130370Hand-book of Volapük — 211887Charles E. Sprague



The reflexiv form is the same as the activ voice with the addition of -ok.

Vatükob, I wash. Vatükobok, I wash myself.

An equivalent expression, sometimes used, is Vatükob obi.

Vatükol, you wash, Vatükolok,
or, Vatükol oli, you wash yourself.

Vatükomok or vatükom oki, he washes himself. (Vatükom omi would mean he washes him, two different persons.)

In the plural the s usually follows the ok, but may be made to precede it, if that form is thought more euphonious. Vatükoboks, or vatükobsok, we wash ourselvs. Vatükomoks, they wash themselvs. If the object is exprest by a separate pronoun in the plural it is translated "each other." Löfomoks, they love themselvs; Löfoms okis, they love each other. Löfobsok, we love ourselvs; Löfobs obis, we love each other.