Excellent Ancient Adages, Together with Notes on the Writings of Chinese Romanized in the Hokkien Dialect/An Alphabetical INDEX

An Alphabetical Index of different Chinese Characters, answering all the words of the first Chapter. 昔時賢文

a. o., a prefix; a gūi; amida or o-mí-tô, see gūi.

a, the crows; a crow.

aì, to love, to like, to desire

àm, dark.

an, tranquil; peace.

an, the saddle.

bān, to deceive or insult; to remiss.

bān, a myriad, ten thousand.

běk, the ink.

běk, the wheat.

bêng, the name.

bēng, the fate.

bî, small.

bī, not yet.

bîen, to sleep.

bîen, the cotton.

bīen, the face.

bîn, the common people.

bó, mother.

bóan, full.

bóan, late.

bŏk, the wood.

bŏk, do not

bông, to perish; lost, destroyed.

bû, no, not.

bûn, the door.

bûn, literary; civil.

bŭt, a thing.

chai, to plant.

chài, to contain; to lade, to ship or cart.

châi, talent, power.

châi, wealth.

châi, chhâi, to cut with scissors; to fit.

chāi, to be in or at present.

chè, to succour.

chê, even, together, regulate.

chek, to collect or gather together.

chek, traces, form.

chĕk, the thief, a thief.

cheng, to hate, to dislike.

cheng, to wrangle, to contest, to litigate.

cheng, chaste and pure.

chèng, correct; right.

chêng, fair weather.

chēng, quiet; silent; still.

chèy, a debt; a loan of money.

chi, a branch.

chi, it, him, them; of; belonging to.

chí, only; a bundle.

chí, the fingures.

chiá, who, which, that which.

chiak, a degree of nobility; a wine bottle; a rank.

chiang, to take; shall, will, about to.

chiang, an essay; a chapter.

chiang, thick fluid; starch; rice water.

chîen, before.

chîen, a coin, money.

chīen, mean; low and coarse.

chim, the needle.

chin, real; correct; really true.

chiok, a foot; enough.

chiong, the end; to the end.

chiòng, all; also.

chiông, to follow; from.

chiu, an islet; a political district.

chiú, spiritious liquor in general.

chó, the early morning.

chō, to sit,

choan, exclusively; undividedly.

choăt, to destroy; to cut off; to the utmost.

chok, to make; to do; to act.

chŏk, a tribe or clan.

chŏk, glossy.

chông, to hide; to conceal.

chu, a pearl; a bead.

chu, vermillion.

chu, all, every.

chú, a son; seed.

chú, a lord or master.

chú, to bear, to carry, to undertake; careful,

chū, to stop; to dwell.

chū, self, from; naturally.

chùi, drunk; intoxicated.

chhài, vegetables.

chhap, to insert.

chhe, a wife.

chhek, red.

chheng, clear.

chhèy, a privy.

chhi, silly; foolish.

chhì, to marry (man or woman) in general.

chhī, a market street.

chhîang, siông, to repay.

chhim, deep.

chhin, near relatives.

chhiú, ugly.

chhó, the grass.

chhoàn, to perforate; to bore through.

chhoân, soân, a boat; a vessel.

chhor, chhe, beginning; to commence.

chhor, coarse; rough.

chhòr, vinegar.

chhú, to take.

chhú, this; these.

chhù, a house; a spot; to be at; to dwell.

chhun, the spring; the spring season.

chhùn, an inch.

chhut, to go out.

éng, a shadow.

èng, ought; should.

