Felicia Hemans in The New Monthly Magazine Volume 8 1823/The Sleeper on Marathon

2884846Felicia Hemans in The New Monthly Magazine Volume 8 1823 — The Sleeper on Marathon1823Felicia Hemans

The New Monthly Magazine, Volume 8, Page 532


I lay upon the solemn plain,
    And by the funeral mound,
Where those who died not there in vain,
    Their place of sleep had found.
'Twas silent where the free blood gush'd,
    When Persia came array'd,—
So many a voice had there been hush'd,
    So many a footstep stay'd!

I slumber'd on the lonely spot,
    So sanctified by Death!
I slumber'd—but my rest was not
    As theirs who lay beneath.
For on my dreams, that shadowy hour,
    They rose—the chainless Dead—
All arm'd they sprung, in joy, in power,
    Up from their grassy bed.

I saw their spears, on that red field,
    Flash, as in time gone by!
Chased to the seas, without his shield,
    I saw the Persian fly!
I woke—the sudden trumpet's blast
    Call'd to another fight:—
From visions of our glorious past,
    Who doth not wake in might?F. H.