ABERBROTHICK, 94, 105–7, 190.

Aberdeen, 115–123; freedom of the city, 18, 116; population, 118; King's College, 120; Marischal college. 110, 121; professors, 122

Academy, 279.

Adams, Rev. Dr. William, 66.

Addison, Joseph, 5, 62.

Airdsmoss, 289.

Allan of Muidart, 173.

Amuse, 245.

Anderson, Rev. John, 97.

Anoch, 153.

Arbroath. See Aberbrothick.

Arbuthnot, Dr., 89.

Ardnamurchan, 5, 214.

Ardvoirlich, 254.

Argyle, Archibald, second Earl of, 141.

Argyle, Archibald, ninth Earl of, 217, 249.

Argyle, Archibald, Marquis of, 250.

Argyle, Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of, 247, 249-252, 256.

Argyle, Jane, Countess of, 250.

Argyle, John, second Duke of, 251.

Argyle, John, fifth Duke of, 227, 246 253

Armidale, 23, 167, 214.

Auchans, 268.

Auchinleck, Lord, 18, 56, 62, 74, 79, 80, 115, 146, 189, 234, 271–288, 292.

Auchinleck, 271–290; house, 273–5; old castle, 287; via sacra, manse, church, 288; village, 289; pronounced Affléck, 290.

Auchnacraig, 242.

Auchnashcal, 144, 161.

Authors, 60–3, 66.

Bagpipes, 243.

Ballencrieff, 297.

Balliol College, 84.

Banff, 129.

Banks, Sir Joseph, 24.

Bare feet, 289.

Baronial turrets, 113.

Bathing, 112.

Bayle, Peter, 19.

Beaton, Cardinal, 94, 97.

Beattie, Rev. Dr. James, 13, 14, 28, 62,123.

Beauclerk, Topham, 66.

Bedford, Duke of, 29.

Beggars, 43.

Bellhaven, Lord, 39, 79.

Bentham, Jeremiah, 71.

Berkeley, Bishop, 92.

Berkeley, G. M., 92, 100, 117.

Bernera, 165.

Black, Adam, 77.

Black, Mr. Angus, 241.

Black Spring of 1771, 187.

Blacklock, Dr. Thomas, 75.

Blackshields, 304.

Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 10, 14, 63, 65, 74, 81, 122, 278.

Boats, 171.

Boswell, Alexander (the author's father). See Lord Auchinleck.

Boswell, Sir Alexander (the author's eldest son), 283.

Boswell, David (the author's brother), 282, 284.

Boswell, James (author of The Life of Johnson), activity, 105, 178; ancestry, 272; autograph, 287; Court of Session Garland, 293 ; descendants, 283–7; described by Miss Burney, 276 and by himself, 277; drunk, 4, 168, 213; facility of manners, 272; family pride, 282; fear of ghosts, 205; feudal enthusiasm, 284; funeral, 288; good landlord, 290; indifference to scenery, 86, 275; interested in the Douglas cause, 56, 247, 272; Life of Johnson, 285–6; love of London, 149; manuscripts, 285; mentioned by Burns, 267; no memorial of him, 77; praises savage life, 26; pronunciation, 63; Tour to Corsica, 280, 285; will, 284, 290.

Boswell, James (the author's grandfather), 272.

Boswell, James (the author's second son), 284.

Boswell, Sir James (the author's grandson), 284.

Boswell, Thomas Alexander, 284.

Boswell, Veronica (the author's eldest daughter), 75.

Boswell, Mrs. (Lord Auchinleck's second wife), 271.

Boswell, Mrs. (the author's wife), 55, 75, 220, 267.

Boswell family, 286.

Bothwell, Earl of, 69.

Boyd, Hon. Charles, 128.

Boyd, James, 69.

Braxfield, Lord, 293.

Breadalbane, Lord, 34.

Breakfasts, 20.

Brentford, 263.

Brett, John, R.A., 207.

Brighton, 123, 199.

Broadford, 3, 167, 169–171.

Bruar Water, 24, 33.

Bruce, King Robert, 258.

Buccleugh, fifth Duke of, 77.

Buchanan, George, 37, 91, 200.

Bullers of Buchan, 128.

Burgynski, Count, 279.

Burke, Edmund, 66, 76, 263, 277, 286, 294.

Burlassig, 150.

Burnet, Bishop, 295.

Burney, Dr., 296.

Burney, Miss, 276.