êng, a basket or hamper.

gán, the eye.

gân, giên, the words; an advice.

gē, handicraft.

gĕk, to disobey; to offend.

gî, a fish.

gî, right, ought.

gī, justice.

gîam, rigid, stern, strict.

gîm, to sing, to chant odes.

giŏk, the jade.

git, to eat; to let; to permit.

giû, a bull; a cow; an ox.

gô, to sing verses.

goān, willing; desire.

gōe, out; outside.

gú, gí, to withstand; to resist; to prevent.

gú, gí, talk; words.

gû, gî, foolish; stupid.

gū, to meet with.

gūi, a guī, asafoetida.

hā, low; to lower; to descend.

hái, the sea.

hāi, to hurt; to injure.

hâm, to inclose; to hold in the mouth.

hâm, all.

hán, seldom; rare.

hân, leisure.

hân, cold.

hāng, the lane.

hăp, to join; united, hô-hăp agreeing well.

hàu, filial duty; filial piety.

hek, black.

heng, elder brother.

hêng, cross; perverse.

hêng, to walk; to go.

hêng, form; shape

hi, few; scanty.

hi, empty; hollow; weak.

hí, to promise

hîam, to find fault with; to censure; to blame.

hiang, sweet smell; fragrant.

hiang, a village.

hiàng, to face; towards; facing.

hièn, to offer; to produce openly.

hîen, excellent; clever.

hiet, the blood.

hīn, hūn. hatred; spite; dislike.

hiu, to let off; don’t.

hnór, good.

hnór, the fire.

hô, where; which; what; whence.

hô, harmony; union; concord.

hô, a small weight; very little.

hoa, the flower.

hòa, to renovate; to reform.

hóan, to turn back.

hoân, troubled; anxious.

hoân, to return; to repay.

hoān, boiled or cooked rice.

hoat, to produce; to sprout.

hôe, to bend around and return.

hōe, able; to understand.

hok, happiness.

hok, the belly or abdomen.

hong, the wind.

hông, to guard against.

hông, a kind of long medicinal grass.

hông, a reed organ.

hông, red.

hông, yellow.

hông, to meet with.

hór, the tiger.

hôr, a marquis.

hōr, admiration; or inquiry; at; in; towards.

hōr, after in time, late, subsequent.

hu, a man; a male; husband.

hú, the axe.

hù, rich; wealthy.

hû, to help to rise; to assist; to lift up.

hū, a woman; properly a married woman.

hū, rapid; near; to approach.

hū, the father.

hui, not so; not right; no; wrong.

hui, to fly.

hûi, fat.

hūi, to bark.

hun, to divide; a division.

hun, to marry a wife; marriage.

hŭt, Buddha.

i, the dress.

í, by; with; because; for; in.

ì, a thought; intention; idea.

î, to move; to change the place.

ī, easy; easily.

ia, also; likewise; even.

iâ, a father; a sire.

iā, the night.

iak, a treaty; contract, or agreement.

iàm, to hate or dislike; to despise.

iáng, to nourish; to train;

iâng, the goat.

iâng, etherial light; the sun.

iăp, the leaves.

iâu, distant; far; remote.

iên, through; continuous.

iên, a course; an affinity; a fated event.

im, a sound of any kind.

ím, to drink.

in, grace; favour.

in, decrees of fate about marriage.

iŏk, to wish; to desire.

iông, the air; manner; easily to receive.

īong, to use; useful.

iu, sad; displeased.

iú, to have; to possess.

iû, though; by; from.

iû, to ramble about for amusement.

iû, still; even; rather.

jî, then; also; yet; still.

jî, an infant; a child.

jîen, so; indeed.

jîn, the men; a man.

jîn, benevolent, benevolence.

jĭok, the flesh.

jĭp, to enter, to come in.

jĭt, the sun.

jú, the milk; the breasts.

jû, as, like as.

jū, a word; a character; a style of writing.

kà, the price.

kai, all.

kam, sweet; sweetness.

kan, traitorous; malicious; crafty.

kan. witness; to have relation to; to offend.

kan, dry.

kang, a river.

kat, to cut.

kau, to blend; to unite; to join; to copulate; to trade.

kàu, to teach.

ke, the fowls, a fowl.

kè, to plan; to count; to consider and devise.

kek, thorny bushes.

keng, classical works; to manage.

keng, to change; to alter; to substitute; a night watch.

