Excellent new song, called, Wonderful admiration!/Jenny's bawbee

Excellent new song, called, Wonderful admiration! (1804–1812)
Jenny's Bawbee

Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.

3199683Excellent new song, called, Wonderful admiration! — Jenny's Bawbee1804-1812

Jenny's Bawbee,

I met four chaps yon birks amang,
Wi' hanging lugs and faces lang,
I speer'd at nei'bour Bauldy Strang,
What are they these we see?
Qouth he "Ilk cream fac'd pauky chiel,
"Thinks himsell cunning as the deil,
"And here they cam', awa to steal
Jenny's Bawbee."

The first, a Captain to his trade,
Wi' ill-lin'd scull, and back weel clad,
March'd round the barn and by the shed,
And papped on his knee;
Quoth he, "My goddess, nymph, and queen,
"Your beauty's dazzl'd baith my een;"
But deil a beauty he had seen,
But Jenny's Bawbee.

A Norlin' Laird next trotted up,
Wi' bassen'd nag and filler whip,
Cry'd "Here's my beast, lad had the grup,
"Or tie him to a tree;
"What's gow'd to me, I've wealth o' lan'
"Bestow on ane o' worth your han';
He thought to pay what he was awn,
Wi' Jenny's Bawbee.

A Lawyer neist wi' blatherin' gab,
Wi' speeches wove like ony web;
In ilk anes corn he took a dab,
And a' for a fee;
Accounts he owed through a' the town,
And tradesmen's tongues nae mair cou'd drown;
But now he thought to clout his gown,
Wi' Jenny's Bawbee.

Quite spruce, just frae the washing tubs.
A Fool came neist, but life has rubs,
Foul were the roads, and fu' the dubs,
And fair besmear'd was he;
He danc'd up squinting thro' a glass,
And grinn'd, "I, saith a bonny lass;"
He thought to win wi' front o' brass.
Jenny's Bawbee.

She bade the Laird gie kaim his wig;
The Soldier not to strut sae big,
The Lawyer not to be a prig,
The fool he cry'd: "tee, hee,
"I kend that I could never fail;"
But she prinn'd the dish-clout to his tail,
And cool'd him wi' a water-pail.
And kept her Bawbee:

Then Johnny cam', a lad o' sense,
Altho' he had na mony pence,
He took young Jenny to the spence,
Wi' her to crack a wee;
Now, Johnny was a clever chiel,
And here his suit he press'd sae weel,
That Jenny's heart grew fast as jeel,
And she birl'd her Bawbee.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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