Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 8

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 8
3890099Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 81910


1. Sōþlīce þā sē Hǣlend of þām munte nyþer āstāh, þā fyligdon him mycle mænio.[1]

2. Þā genēalǣhte ān hrēofla tō him, and hine tō him geēaðmēdde, and þus cwæð, Drihten, gyf þu wylt, þū miht mē geclǣnsian.[2]

3. Ðā āstrehte sē Hǣlend hys hand, and hrepode hyne, and þus cwæð, Ic wylle; bēo geclǣnsod. And hys hrēofla wæs hrædlīce geclǣnsod.[3]

4. Ðā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Warna þē þæt þū hyt nǣnegum men ne secge; ac gang, ætēowe þē þām sācerde, and bring hym þā lāc þe Moyses bebēad, on hyra gecȳðnesse.[4]

5. Sōþlīce þā sē Hǣlend in ēode on Capharnaum, þā genēalǣhte hym ān hundredes ealdor, hyne biddende,[5]

6. and þus cweðende, Drihten, mīn cnapa līð on mīnum hūse, lama and mid yfle geðrēad.[6]

7. Ðā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Ic cume and hyne gehǣle.

8. Ðā andswarode sē hundredes ealdor and þus cwæð, Drihten, ne eom ic wyrðe þæt þū in gange under mīne þecene; ac cweð þīn ān word, and mīn cnapa biþ gehǣled.[7]

9. Sōðlīce ic eom man under anwealde gesett, and ic hæbbe þegnas under mē; and ic cweðe tō þysum, Gang, and hē gǣð; and ic cweðe tō ōþrum, Cum, and he cymð; tō mīnum þēowe, Wyrc þis, and hē wyrcð.[8]

10. Witodlīce þā sē Hǣlend þis gehȳrde, þā wundrode hē, and cwæð tō þām þe hym fyligdon, Sōþ ic secge ēow, ne gemētte ic swā mycelne gelēafan on Israhel.[9]

11. Tō sōþum ic secge ēow þæt manige cumað fram ēastdǣle and westdǣle, and wuniað mid Abrahame, Isahace, and Iacobe on heofena rīce.[10]

12. Witodlīce þises rīces bearn bēoð āworpene on þā ȳtemestan þȳstro; þǣr bið wōp and tōþa grīstbitung.[11]

13. And sē Hælend cwæð tō þām hundrydes ealdre, Gā, and gewurþe ðē swā swā þū gelȳfdest. And sē cnapa wæs gehǣled on þǣre tīde.[12]

Đis [godspel] gebyrað on frīgedæg on þǣre twā and twēntugoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

14. Đā sē Hǣlend cōm on Petres hūse, þā geseah hē hys swegre licgende, and hriþgende.[13]

15. And hē æthrān hyre hand, and sē fēfor hig forlēt; ðā ārās hēo, and þēnode him.[14]

16. Sōþlīce þā hyt ǣfen wæs, hig brōhton him manege dēofolsēoce; and hē ūt ādrǣfde þā unclǣnan gāstas mid hys worde, and hē ealle gehǣlde þā yfel hæbbendan:[15]

17. þæt wǣre gefylled þæt gecweden is þurh Esaiam þone wītegan, þus cweðende, Hē onfēng ūre untrumnessa, and hē ābær ūre ādla.[16]

18. Đā geseah sē Hǣlend mycle menigeo ymbūtan hyne, þā hēt hē hig faran ofer þone mūþan.[17]

Đis [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre fēorðan wucan ofer twelftandæg.

19. Đā genēalǣhte him ān bōcere, and cwæþ, Lārēow, ic fylige þē swā hwæder swā þū færst.[18]

20. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Foxas habbað holu, and heofenan fuglas nest; sōþlīce mannes Sunu næfð hwǣr hē hys hēafod āhylde.[19]

21. Đā cwæð tō him ōþer of hys leorningcnihtum, Drihten, ālȳfe mē ǣrest tō farenne and bebyrigean mīnne fæder.[20]

22. Þa cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Fylig mē, and lǣt dēade bebyrigean hyra dēadan.[21]

Đis [godspel] sceal on þone fēorðan sunnandæg ofer twelftandæg.

