4100353Gondibert: An Heroick Poem — The Second Book: Canto the ThirdWilliam Davenant

CANTO the Third.

The Argument.
Dead Oswald to his Camp by Hubert brought;
The Camp from pitie, are to furie wrought;
Yet find, when Gartha's looks does them surprise,
Their forward Hands diverted by their Eyes:
Till with her voice new urg'd, they deeds pursue
Which ever Revenge would, had it Eyes, eschew.

WHen from the fatal Forrest Hubert rode,
To Brescia he and Borgie bent their way;
That their, though dead, yet much important Load,
They might with horrour to the Camp convay.

Revenge, impatient Hubert proudly sought!
Revenge, which even when just the wise deride;
For on past wrongs we spend our time and thought,
Which scarce against the future can provide.

But Fame before him came, where those are b•ed
Who to her dismal Tales, faint credit give;
Who could not think their mighty Oswald dead,
Whilst they unconquer'd and unwounded live.

Nor could Fame hope to make this Camp her Seat;
Her Tales, the talking, idle, fearfull, hear;
But these are silent as in stoln retreat,
Busie as life, and like the Dead, past fear.

Near Mela's flowry Bank this Army lay,
Which Oswald's Syre, and Oswald oft had led
Against the Vandals King; and twice the Day
They gain'd, whilst he from them and Empire fled.

From Youth expos'd, like Cattel in the Field;
And not taught warmth, as Citie Infants are;
But colds and fasts, to kill or to be kill'd;
Like th'Elements their birth began with war.

So rev'rend now, and strong in age appear,
As if maintain'd by more than humane breath;
So grave, as if the Councellours they were,
Not Executioners of Tyrant Death.

With silence (order's help, and mark of care)
They chid that noise which heedless youth effect;
Still course for use, for health they cleanly were,
And save in well fix'd Arms, all niceness check'd.

They thought, those that unarm'd expos'd frail life;
But naked Nature valiantly betrai'd;
Who was, though naked, safe, till pride made strife;
But made defence must use, now dangers made.

And those who toyl of Armour cannot bide,
Lose Nature's force, which these in custom find;
And make (since strength's but Nature hourly try'd)
The Body weak by softness of the Mind.

They seem'd so calm, and with their age so grave,
So just and civil in their killing trade,
As if all life were crime but what they save;
Or Murder were by method lawfull made.

Yet now that Manhood which those Victors makes
(So weak is Man, where most he may be proud)
Pitie, the tender'st of affections, shakes,
And they become from order, loose, and loud.

For when they saw the Brother of their Chief
Led to their Camp by a defeated Train,
They soon, too late scorn'd Rumour, gave belief,
And then by Hubert's wounds thought Oswald slain.

But when disguis'd in death they Oswald saw,
In a slow Chariot brought, with fun'ral pace;
Themselves in an united Croud they draw;
And give all grief one universal Face.

Wonder (which grows unactive by excess)
A while did their unruly passion stay;
The object lasting made their wonder less,
Which fled to give their grief and anger way.

Yet first their grief (which Manhood should restrain)
They vent in womens sighs, with tears allay'd;
As if those women taught them to complain
Who by their Swords are weeping widows made.

As Icie Rocks which frosts together bind,
Stand silent, till as silently they melt,
But when they meet in Currents unconfin'd,
Swell, and grow loud, as if they freedom felt;

So these, unmov'd before, melt quietly
In their first grief, till grief (when tears meet tears,
And sighs meet sighs from ev'ry Breast and Eye)
Unruly grows, and danger's visage bears.

When hastily they heard by whose dire hand
Their Gen'ral fell, they think it cold to pause
Till anger may be guided by command;
And vain to ask of cureless Death the cause.

Some would to Bergamo their Ensignes bear,
Against those Youth which Gondibert had led;
Whom they in sacrifice would offer there,
T'appease the living, and revenge the dead.

And some (to shew their rage more eminent(
Would to Verona march, and there do deeds
Should make the shining Court in blacks lament,
And weep, whilst the Victorious Faction bleeds.

