128415Hand-book of Volapük — 1.21887Charles E. Sprague





To decline a noun is to give all its cases in regular order. Thus fat is declined :

fat fata fate fati
fats fatas fates fatis

Decline all the nouns in the vocabulary of Exercise 1. (Remember to accent the last syllable.)
Express the following in Volapük : Of the fathers, to the boys, of a man, to the dog, the geese.


Givom, gives. Logom, sees.
Blinom, brings. Labom, has.

{[font-old|size="-1"|(Why these words end in om will be understood hereafter)}}

Nam, hand. Fut, foot. Fat, father.
Düp, hour. Mon, money. Log, eye.

Read in Volapük and translate into English :

Man labom dogi. Man labom dogis tel. Pul labom dogis tel e jipi bal. Dog logom gani. Pul logom dogi. Man givom dogi pule. Pul givom gani mane. Man givom doabis kil pule. Dog labom futis fol. Gan labom futis tel. Man labom futis tel e namis tel. Dog mana labom futis fol. Fat mana givom doabis kil pule. O fat ! man givom doab bal pule. Kim blinom dogis mane ? Pul blinom dogis mane. Kim labom moni ? Fat labom moni.

Answer in Volapük the following questions :

Kim labom dogi ?
Kim logom gani ?
Kim givom dogi pule ?
Kimi man givom pule ?
Kime man givom dogi ?

The last three questions may be answered by the same words differently emphasized.

Caution.--In translating into Volapük do not overlook the distinction between the subject and the object of the sentence. Put the subject in the kimal and the object in the kimifal. In the above exercises there is one error in this respect, purposely left uncorrected. Did you notice it ?

Express the following sentences in Volapük. In each sentence there is at least one word which ought to be put in the kimifal.

Who has the dog ? The boy has two dogs [dogs 2]. The man has three dogs. The dog has four feet. The boy has two feet. Who has two hands ? The man gives money. The man gives money to the boy (or, the man gives the boy some money; some would not be translated). The boy's father [father of boy] gives a dollar to the man. The year has twelve months. The month has thirty days. The week has seven days. The day has 24 hours. Who brings the goose ? Who sees the dog ? Who sees the two sheep ? To whom does the man give money ? (Literally, to whom man gives money ? "Does" is untranslatable.) To whom does the boy bring money ? The boy brings five dollars to the father.