Burns, Robert, Bruar Water, 24, 33; Ayrshire scenery, 31; Scotch militia, 64; Holyrood House, 85; Miss Burnet, 112; Inverary, 246; Earnest Cry and Prayer, 267; "Lugar's winding stream," 280; monument, 283; his genius hidden by his dialect, 286.

Bury, Lord, 145.

Bute, Earl of, 37.

Byron, Lord, 25.

Cadell, General, C.B., 302, n. 1.

Cambridge, R. O., 296.

Camden, William, 27, 97, 264, 268.

Cameron, 260.

Cameron of Lochiel, 144, 282.

Cameron, Mrs., of Talisker, 210.

Cameronians, 289.

Campbell, Rev. Dr. Archibald, 90, n. 2.

Campbell, Sir Hugh, 142.

Campbell, Dr. John, 14.

Campbell of Inverliver, 141.

Campbell of Treesbank, 267.

Campbell, —, 4, n. 2.

Candles, 4.

Canning, George, 117.

Carlisle, fifth Earl of, 26.

Carberry Hill, 69.

Carlyle, Rev. Dr. Alexander, 43, 65, 69, 265, 297-9, 303.

Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 96, 118.

Carlyle, Thomas, 39, 52, 68, 79, 86, 88, 89, 202, 291.

Caroline, Queen, 48.

Cathedrals, 133.

Caves, 205–6, 226.

Cawdor, 135–142.

Cawdor, Earl of, 141.

Chamberlain, 251.

Chambers, Sir Robert, 68.

Chambers, Dr. Robert, 97, 236, 269, 293.

Chambers, William, 77.

Change-house, 219.

Chapels, 118.

Charles I., 278, 280.

Charles II., 250.

Charles Edward, Prince, the Young Pretender, 53, 64, 119–20, 179, 182–84, 206, 269.

Charlotte, Queen, 77.

Chatham, Earl of, 64, 171, 231.

Chesterfield, Earl of, 15, n. 3, 274, n. 1.

Chrystal, Rev. Dr. James, 288, 290.

Churches, 43, 81, 108, 176.

Civility, 19.

Clan feeling, 259.

Clarke, Rev. Dr. Samuel, 19.

Climate, 20, 30.

Clow, Professor, 263.

Coaches, 264.

Coal, 262.

Cockburn, Lord, 58, 59, 80, 81.

Cockburn, Sheriff, 56.

Cocker's Arithmetic, 154.

Cocoa Tree Club, 297.

Col, Isle of, 24, 214–6, 236.

Col, Macleane of. See Macleane.

Coleridge, S. T., 162.

Colliers, 69, 236, 259.

Colman, George, 117.

Colquhoun, Sir James, 257.

Colvay, 217.

Commissary Court, 261.

Coote, Sir Eyre, 142.

Copyright, 61.

Corrichatachin, 4, 21, 167–70, 212.

Corsica, 201, 204, 280.

Court of Session, 78.

Court of Session Garland, 293.

Covenanted magistrates, 275.

Coventry, Countess of, 248, 250.

Cox, G. V., 117.

Craig, James, 57.

Craigie, Lord President, 58.

Craignure, 4, 233.

Cranston, 302.

Cromartie, Earl of, 298.

Cromwell, Oliver, 35, 68, 145, 250, 278.

Crosbie, Andrew, 64.

Cuchullin Hills, 204.

Culloden, 60, 127, 142, 146, 152, 155, 298.

Cumberland, Richard, 190.

Cumberland, William, Duke of, 27, 102, 118, 123, 129, 142–6, 152, 155, 171, 298.

Cunninghame, 268.

Cupar, 88.

Dalrymple, Sir David. See Lord Hailes.

Dalrymple, Sir John, 63, 302–4.

Dancing, 178.

Darnhall, 297.

Davies, Thomas, 280.

Defoe, Daniel, 34,36, 51, 99, 107, 131, 145, 264.

Dempster, 235.

Dempster, George, 8.

Dinner-hour, 65.

Discounts, 98.

Doge of Genoa, 23.

Dominies, 278.

Douglas, Duchess of, 63.

Douglas, Elizabeth, 113.

Douglas Cause, 56, 247, 272.

Drinking, 91.

Drumclog Moor, 290.

Drummond of Hawthornden, 304.

Drummond, George, of Blair, 35, 44 n. 3.

Drummore, Lord, 58.

