128420Hand-book of Volapük — 1.51887Charles E. Sprague




Tid, instruction. Selob, I sell. Bod, bread.
Tidob, I teach. Lemob, I buy. Mit, meat.
Fidob, I eat. Tedel, merchant. Yeb, grass.
Dlinob, I drink. Vin, wine. Vom, woman.
Lilädob, I read. Vat, water.

Tidom. Kim tidom ? Man tidom. Selom bukis. Kim selom bukis ? Ob selob bukis. Givom moni. Kim givom moni ? Fat givom moni. Man tidom puli. Tedel selom bukis. Man dlinom vati. Vom dlinof vini. Kat fidom mugi. Pul fidom bodi.

Kis ? what ?

Kisi givom pule ? Givom moni e bodi pule. (Remember that, when the subject is not expressed, givom means he gives, or does he give ?) Kisi blinof mane ? Blinof vati. Kisi vom fidof ? Fidof bodi e dlinof vati. Kisi man fidom ? Fidom bodi e dlinom vini. Jip fidom yebi.

Supply the proper endings in the following sentences :

Man dlin-- vin--. Vom dlin-- vat--. Fat pul-- giv-- mon-- vom--. Mot blin-- bod-- pul--.

He comes. Who comes ? The man comes. He eats bread. I eat bread. He gives a dollar. Who gives a dollar ? The father gives a dollar. The man has a dog. The boy buys a book. The father drinks wine. The mother drinks water. The dog sees the cat. The boy buys bread. What does he eat ? He eats bread. Who eats bread ? What does she give to the boy ? She gives the boy money. What does the woman eat ? She eats bread and meat. The dog sees three sheep.

I eat meat, you eat bread; he drinks water, she drinks wine. We have books, YOU have eyes, they have ears.