The Forcible Entry Act 1381 (1381)
The Parliament of England

Originally written in the Anglo-Norman language. The original text and English translation below (reproduced here in Roman script, without most accents in the original) are sourced from The Statutes, 1870 Revised Edition, Vol. I, p.227.

938359The Forcible Entry Act 13811381The Parliament of England

Original text


Et Auxint le Roi defende q nully desore face entree en aucunes tres & teñz sinoun en cas ou entree est done p la loy, & en cell cas nemye a forte main ne a multitude des gentz, einz tantsoulement en [lisible & aisee][1][2] mane, et si nully desore face a contraire & ent soit convict duement soit puniz p emprisonment de son corps & dilloeqs reint a la voluntee le Roy.[3]

Translation into English


And also the King defendeth, that none from henceforth make any entry into lands and tenements, but in case where entry is given by the law; and in such case not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in [peaceable][4] and easy manner. And if any man from henceforth do the contrary, and thereof be duly convict, he shall be punished by imprisonment of his body, and thereof ransomed at the King's will.[5]


  1. Alternative reading due to Rot. Parl. nu." 71:"lisible aisee & peisible"
  2. Alternative reading in printed copies of the Act: "peasible & aisee"
  3. The Statutes, 1870 Revised Edition, Vol. I, p.227.
  4. Alternative reading: "lawful"
  5. The Statutes, 1870 Revised Edition, Vol. I, p.227.


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