Dryden, John, 109.

Dun, Rev. John, 288.

Dun Buy, 129, 238.

Dun Can, 2, 177.

Dunbar, 68.

Dunbarton, 262.

Dundas, Henry. See Viscount Melville.

Dundee, 12, 105.

Dundee, Marquis of, 109.

Dundonald Castle, 267, 270.

Dungeons and pits. 198, 234–9.

Dunolly Castle, 244.

Dunvegan, 1–3, 19, 184–204, 235.

Durham, 87.

Durham on the Galatians, 281.

Dutch Scotch Regiments, 209.

Edinburgh, Advocates' Library, 80; Bridge, 58; Cadies, 54; Castle, 85; Chessel's Buildings, 72; College Wynd, 82; Cowgate, 82; Cross, 53, 81; English residents, 37; Grass Market, 53; Guard House, 78; hackney coaches, 65; High Street, 51–4; Holyrood House, 77, 85, 295; hotbed of genius, 9; houses, 45; inns and taverns, 45, 49–51; 69–72; James's Court, 57, 67, 72–7; Laigh Parliament House, 80; Luckenbooths, 52, 78; Mound, 58; New Town, 57, 59; Parliament-House, 78; Pleasance, 50; poor, 42; Post-House Stairs, 82; printing-houses, 61; robberies, 54; Royal Infirmary, 84; scavengers, 46; "Scotch scene," 60; Sedans, 65; Select Society, 48, 298; St. David's Street, 57; St. Giles, 81; St. John's Street, 113; Stage-coaches, 60, 123 n. 4, 264; Sunday, 53; suppers, 65; Tolbooth, 53, 78; University, 58, 83; Weigh House, 78; White Horse Inn, 68–72; workhouse, 43, 85.

Edwards, Oliver, 196.

Eglinton, Earl of, 35.

Eglington, Dowager Countess of, 268–70.

Eilan Donan Castle, 158.

Eldon, Earl of, 304.

Eldon, Countess of, 190, 304.

Elgin, 36, 130–4.

Elibank, Patrick, Lord, 42, 65, 74, 75, 85, 297–302.

Ellon, 124.

Emigration, 162, 176.

Epictetus, 214.

Errol, Earl of, 49, 124–27.

Erse, 135, 147, 218, 266.

Erskine, Hon. Andrew, 277.

Erskine, Hon. Henry, 78.

Erskine, John, 55 n. 1.

Eton, 294.

Executions, 53.

Fairbairn, James, 304.

Faochag, 160.

Farming, 32, 34.

Farms, small, 112.

Fergusson, Dr. Adam, 9, 63, 65.

Ferneley, 206.

Fielding, Sir John, 54.

Findlater, Lord, 130.

Firth of Tay, 104.

Fleet Street, 275, 286.

Foote, Samuel, 111.

Forbes, Sir William, 76.

Fore-stairs, 92.

Fores, 134.

Forrest, Henry, 93.

Fort Augustus, 143, 148, 152, 162.

Fort George, 142.

Foster-children, 4.

Foyers, 130, 150–51.

Franklin, Benjamin, 74, 77.

Frederick, Prince of Wales, 296.

Freedom of towns, 117.

Fronde, Mr. J. A., 217, 290.

Funeral bill, 131.

Funerals, 227, 241.

Furca et fossa, 235.

Gaelic. See Erse.

Garden, Francis (Lord Gardenstone), 109.

Gardens, 32, 35, 42, 105, 169, 175–76, 190, 210, 240, 201.

Gardenstone Arms, 109.

Garnett, Dr. T., 150, 161, 229, 232, 242.

Garrick, David, 76.

Geddes, Jenny, 81.

General's Hut, 150.

George I., 69.

George II., 48, 101, 127, 144.

George III., 115, 120, 127, 300.

George IV., 77, 283.

Giant's Causeway, 211.

Gibbon, Edward, 67, 230, 293.

Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E., 81, n. 1, 300, n. 1.

Glamis Castle, 173.

Glasgow, 94, 117, 123, 198, 262–66.

Glen, 157.

Glen Clunie, 156–57.

Glen Croe, 5, 13, 253–55.

Glen Elg, 10, 20, 163–67.

Glen Morison, 2, 19, 153.

Glen Shiel, 156–60.

Goat Island, 174.

Goldsmith, Oliver, 3, 32, 33, 49, 244, 285-87.

