4412776Flora's Lexicon — Camellia JaponicaCatharine Harbeson Waterman

AAMELLIA, or JAPAN ROSE. Camellia Japonica. Class 16, Monadelphia. Order: Polyanpdia. This splendid genus of flowers received its name from Geo. Joseph Kamel, whose name is written Camellus in Latin, a Jesuit, writer of a botanical work. It was introduced into England about the middle of last century, and has become a great favourite with florists, both in that country and the United States. There are many very splendid varieties to be found in the gardens and conservatories of Philadelphia.


In pleasure’s dream or sorrow’s hour,
In crowded hall or lonely bower,
The business of my soul shall be,
For ever to remember thee!


Oh magic of love! unembellish’d by you,
Has the garden a blush or the herbage a hue?
Or blooms there a prospect in nature or art,
Like the vista that shines through the eye to the heart?


That happy minglement of hearts,
Where, chang’d as chemic compounds are,
Each with its own existence parts,
To find a new one, happier far!


Oh what, while I could hear and see
Such words and looks, was heaven to met
Though gross the air on earth I drew,
’T was blessed, while she breath’d it too;
Though dark the flowers, though dim the sky,
Love lent them light, while she was nigh.
