6]

Đys [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg on þǣre fīftan wucan ofer pentecosten.

10. And þā āxodon hys leorningcnihtas hyne, Hwæt secgeað þā bōceras þæt gebyrige ǣrest cuman Heliam?[7]

11. Đā andswarode hē hym, Witodlīce Helias ys tōweard, and hē geednīwað ealle þing.[8]

12. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge þæt Helias cōm, and hig hyne ne gecnēowon; ac hig dydon ymbe hyne swā hwæt swā hig woldon. And swā ys mannes Sunu ēac fram him tō þrowigenne.[9]

13. Đā ongēton hys leorningcnihtas þæt hē hyt sǣde be Iohanne þām fulluhtere.[10]

Đys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg tō þām fæstene ǣr hærfestes emnyhte.

14. And þā hē cōm tō þǣre menegu, him tō genēalǣhte sum mann, gebīgedum cnēowum tōforan him, and cwæþ,[11]

15. Drihten, gemiltsa mīnum suna, for þām þe hē ys fyllesēoc, and yfel þolað; oft hē fylþ on fȳr, and gelōmlīce on wæter.

16. And ic brōhte hyne tō þīnum leorningcnihtum, and hig ne mihton hyne gehǣlan.

17. Đā andswarode hē him, Ēalā gē ungelēaffulle and þwȳre cnēores, hū lange bēo ic mid ēow? hū lange forbere ic eow? bringað hyne tō mē hider.[12]

18. And þā þrēade sē Hǣlend hyne, and sē dēofol hyne forlēt; and sē cnapa wæs of þǣre tīde gehǣled.[13]

19. Đā genēalǣhton hys leorningcnihtas him tō, and him tō cwǣdon dīglīce, Hwī ne mihte wē hyne ūt ādrīfan?[14]

20. Þā cwæð hē for hyra ungelēafulnesse, Sōþlīce on eornost ic ēow secge, Gyf gē hæfdon gelēafan swā senepes corn, and gē cwǣdon tō þissum munte, Far heonone, þonne fērde hē; and ēow ne byð ǣnig þing unmihtelīc.[15]

21. Sōþlīce þis cynn ne byþ ūt ādryfen, būton þurh gebed and fæsten.[16]

22. Đā hig wunedon on Galilea, þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Mannes Sunu ys tō syllenne on manna handa;[17]

23. and hig ofslēað hyne, and hē ārīst on þām þriddan dæge. Đā wurdon hig þearle geunrōtsode.[18]

24. And þā hē cōm tō Cafarnaum, þā genēalǣhton tō Petre þā þe gafol nāmon, and þus cwǣdon, Ēower lārēow ne gylt hē gafol?[19]

25. Þā cwæð hē, Gyse, hē dēð. And þā hē cōm intō þām hūse, þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Hwæt þincð þē, Symon? æt hwām nimað cyningas gafol oððe toll? of hyra bearnum, hwæðer ðe of fremedum?[20]

26. Đā cwæþ hē, Of fremedum. Þā cwæð hē, Eornostlīce þā bearn synt frīge.[21]

27. Þēah hwæþere þæt wē hī ne geunrōtsigeon, gang tō þǣre sǣ, and wurp þīnne angel ūt, and nim þone ǣrestan fisc, and hys mūþ geopena; þū fintst ǣnne wecg on him; nim þone, and syle for mē and for þē.[22]

  1. A, broðer; A, anne hehne.
  2. A, wyrcan.
  3. A, heora; A, ondrǣdon.
  4. B, genealæcte.
  5. A, heora; A, ahofon.
  6. A, men ge þys ne secgon (changed order), B, menn ge þis ne secgean (changed order).
  7. A, acsedon; A, secgad; A, eliam.
  8. A, elias.
  9. A, elias; A, þrowianne.
  10. A, ongeaton.
  11. A, mænigu; A, B, man.
  12. A, þweore.
  13. B, deoful.
  14. A, digelice.
  15. A, heora; A, ungeleaffulnysse, B, ungeleaffulnesse; A, eornest; A, þysum.
  16. A, cyn; A, and þurh fæsten.
  17. A, syllanne.
  18. A, dæg.
  19. A, An þa; A, capharnaum; Corp., genealæton, A, B, genealæhton; Corp., A, B, þæt (for þe); A, gafel (twice).
  20. A, heora; A, om. hwæðer; A, fremdum.
  21. A, fremdum; A, synd.
  22. A, hwæðre, B, hwæþre; A, geunrotsion; A, weorp; A, opena.