Golf, 9, n. 1, 98.

Graham, Marquis of, 172.

Graham, Peter, R.A., 207.

Grant, Colonel, 136.

Grant, Rev. Mr., 136, 137.

Grants of Glenmorison, 155.

Gray, Thomas, 26, 28, 33, 45 n. 6, 47, 123, 143, 173.

Green, Matthew, 103.

Gunning, Elizabeth. See Argyle, Duchess of.

Gustavus Adolphus, 113.

Hackney-coaches, 65.

Haddington, 43, 68.

Hailes, Lord (Sir David Dalrymple), 8, 14, 80, 132, 292–97.

Hailes, Miss, 297.

Hallam, Arthur, 294.

Hallam, Dean, 294.

Hamilton, 290.

Hamilton, Duke of, 248.

Hamilton, Lady Betty, 251.

Hamilton, Patrick, 93.

Hamilton of Bangour, 269.

Hawthornden, 304.

Hebridean sailors, 21.

Hesiod, 16, 109.

Henderson, Andrew, 144, 155, 171.

Hereditary Jurisdictions, 197, 228, 234–38.

Heronry, 200.

Hesiod, 95.

Highlands and Hebrides, air, 25; books, 168; chiefs, 228; dress, 171–73, 181–82, 203, 255; fidelity of Highlanders, 183; like Indians, 154, 161; "banditti," 165; unknown, 24.

Hill, Mr. Frederick, 265.

Hill, Sir Rowland, 170.

Holland, 272, 274.

Home, John, 10, 39, 63, 298–99.

Honest man, 169.

Hottentots, 15, n. 3, 288.

Houses, 15, 21, 32, 42, 45, 170, 177, 220, 229, 240, 296.

Hudibras, 138.

Hume, David, ill-will to England, 7; benefits of the Union, 39; house, 57, 66, 74–77; in the mire, 59; journey to London, 59; accent, 62, 67; copy-money, 63; Poker Club, 64; cookery, 66; "infidel writer," 66; conversation, 67; father's house, 68; no statue, 77; Advocates' Librarian, 80; dread of the sea, 87; Reynolds's picture, 123; Clow preferred to him, 263; Lord Hailes, 294; Select Society, 298; Mary, Queen of Scots, 299; Dalyrymple's Memoirs, 303.

Humphry Clinker, 38.

Iceland, 23.

Inch Galbraith, 257.

Inch Keith, 85.

Inch Kenneth, 6, 218, 221–25.

Innes, Rev. Dr., 90, n. 2.

Inns, 49, 69, 89, 151, 165, 180, 219, 229, 245–46, 262, 304.

Inverary, 232, 245–53, 257.

Invermoriston, 152.

Inverness, 137, 142–48.

lona, 214, 226–31.

Ireland, 64.

Irish people, 14.

Irvine, Robert, 113.

Irving, Edward, 86, 88, 291.

Irving, Mr. Henry, 140.

Isa, 174, 199.

Isle of Muck, 199.

James IV., 120.

James V., 180.

James VI., 135.

James II. of England, 182, 250, 295.

Jardine, Rev. Dr., 65.

Jeffrey, Francis (Lord Jeffrey), 33, 62 n. 9. 256.

Johns of Scotland, The Four, 158.

Johnson Club, 160, 173.

Johnson, Michael, 23.

Johnson, Samuel, affection for Boswell, 272; altercation with Lord Auchinleck, 278–281; behaviour at Dunvegan, 188; broad-sword, 24; never complained, 20; complimented on his return, 22; cups of tea, 189, 204; dangers of his voyage, 21; delicate in his language, 196; Dictionary, 168; dominie, 278; dread of the Highlanders, 154, 161; dukes and lords, 270; Erse New Testament, 266; feared by professors, 122, 263; fresh air, 47; fretful, 164; harasssed by invitations, 292; hatred of exaggeration, 22; hogshead of sense, 232; imitates the kangaroo, 137; "Island Isa," 174; laced clothes, 260; in a library, 295; love of life, 297; journey to Edinburgh and return, 59, 304; Journey to the Hebrides, 17, 156, 259; lemonade, 71, 107; levee, 75; meals, to; objects of his tour, 24: Odes, i, 168; peats, 3; politeness, 257; projected monument, 288; retirement, 95; roving among the Hebrides, 23, 227; sacrilege, 132; Sassenach mohr, 1; scenery, 24. 29, 86, 120, 245; Scotch feeling towards him, 7–16, 259, 300; his feeling towards them, 7, 16; sleep, 152; spurs, 173; tavern-life, 299; traditions of him, 1–7, 156, 164, 189, 191, 204, 296, 302; Ursa Major, 79; walking-stick, 2, 34, 173, 176, 220; wig, 3, 197, writing doggedly, 81; young English buck, 182.

