Highland Harry/Jeanie's Black e'e

4312810Highland Harry — Jeanie's Black e'eAnonymous


The sun raise sae rosy, the grey hills adorning,
Light sprung the lavrock and mounted fae hie,
When true to the tryst o' blyth May's dewy mornin',
My Jeanie cam linking out ower the green lea.
To mark her impatience, I crap 'mong the brakens,
Aft, aft to the kend gate she turn'd her black ee,
Then lying down dowylie, sighed by the willow tree,
"Ha me mohatel na dousku me."[1]

Saft thro' the green birks I sta' to my jewel,
Streik'd on Spring's carpet aneath the saugh tree—
Think na, dear lassie, thy Willie's been cruel—
Ha me mohatel na dousku me.
Wi' love's warm sensations I've marked your impatience,
Lang hid 'mang the brakens I've watched your black ee—
You're no sleeping, pawkie Jean, open thy lovely e'en,
"Ha me mohatel na dousku me."

Bright is the whin's bloom: ilk green knowe adornin',
Sweet is the primrose bespangled wi' dew,
Yonder comes Peggy to welcome-lay morning,
Dark wave her haffet-locks ower her white brow,
O, light, light she's dancing keen on the smooth gowany green,
Barefoot and kilted half up to the knee,
While Jeanie is sleeping still l'll rin and sport my fill,
"I was asleep and ye've wakened me."

I'll rin and whirl her round, Jeanie is sleeping sound,
Kiss her and clasp her fast nae ane can see;
Sweet, sweet's her hinny mon!—
"Will, I'm no sleeping now;
I was asleep, but ye wakened me."
Laughing till like to drap swith to my Jean I lap,
Kissed her ripe roses and blest her black ee,
And aye since, whene'er we met, sing, for the sound is sweet,
"Ha me mobatel na dousku me"

  1. I am asleep do not waken me.