keng, a bush; slender; lithe and thorny.

kèng, to reverence; to honor; to treat due respect.

kèng, bye-way; a path.

key, ka. a household; a family.

kéy, ká, not genuine; false.

kèy, to marry a husband; to give a daughter in marriage.

ki, famine; hunger.

kí, one’s self.

kí, about, a few; somewhat.

kì, to send; to despatch.

kî, he; she or it.

kī, to oppose; to ward off; to withstand; to obstruct.

kiàm, a sword.

kiang, a surname

kiâng, laborious; determined; firm; to encourage.

kiap, to aid; to support; to insert between.

kiau, proud; haughty.

kien, stable; sound; firm; hard.

kièn. to perceive; to meet with,

kiēn, strong; robust; hearty.

kim, the gold.

kim, now.

kìm, to bear; to endure; to withstand.

kin, the root.

kin, kun, a catty.

kīn, kūn, near.

kiok, the foot.

kiông, poverty.

kip, hasty; urgent.

kiú, long, as to time; enduring; lasting.

kiù, to save; to deliver.

kiû, to beg; to entreat.

kiû, an enemy.

ko, high.

ko, an ode; a song.

kò, a crime; litigation; to pass.

koan, a mandarin.

koan, to look at carefully; to observe.

kok, kingdom; a state; a country.

kok, each; every.

kok, the grains; the crops.

kong, public; a grandfather; duke; male.

kong, a merit.

kor, solitary; an orphan.

kor, rotten wood; dried and shrivelled.

kór, the dog.

kór, ancient; antiquity.

kòr, to attend to; to care for; to regard.

ku, to dwell; to reside.

kù, a sentence; a clause.

kū, an instrument, or material.

kúi, a ghost; a wretch.

kùi, honorable; noble.

kūi, to kneel.

kūi, a chest; a trunk.

kun, the sovereign.

kun, a soldier; an army.

khai, to open.

kham, to sustain; worthy; fit for.

khàn, to look, to see, to behold.

khat, thirsty.

khek, a stranger; a guest.

khek, to carve, to cut, to engrave.

kheng, a ditch; a ravine, a pit.

khéng, to assent to; to be willing.

khi, to oppress; to deceive or cheat.

khí, to rise; to raise up; to build.

khî, to ride.

khìam, to owe, as money; to be deficient.

khíen, the dog.

khîm, a harp.

khiok, crooked; a song.

khiok, to refuse; to deny; to curb the desires.

khíong, to fear; lest.

khó, may or can be.

khoàn, to exhort.

khong, peace; excellent.

khór, the mouth.

khór, bitter.

khù, to go.

khut, to bend over; to subject, to make crooked, to stoop.

lâi, to come.

lân, a male person; a baron.

lâm, the south.

lán, lazy; idle; to loathe.

lân, difficult, hard; difficulty.

lán, a den or pen for animals; a railing

lân, orchideous plants; Teng-lán, a man’s name.

lăp, to receive, to obtain.

lau, noise or confusion as of a crowd; crowed; bustling.

lé, ceremony, politeness, propriety.

lê, the plough.

lĕk, strength.

léng, able; can.

lêng, rather than; better.

lēng, to cause; to order or command.

lí, a chinese mile.

lí, jní, thou; you.

lí, inside; within.

lí, right doctrine; reason.

lī, sharp; benefit; gain; interest.

li, lî, to leave; to be distant; to part.

líang, a pair, both; a tael.

liang, a young lady; a female; a goddess.

liang, to measure; to consult; to deliberate.

liâng, good; gentle; mild,

liâng, provisions.

lîang, cool.

líau, finished, done.

liên, the year,

lîm, to drip; to pour upon; to soak.

lîm, to descend; to arrive at,

lîn, neighbour, or neighbours in general.

lîn, to pity.

lîong, a dragon.

lĭp, to set up; to stand.

liû, a current; to issue forth; to flow.