Johnston, 2, 5, 12, 195, 234.

Jonson, Ben, 304.

Jopp, Provost, 116.

Jougs, 138.

Judges, on circuit, 115; their brutality, 293.

Kames, Lord (Henry Home), 34, 41, 43, 62, 66, 80, 274.

Kangaroos, 137.

Keith, — 66.

Kerr, Lord Mark, 123.

Kerrera, 242.

Kilarow, 235.

Kilmarnock, 271.

Kilmarnock, Earl of, 126.

Kincardine, Countess of. 272.

Kinghorn, 86–7.

Kingsburgh, 181.

Kinnoul, Earl of, 228.

Kirkcaldy, 87-8.

Knives and forks, 43, 252.

Knox, John (the reformer), 16, 81, 94, 95–6.

Knox, John, the traveller, 9, 45, 148, 161, 165, 187, 189, 204, 209, 243, 263.

Lady, title of, 189.

Land, 74, n. 2.

Lauderdale, Earl of, 49.

Laurencekirk, 109.

Leach, —, 25.

Leechman, Principal, 266.

Leuchars, 103.

Leven, Earl of, 49.

Lewis, Island of, 182-3.

Libraries, 84, 100.

Lichfield, 91, 133, 220.

Linlithgow, 171.

Lismore, 11.

Loch Awe, 141, 245.

Loch Bracadale, 204, 206.

Loch Buie, 5, 233–242.

Loch Uuich, 2, 163.

Loch Eollart, 185.

Loch Fyne, 247, 253.

Loch Grishinish, 184.

Loch Harport, 211.

Loch Hourn, 144.

Lochiern, 21.

Loch Lomond, 6, 25, 30, 253, 255–61.

Loch Na Keal, 218.

Loch Ness, 27, 30, 149–52.

Loch Snizort, 181, 184.

Loch Uisk, 233.

Lochbuy, Laird of (John Macleane), 5, 233–42.

Lochbuy, Lady, 6, 189, 234.

Lochbuy, Macleane of, (the present Laird), 237, 240, 242.

Lodore, 151.

Loudoun, Countess of, 296.

Loudoun, Earl of, 270.

Lovat, Lord, 141.

Lugar, 280, 287.

Luss, 255, 258.

Lyttelton, Lord, 15 n. 3.

Macaulay, Lord, 11, 135, 137, 253, 285–87.

Macaulay, Rev. John, 11, 253.

Macaulay, Rev. Kenneth, 135–59.

Macaulay, Zachary, 253.

Macbeth, 147.

Macdonald, Sir Alexander, 6, 22, 167.

Macdonald, Flora, 19, 181–83.

Macdonald, Sir James, 180.

Macdonald of Kingsburgh, 182, 184.

Mackenzie, Henry, 63.

Mackenzies, clan of, 158.

Mackinnon, Lachlan, 170.

Mackinnon, Mrs., 168.

Mackinnon's Cave, 226.

Mackintosh, Sir James, 226.

Mackintoshes, clan of, 155.

Macleane, Sir Allan, 6, 218, 221–30 234.

Macleane of Col, 4, 21, 35, 211 ,220, 226, 234.

Macleane of Drumnen, 25.

Macleane, Dr., 218.

Macleane of Lochbuy. See Lochbuy.

Macleane, Miss, 218.

Macleod of Macleod, Miss, 2, 191, 284.

Macleod, Lady, 189–90, 194.

Macleod, Laird of, 2, 29, 177, 186–9, 209.

Macleod, the old Laird of, 187, 192.

Macleod, Major Alexander, 189.

Macleod, Colonel, 187, 207–9.

Macleod, John, of Raasay, 19, 171, 174–79.

Macleod, Malcolm, 171–73, 179.

Macleod, Mrs., of Ulinish, 204.

Macleod, Rev. Neal, 231.

Macleod, Sir Roderick, 193.

Macleod's Maidens, 194, 207.

Macleod's Tables, 197.

Macpherson, James, 10, 11, 63.