Hubert (who saw Revenge advance so fast,
Whilst Prudence, slower pac'd was left behind)
Would keep their anger bent, yet slack their haste;
Because the rash fall oftner then the blind.

He first their melting Pity kindly prais'd,
Which water'd Anger's forge, and urg'd their fire;
That like to Meteors lasts by being rais'd,
But when it first does sink, does strait expire.

Commends their anger, yet that flame he prays
May keep the temp'rate Chymicks equal heat;
That they in furie might not need allays,
Nor charge so rashly as to want retreat.

Begs they this dismal night would there remain,
And make the hopeful Morn their Guid; whilst Grief
(Which high Revenge, as tameness should disdain)
Sleep shall conceal, and give his wounds relief.

He Vasco, Paradine, and Dargonet,
With Oswald, to the red Pavilion sent;
(Death's equal Pris'ners now for Nature's debt)
And then retires with Borgio to his Tent.

This is the night the Brescians so bemoan'd;
Who left their beds, and on then walls appear'd;
As if th'oppressed World in Earth-quakes groan'd,
Or that some ruin'd Nation's sighs they heard;

Admir'd what in that Damp such griefs could raise,
Where serious Death so oft had been abus'd,
When even their sportive Fencers Monthly Plays
Profan'd that shape, which States for terror us'd.

Yet this loud mourning will no wonder breed,
When we with life lay Oswald's errors by,
And use him as the Living use the Dead;
Who first allow men virtue when they die.

Still lib'ral of his life, of wealth as free;
By which he chief in fighting Crowds became;
Who must their Leaders Valors often see;
And follow them for bounty more than fame.

This gen'ral mourning was to loudness rais'd,
By shewing Gifts he gave, and wounds he took;
They chid at last his life which they had prais'd,
Because such virtue it so soon forsook.

Now Night, by Grief neglected, hastes away!
And they the Morn's officious Usher spie,
The closs Attendant on the Lord of Day;
Who shows the warmer of the World is nigh.

And now the Drums, the Camps low Thunder, make
War's thick united noise from ev'ry Guard;
Though they Reveillees scorn, whom grief does wake,
And sleep, think Nature's curse, not toyls reward.

All night proud Borgio (chief in Hubert's trust)
With haughtie hopes, the Camp does waking keep:
Ambition is more vigilant than Lust,
And in hope's feaver is too hot to sleep.

Now Day, and Hubert haste to publick view;
His wounds (unluckie more than dangerous)
Are so refresh'd, that he the Army drew
To a wide gross, and urg'd their Anger thus.

Friends to my Father! In whose wounds I see
They envy'd Merit whence his triumphs came;
And Fathers to my Brother, and to me;
For onely you adopted us to Fame!

Forgive me that I there have feebly fought,
Where Oswald in your cause did nobly strive;
Whence of his bloud these veins so much have brought,
As makes me blush that I am still alive!

Gone is your fighting Youth, whom you have bred
From milkie Childhood to the years of bloud!
By whom you joy'd so often to be led,
Where firm, as now your Trophies, then you stood!

Gon is he now, who still with low regard
Bow'd to your age, your wounds as beautie kist;
Knew Age was of your temp'rance the reward;
And Courts in beauty by your skars subsist.

Yet was he not for mean pretensions slain,
Who for your int'rest, not his own has fought;
Vex'd that the Empire which your wounds did gain,
Was by a young unwounded Army sought!

For Gondibert (to whom the Court must bow,
Now War is with your Fav'rite overthrown)
Will by his Camp of Boys at Bergamo,
Wed her, who to your Valour ows the Crown.

Blame not your Chief for his ambitious fire;
Who was but temp'rate, when he understood
He might the Empire in your right require;
The scant reward of your exhausted bloud.

Thus Hubert spake, but now so fierce they grow,
That Borgio strove to quench whom Hubert warm'd;
To Bergamo, they cry'd, to Bergamo!
And as they soon were vex'd, as soon are arm'd.

For to distinct and spacions Tents they hie,
Where quick as Vests of Persia shifted are,
Their Arms (which there in cleanly order lie)
They take from moving Ward-robes of the War.

