128422Hand-book of Volapük — 1.71887Charles E. Sprague


Nim, animal. Dlin, a drink. Fid, food. Dil, part.
Julel, scholar. Nif, snow. Töt, thunder. Sag, say.
Das, that.

(CAUTION.--After the verb to be, use the kimfal, not the kimifal.)

Man binom tedel. Vig binom dels vel (not binos). Del binom dil viga. Düp binom dil dela. Mul binom dil yela. Vat e vin binoms dlins. Nifos. Tötos. Logon nimis. Dlinon vati. Fidon bodi. Lilädon bukis.

The boy is a scholar. Dogs and sheep are animals. The day is a part of the year. Bread is food. Wine is a drink. Water is a drink. I am a merchant. You are a scholar. You are scholars. It thunders. One eats meat. It snows. One says (they say) that you are a scholar.

Supply the proper endings :-- Dog fid-- bod--. Dogs e jips bin-- nim--. Sagon das töt--. Logon das nif--.