Macquarrie of Ulva, 220.

Macqueen, Rev Donald, 4, 18, 171, 177, 179.

Macsweyn, 3 n. 1, 35.

Magus Moor, 88.

Maine, Sir Henry, 177.

Mallet, David, 62.

Mam Rattaclian, 2, 164, 241.

Man not naturally good, 189.

Mansfield, Earl of, 20, 124.

Martin, M., 23, 173, 175, 179, 198, 200, 206, 216.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 69, 106, 250, 299.

Mason, Rev. William. 28. 151.

Matheson, Rev. Alexander, 145 n. 1, 156, 162.

Matthews, Charles, 284.

McCraas, 144, 161.

Meals, 20, 41, 43–5, 165.

Medical men, 232.

Melville, Viscount, (Henry Dundas), 77, 80.

Merk, Scotch, 121.

Mile stones, 253.

Militia, 64.

Millar, Andrew, 14.

Milne, Walter, 93.

Ministers, 19.

McNicol, Rev. Donald, 11, 135 n. 1.

Moidart, 144.

Monboddo, Lord (James Burnet), 15, 18, 80, 110–15, 276, 300.

Monboddo House, 113.

Montgomery, Lord Chief Baron, 58.

Montrose, 104, 107.

Moray, Bishop of, 120.

Mordaunt, Brigadier, 298.

More, Hannah, 111.

Moy, 233.

Mull, 6, 218–20, 227, 231–42.

Murdoch, William, 289.

Murray. Dr. James A. H., 118.

Murison, Rev. Dr., 100.

Muthill, 119.

Nairn, 134.

Nairne, Colonel, 101.

Nairne, Lord, 101.

Nairne, William (Lord Dunsinan), 85.

Napkins, 252.

Neat, 45, 108, 291.

New Hailes, 2, 291–7.

Newcastle, first Duke of, 274.

Newcastle Fly, 59.

Nivernois, Duke de, 66.

Nonjurors, 119.

Northcote, James, 123.

Northumberland, 109.

Oats, 42, 242, 257.

Oban, 242–44.

Ochiltree, 288.

Ogden, Rev. Dr. Samuel, 75.

Oglethorpe, General, 49, n. 2.

Old Mortality, 289.

Omai, 112.

Ormond, Duke of, 158.

Ossian, 18, 20, 294.

Ostig, 213.

Otaheite, 261.

Oxford, 98, 100, 117, 266, 304.

Paoli, Pascal, 74, 278–80, 287.

Patriarchal life, 177.

Patronage, 90.

Paufer, Thomas, 130.

Paul, Sir G. O., 221.

Peasants, 33, 34, 40–43, 112.

Pembroke College, Oxford, 97.

Penance rings, 137.

Pennant, Thomas, 24, 28, 34, 82, 91, 98, 109. 117, 137, 149, 176, 195, 211, 229, 235, 246–47, 249, 253, 264, 304.

Percy, Dr. Thomas (Bishop of Dromore), 22.

Perth, 117, 172.

Philibeg, 171.

Pictish Forts, 167.

Pinkie, 69.

Pitcairne, Dr. Archibald, 109.

Pitfour, Lord, 146.

Pitt, William. See Earl of Chatham.

Pius IX., 106.

Plaids, 147, 171.

Plane trees, 101, n. 2.

Plutarch, 111.

Poker Club, 64, 303.

Poland, 279.

Porteous Riots, 78.

Porter, Lucy, 220.

Portraits, 192.

Portree, 180, 184.

Post chaises, 68, 87, 148.

Posts, 123, 145, 170, 262, 292.

Potatoes, 35.

Presbyterians, 274.

Preston Pans, 69.

Prince Charlie's Caves, 206.

Pringle, Sir John, 74, 274, 281.

Prisons, 54, 146. See Dungeon.

Pulteney, William (Earl of Bath), 232.

Querns, 211. Quin, James, 280.

Raasay, 2, 19, 142, 171–79.

Raeburn, Sir Henry, 192.

Ramsay, Allan, 77, 267, 269, 298.

Ramsay, John, of Ochtertyre, 45, 56, 174, 189, 241, 272, 278, 294.

Ranelagh Gardens, 49.

Rattachan. See Mam Rattachan.

Ray, James, 129, 149.

Rebellion of 1745–46, 101, 119, 123, 127, 129, 134, 142–46, 149–52, 154–55. 171, 179, 181, 264–65, 296, 298.