23. And hē āstāh on scyp, and hys leorningcnyhtas hym fyligdon.

24. Đā wearð mycel styrung geworden on þǣre sǣ, swā þæt þæt scyp wearð ofergoten mid ȳþum; witodlīce hē slēp.[22]

25. And hig genēalǣhton, and hȳ āwehton hyne, þus cweðende, Drihten, hǣle ūs; wē mōton forwurþan.[23]

26. Đā cwæð hē tō him, Tō hwī synt gē forhte, gē lȳtles gelēafan? Đā ārās hē, and bebēad þām[24] winde and þǣre sǣ; and þǣr wearð geworden mycel smyltness.[25]

27. Gewisslīce þā men wundrodun and þus cwǣdon, Hwæt is ðēs þæt windas and sǣ him hȳrsumiað?[26]

28. Þā sē Hǣlend cōm ofer þone mūþan on Geraseniscra rīce, þā urnon him tōgēnes twēgen þe hæfdon dēofolsēocnesse, of byrgenum ūt gangende; þā wǣron swīðe rēþe, swā þæt nān man ne mihte faran þurh þone weg.[27]

29. And hig hrȳmdon and cwǣdon, Lā Hǣlend, Godes Sunu, hwæt ys þē and ūs gemǣne? cōme þū hider ǣr tīde ūs tō þrēagenne?

30. Đǣr wæs sōþlīce unfeorr ān heord †manegra swȳna lǣswiende.[28]

31. Þā dēofla sōðlīce hyne bǣdon þus cweþende, Gyf þū ūs ūt ādrīfst, āsende ūs on þās swīna heorde.[29]

32. Đā cwæð hē tō him, Faraþ. And hig þā ūt gangende fērdon on þā swīn, and þǣrrihte fērde eall sēo heord myclum onrǣse niwel on þā sǣ, and hig wurdon dēade on þām wætere.[30]

33. Đā hyrdas witodlīce flugon, and comun[31] on þā ceastre, and cȳddon ealle þās þing, and be þām þe ðā dēofulsēocnyssa hæfdon.[32]

34. Ðā ēode eall sēo ceasterwaru tōgēanes þām Hǣlende; and þā þā hig hyne gesāwun, þā bǣdon hig hyne þæt hē fērde fram heora gemǣrum.[33]

  1. Corp., hælnd, A, B, hælend; A, mycele.
  2. A, geeadmedde.
  3. A, hrepede; A, beo þu.
  4. A, ætywe; A, -nysse.
  5. B, hundrydes.
  6. A, om. and (before þus); Corp., cwæd (corrected above the line into cweðende); A, mynon; A, B, yfele.
  7. B, hundrydes; A, om. an.
  8. A, geset; A þyssum; A, and ic cweðe to mynum þeowe.
  9. B, fyligdon (g above the line); A, ysrahelum.
  10. A, soðun; A, isaace.
  11. A, B, aworpone; A, ytemystan.
  12. A, hundredes; A, geweorðe; A, Amen at the end of the verse.
  13. A, hus; A, hryðigende, B, hriþigende (g above the line).
  14. A, fefer.
  15. A, manige; Corp., defol-, A, B, deofol-.
  16. B, þæt þe gecweden; A, -nyssa; A, B, bær.
  17. A, mycele mænigeo; B, faran (supplied above the line).
  18. A, hwyder.
  19. A, heofenes, B, heofonan; A, fugelas; A, hwar; A, heafud.
  20. A, alyf; A, bebyrgean.
  21. A, bebyrgean; A, heora.
  22. B, þæræ.
  23. A, and awehton (om. hy); A, hæl us (p added afterwards: hælp); A, forweorðan.
  24. A, hwig synd.
  25. A, þæt hyg swigdon (inserted after sæ); A, þar; A, B, smyltnys.
  26. A, gewyslice; A, wundredon.
  27. A, B, togeanes; A, -nysse.
  28. A, þar; A, unfeor; Corp., A, B, an swyna heord manegra (Corp. ma manegra) manna læswiende (A, læswigende).
  29. A, deoflo; A, adryfest asend.
  30. A, hyom (for him); A, þarryhte.
  31. A, comon.
  32. A, deofel-.
  33. Corp., ceaster- (a above the line); A, gesawon; B, hyra.