liû, to detain; to hold on to; to lay up as a record.

liû, to flow.

ló, old.

ló, anxious; grieved; vexed.

lô, to arrange orderly; a sieve; to bolt, as flour.

loán, warm.

lōe, within; inside.

lŏk, to descend; to come down; to fall.

lŏk, joy; glad; happy.

lōng, the wave.

lōr, lāu, to fall or let; fall off; to leak out.

lôr, nôr, a slave, a thrall.

lōr, a road, a path.

lōr, the dew.

lú, the daughters, a daughter.

lûi, the thunder.

lûn, a wheel with spokes; a wheel.

lūn, to discuss; to criticize.

má, the horses; a horse.

mâ, the hemp trees.

mái, to buy.

mi, bi, o-mi-tô, amida Buddha.

miēn, thin flat strips of wheaten dough used like maccaroni.

môr, hair; wool; trifle; a feather.

môr, to grind; to sharpen.

ná, that; what? which? where?

nāi, laī, to trust; to depend on.

ngór, I; me.

ní, you.

níau, the birds; a bird.

oan, to oppress; to treat unjustly; an oppression.

oán, far, remote.

oàn, to hate; to dislike; to abhor.

ok, a house; a room in a house.

ok, wicked; bad.

ong, an old man; a gray beard.

pà, the leopard.

pāi, to ruin; to decay; to go to ruin.

pan, variegated; striped; the beauty.

pāng, a short club; a large stick.

páu, satiated; full.

pek, a hundred.

péng, a cake.

pèng, a handle.

pêng, usual; peaceful; tranquil.

pēng, sick; illness.

pì, to close; to screen; to shut.

pī, to provide or prepare; to suffer.

pien, side; boundary; an edge.

piēn, ready, readily.

piĕt. to part; to distinguish.

pin, a stranger; a visitor; a customer,

pîn, poor.

pîn, continually; incessant.

pit, certainly; must be so.

pĭt, the nose.

pó, precious; treasure.

pò, to inform; to retaliate.

pô, old woman; mother.

poàn, half.

poe, a mug; a wine cup.

pōe, the back; the opposite of front or face.

pok, the north.

pōr, a pace; two steps.

pōr; to give to eat, as a bird does; to feed.

pún, the root; the principal thing; origin.

put, not, will not.

phà, phnà, to fear; to dread.

phau, to fling; to throw, to cast off; to reject.

phāu, to infold; to carry in the arms.

phêng, to discuss; to criticize a writing.

phì, a comparison; for instance.

phî, the skin.

phien, a side; inclined to one side,

phit, a mate; a match.

phò, to break; broken.

phòr, a shop.

phùn, to splash up or out; to spit.

sa, sey, the sand.

san, the hill.

sat, to kill; to slay.

se, the west; western.

sè, fine; small; attentive; needful.

sek, a guitar.

sek, the colour.

sek, to fill up; to press tightly.

sek, old; formerly; ancient.

sek, to know; to understand.

sĕk, the stone.

seng, alive; to produce; raw.

seng, a Pandean pipe or organ.

séng, to examine; a province.

sèng, sacred.

sèng, nature; natural.

sêng, to accomplish; to complete.

si, to bestow grace or favour.

si, the poetry, an ode.

si, silk; raw silk.

sì, sè, the world; a generation; an age.

sì, to examine; to try.

sî, a period; a time, an hour.

sī, to be; is, are.

sia, to buy on credit.

sìa, to forgive, to pardon.

siâ, oblique, slanting.

siâ, immoral; erroneous.

siâ, the snake.

sia, the musk deer.

siā, a terrace.

siang, to wound; to hurt; a wound.

sìang, likeness; appearance.

siāng, above; upon.

síau, small, minute, diminutive.

síau, few; little; not much.

sìau, chhìau, to laugh.

sien, before; previous.

sìen, a fan.

sien, good, virtuous, excellent.

siĕt, the tongue.

sim, the heart.