Reformation, The, 16.

Reid, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 63, 120, 263.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 17, 123, 127, 249, 277, 283.

Ritter, Joseph, 86.

Rizzio, David, 85.

Roads, 87, 147–48, 184, 224, 245, 260.

Robert II., 267.

Robertson, Rev. Dr. William, 14, 22, 48, 63, 66, 77, 81–5, 123, 223, 298-99.

Robinson, "Peter," 79.

Rochester, Earl of, 91.

Rogers, Samuel, 59.

Roger, Professor Thorold, 237.

Rollo, Lord, 119.

Room-setters, 71, n. 4.

Rorie More, 186, 190, 193–96.

Rosedew, 257.

Rosslyn Chapel, 304.

Rosslyn, first Earl of, 287.

Rousseau, 5, 77, 111, 287.

Rowlandson, Thomas, 281.

Royal Charlotte, 192.

Ruddiman, Thomas, 80, 109.

Rum, Isle of, 213.

Ruskin, John, 57.

Russell, Lord William, 303.

Sacheverell, William, 162, 216, 219, 229.

Sacrament-Sunday, 201.

Saint-Fond, Faujas de, 29, 51, 84, 90, 92, 96–7, 243, 252–56.

Salters, 69, 236.

Saluting, 182.

Sandiland, 224.

Scalpa, 173.

Scarsdale, Lord, 168.

Scenery, 24–34, 87, 218.

Schools, 259.

Sconser, 211.

Scotch, boastful, 14; clannish, 14; combination, 14, 39; decencies of life neglected, 41–8; English abuse, 38; English ignorance of them, 24, 36; English imitated, 7, 60–3; historical nation, 63; hospitality, 65; ill-fed, 41; learning, 60, 290; neglect of the beautiful, 32; outcry against Johnson, 8–15; road to England, 38; sensitive to criticism, 7; vigour of character 32, 38, 40

Scots Hunters, 49.

Scots Magazine, 7.

Scott, Sir Walter, Lord Auchinleck, 274, 278; Sir A. Boswell, 283–84; Buchanan a favourite author, 91; colliers and sailers, 259; cruise in 1814, 124; Duke of Cumberland, 143; death of Col, 220; dominies, 279; at Dunvegan, 188, 191, 193, 195; Lord Elibank, 298; Highland accommodation, 8; Highland dress, 172; house in the College Wynd, 48. 78; Inch Kenneth, 221; inns, 151; lona, 229; Johnson and Adam Smith, 263; Johnson's Ode, 168; last quotation from Johnson, 83; Johnston, 234; Lord Monboddo, 112, 114; Old Mortality, 291; Peveril of the Peak, 79; his popularity, 286; Scotch learning, 61; Archbishop Sharpe, 88; at St. Andrews. 96; in Skye, 1; Lord Stowell, 71; at Tobermory, 217; trees, 34; Wizard of the North, 38.

Scott, William (Lord Stowell), 68, 71.

Seaforth, Lord, 161.

Sharpe, Archbishop, 88, 97.

Sheep-shearing, 163.

Shenstone, William, 72, 214.

Sidney, Algernon, 303.

Sikes, Sir Charles, 285.

Silver fork, 252.

Singing, 173.

Singing-birds, 163.

Skinner, Rev. John, 119.

Skye, the verge of European life, 170; one magistrate, 177.

Slains Castle, 124–29.

Slaves, 292.

Sligachan, 211.

Smallet of Dumbarton, 217.

Smith, Adam, praises Boswell, 272; conversation, 278; farming, 35; Kirkaldy, 66, 87–8; old town of Edinburgh, 59; peasantry, 41; professor at Glasgow, 263; reported quarrel with Johnson, 263; room in Hume's house, 67, 74; Select Society, 298; no statue to him, 77; tax on coal, 263; the Union, 39; Wealth of Nations, 63.

Smith, ——, an architect, 294.

Smoking, 91.

Smollet, Commissary, 260.

Smollet, Tobias, ancestor, 217; beggars, 43; churches, 82; Edinburgh High Street, 52; Lord Elibank. 297; funerals, 227; Glasgow, 264; Hamilton, 291; Highland dress, 172; and meals, 44; Humphry Clinker, 37; inns, 50; living, 41, 46; his pillar, 261; rebel prisoners, 155; St. Andrews, 91; Tears of Scotland, 142; turnips, 36; Union, 39.