Arm'd soon as Porquipins! as if like those,
Their very rage them with defence supplies;
As born with it, and must have winged Foes
That stoop from Heav'n to harm them by surprise.

With Ensigns now display'd, there Force they draw
To hastie order, and begin to move;
But are amus'd by something that they saw,
Which look'd like all that ere they heard of Love.

Unusual to their Camp such objects were,
Yet this no ill effect from wonder wrought;
For it appeas'd them by approching near,
And satisfi'd their Eyes in all they sought.

And this was Gartha in her Chari'ot drawn;
Who through the swarthie Region of the Night
Drove from the Court; and as a second dawn
Breaks on them like the Morns Reserve of Light.

Through all the Camp she moves with Fun'ral pace,
And still bows meekly down to all she saw;
Her grief gave speaking beautie to her Face,
Which lowly look'd, that it might pitie draw.

When by her Slaves her name they understood,
Her Lines of feature heedfully they view,
In her complexion track their Gen'ral's bloud,
And find her more than what by fame they knew.

They humbly her to that Pavilion guide,
Where Hubert his bold Chiefs with furie fir'd;
But his ambition, when he Gartha spy'd
(To give his sorrow place) a while retyr'd.

With his respectfull help she does descend;
Where they, with dear imbraces mingle Tears,
But now her Male Revenge would grief suspend;
Revenge, through Grief, too feminine appears.

But when her dear Allies, dead Paradine,
And Dargonet she saw: that Manliness
Which her weak Sex assum'd, she does decline;
As bred too soft, to mannage griefs excess.

Then soon return'd, as loth to shew her Eyes
No more of Oswald than she must forsake;
But sorrow's moisture heat of anger dries;
And mounted in her Chariot, thus she spake:

If you are those of whom I oft have heard
My Father boast, and that have Oswald bred;
Ah, where is now that rage our Tyrant fear'd;
Whose Darling is alive, though yours be dead?

The Court shines out at Rhodalind's commands,
To me (your drooping Flowre) no beam can spare;
Where Oswald's name new planted by your hands,
Withers, as if it lost the planters care.

From Rhodalind I thus disorder'd flie;
Lest she should say, thy Fate unpity'd comes!
Go sing, where now thy Fathers Fighters lie,
Thy Brothers Requiem, to their conqu'ring Drums!

The happy Fields by those grave Warriours fought,
(Which from the Dictates of thy aged Syre,
Oswald in high Victorious Numbers wrote)
Thou shalt no more sing to thy silenc'd Lyre!

Such scorns, pow'r on unlucky virtue throws,
When Courts with prosp'rous vices wanton are;
Who your Authentick age dispise for those,
Who are to you but Infants of the war.

Thus though she spake, her looks did more perswade;
Like virtuous anger did her colour rise,
As if th' injurious world it would invade,
Whilst tears of rage not pitie drown her Eyes.

The sun did thus to threatned Nature show
His anger red, whilst guilt look'd pale in all;
When Clouds of Flouds did hang about his Brow,
And then shrunk back to let that anger fall.

And so she turn'd her Face, not as to grieve
At ruin, but to lisence what she rais'd;
Whilst they (like common Throngs) all Tongues believe
When Courts are tax'd, but none when they are prais'd.

Like Commets, Courts afflict the Vulgar Eye;
And when they largest in their glory blaze,
People through ignorance think plagues are nigh,
And till they waste with mourning wonder gaze.

These scorn the Courts dissertion for their age;
The Active, ease impos'd, like pain endure;
For though calm rest does Ages pains asswage,
Yet few the sickness own to get the cure.

To Heav'n they lift their looks! whose Sun ne'r saw
Rage so agreed, as now he does behold;
Their shining swords all at an instant draw,
And bade him judge next day if they were old!

And of Verona wish'd him take his leave;
Which ere his third return they will destroy,
Till none shall guess by ruins where to grieve,
No more than Phrygians where to weep for Troy.

Thus Bergamo is soon forgot, whilst all
Aloud, Verona cry! Verona must
(That reach'd the Clouds) low as her Quaries fall!
They Court they'l bury in the Cities dust.