sin. the body.

sìn, to believe, to confide; true.

sîn, a minister of state.

siok, paddy.

siŏk, ripe, mature, thoroughly boiled; acquainted.

sit, to lose.

sĭt, to eat.

sĭt, true; solid.

síu, the head.

siū, to receive; to accept.

soat, to speak; to discourse; to explain.

soè, the year, the age.

song, mulberry tree.

song, the frost.

song, mourning; funeral.

sòng, to accompany on leaving; to make a present.

sor, not related; distant.

sór, lean; thin.

sór, sé, that which; he who; a place.

su, the teacher.

su, to think.

su, secret; private.

su, to need; to be in want of.

su, a book; a writing; to write.

sú, death; to die.

sù, to bestow.

sū, like; similar.

sū, affairs; business.

sū, the trees; a tree.

sui, although.

súi, the water,

sùi, to sleep.

sûi, to follow.

sûi, who.

sūi, a happy omen; auspicious.

sun, the grandsons; a grandson

sún, to injure.

sūn, to follow; to accord; to comply with.

tāi, great.

tāi, a reign; a dynasty, a generation.

tān, but; only.

tè, the earth.

tē, younger brother.

tek, to obtain; to get.

tek, virtue; moral conduct.

tek, a drop; to drop.

teng, a cyclical character; a man’s name.

téng, téng-hân, ordinary.

têng, an order; a series; a minute measure.

têng, an open space before a door; a court; a hall.

têng, to offer; to state to a superior.

ti, to know; to apprehend.

tí, the bottom.

tì, the wit; the knowledge.

tì, to place; to set; to purchase; to acquire.

tī, to govern; to rule; to heal.

ti, to meet with; to value.

tiám, a small drop; a dot.

tiàm, a shop.

tiâng, tiông, long.

tiāng, tiōng, an elder; one worthy of respect; to measure.

tiâu, a branch; anything long and slender.

tiâu, a dynasty; to have audience.

tiāu, an omen.

tíen, to stretch out; to open out.

tîen, an irrigated field.

tim, to sink in the water.

tin, precious.

tîn, the dust.

tiŏk, chiăk, fixed; settled; right.

tiong, middle.

tîong, chhiâng, the bowels.

tiōng, heavy.

tĭt, straight; upright.

to, many; much.

to, the knife.

tò, to arrive at; to come to; to attain.

tô, O-bî-tô-hút or amida Buddha.

tô, to scour; to wash out; to stir about.

tō, a way; a road; to speak.

toàn, to judge; to decide.

toăt, to take away forcibly; to plunder.

tŏk, dirty; muddy; impure; vicious.

tong, to bear; to sustain; ought.

tong, the east.

tông, united; alike; together.

tor, a metropolis.

tòr, to envy; to be jealous.

tui, to pursue; to chase.

tha, thna, he; she; it; that.

thaì, too; very; excessive.

thaì, large; exalted; honorable.

thāi, to wait; to treat.

tham, to covet; covetous; greedy.

thé, the body; a substance.

thî, to crow, as a cock; to bewail with sobs and cries.

thiam, to add; to increase.

thien, heaven; providence; God. (because (一+大).

thîong, a reptile; an insect.

thô, a peach tree or fruit.

thor, to steal.

thòr, to vomit; to emit.

thôr, thiû, the head.

thôan, to transmit, to hand down; to propagate.

thŏk, to read aloud; to study.

thòng, pain; distressed.

thûi, a stick; a pestle.

u, dirty; depraved; to defile.

ú, the rain.

ú, í, with; to give.

û, î, surplus; remainder.

ùi, to fear; to dread.

ûi, to be; to do; to act.

ut, to bend.


Page 46. For liân read liâu.
47. autumm read autumn. th’tlme read th’time.
52. surly care read earthly care.
56. you dress, read your dress.
57, No. 87. For husbands’ read husband’s.
63, 149. mens’ hatred read men’s hatred.