Snuff, 161.

Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 266.

Soldiers, 154, 165.

Somerset, Duke of, 69.

South, Rev. Dr. Robert, 16 n. 6.

Southey, Robert, 105 n. 1.

Spanish Invasion, 158, 217.

Speke, Captain, 136.

Spey, 130.

Spouse, 107.

St. Andrews, 16, 17, 88–103; Castle, 92; Cathedral, 94, 102; Cloisters, 95; Glass's Inn, 89; nonjuring parson, 119; professors' dinner, 97; St. Leonard's College, 89; St. Mary's College, 100; St. Salvator's College, 99; St. Rule, 96; streets, 91; trees, 97; University, 98–9, 102.

St. Kilda, 198.

Stablers, 51, 69.

Staffa, 24, 226.

Stairs, Earl of, 296.

State of nature, 260.

Steamboats, 256.

Stewart, Lady Henrietta, 142.

Stockdale, Rev. Percival, 98.

Stone, Jerome, 101.

Strahan, George, 186.

Strahan, William, 14, 59.

Streatham, 176, 276.

Strolimus, 212.

Struan, 205.

Stuart, James, of Dunearn, 284.

Stuckgown, 256.

Sugar-tongs, 6.

Supper-parties, 65.

Swift, Jonathan, 82, 189, 191.

Tait, John, 264.

Talisker, 206–11.

Tarbet, 253, 255–57.

Tay Bridge, 240.

Taylor, Rev. Dr. 305.

Temple, Sir William, 61, 272.

Temple, Rev. W. J., 267.

Tennyson, Lord, 249, 294.

Thomson, James, 57, 63.

Thrale, Mrs., 1, 23, 168, 199, 292.

Thrale, Miss, 156, 224.

Tobermory, 216–18.

Toland, John, 175.

Toll-gates, 87.

Topham, Edward, 9, 42, 47, 50, 182, 261.

Towns, their oddness, 51.

Tranent, 69.

Transportation, 116.

Trapaud, Governor, 161.

Trees, 16, 32–4, 149, 190, 227, 232, 249, 275, 288, 296, 302.

Trevelyan, Sir George, 135, 253.

Turk's Head Coffee-house, 23, 292.

Turnips, 35.

Tytler, A. F., 277, 304.

Ulinish, 204.

Ulva, 4, 218–221.

Union, 15, 39, 236.

Universities, 83, 99, 120–22, 265.

Up streets, 53, n. 3.

Utensils, 176.

Vails, 48.

Vegetables, 35, 44.

Venice, 16.

Vested interests, 237.

Village communities, 177.

Vitrified forts, 148.

Voltaire, 22, 123, 280.

Wade, General, 147, 150.

Waggons, 87.

Wales, 85.

Walker, Rev. George, 289.

Wallace, Rev. Robert, D.D., 9.

Wallace, Sir William, 294.

Waller, Edmund, 121.

Walpole, Horace, 37, 64, 127, 132, 215, 248, 250, 296–97, 303.

Walpole, Sir Robert, 231.

Walton, Isaac, 102.

Washing, 137.

Washington, George, 188.

Watson, Professor Robert, 63, 89.

Watts, Mr., the painter, 229.

Wellington, Duke of, 301.

Wesley, John, Aberbrothick, 105; Aberdeen, 119; arrested, 56; Edinburgh dirt, 47; freeman of Perth, 117; funerals, 241; Glasgow, 264–65; Holy Rood House, 85; inns, 49; Inverness, 145, 149, 163; Johnson's Tour, 17; meals, 44; mountain scenery, 28; Nairn, 135; preaching to the Scotch, 40; reforming mobs, 94; Spey, 130; St. Andrews, 89, 99; towns, 51.

Wheaten bread, 44, 161, 257.

Whigs, 282.

Whisky, 245.

White Horse, 69.

Whitefield, Rev. Georg, 76.

Wia, 205.

Wilkes, John, 66.

William III., 274.

Wilkie, William, D.D., 10.

Wilson, John, 77.

Windows, 47.

Wishart, George, 93.

Witches, 90.

Wolfe, Major-General James, 25, 41, 47, 142–43, 145, 154, 171, 254.

Worcestershire Volunteers, 265.

Wordsworth, William, 28, 32, 135, 254.

Writers to the Signet, 222.

Yew Tree Island, 258.

Zoffany, John, 188, 195.