4412869Flora's Lexicon — Cardinal FlowerCatharine Harbeson Waterman

AARDINAL’S FLOWER. Lobelia Cardinalis, Class 5, Pentandria. Order: Monogynia. This elegant plant is decorated with bright scarlet flowers. It is indigenous in our country, growing on the borders of rivers and streamlets. It is a flower of singular elegance and richness.


For places in the court, are but like beds
In the hospital; where this man’s head lies
At that man’s foot, and so lower and lower.


If on the sudden he begins to rise;
No man that lives can count his enemies.


All preferment
That springs from sin and lust shoots up quickly;
As gard’ner’s crops do in the rott’nest grounds;
So is all means raised from base prostitution,
Even like a salad growing upon a dunghill.


What throngs of great impediments besiege
The virtuous mind? so thick, they jostle
One another as they come. Hath vice a
Charter got, that none must rise, but such, who
Of the devil’s faction are? the way to
Honour is not evermore the way to
Hell: a virtuous man may climb. Let the
Flatterer sell his lies elsewhere, it is
Unthrifty merchandise to change my gold
For breath.
