Historical Account of the Navigable Rivers, Canals, and Railways, of Great Britain/Baybridge Canal


6 George IV. Cap. 164, Royal Assent 22nd June, 1825.

This canal proceeds from Binesbridge, in the parish of West Grinstead, where the navigation of the River Arun commences, and keeps the course of the unnavigable part of the Arun, to Baybridge, where it terminates. It is in length three miles and three-eighths, with a rise of 14 feet, by two locks of 7 feet each. It is 28 feet wide at top, and 4 feet deep.

The act for making it received the royal assent in 1825, and is entitled, 'An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Cut or Canal, from the River Adur, at or near Binesbridge, in the parish of West Grinstead, in the county of Sussex, to Baybridge, in the said parish.'

The company of proprietors consisted of Lord Selsey, Sir Charles Merrick Burrell, Walter Burrell, William Peckham Woodward, John Wood, James Eversfield, and James Lancaster, who were incorporated by the name and style of "The Baybridge Canal Company." They were empowered to raise among themselves £6,000, in one hundred and twenty shares of £50 each, with a power of raising a further sum of £3,000, on mortgage of the rates, &c. which are as follows.


Beech, Gravel, or other Materials used in the repair of Roads, Chalk, Dung, Mould, Soil, Compost or other Articles (except Lime) to be used for the manuring of Land 2 per Ton per Mile.
Goods, Wares, Articles, Commodities or Merchandize 5d ditto, ditto.
Fractions of a Ton and of a Mile, shall not be deemed less than a Quarter.
Wharfage of any Goods remaining less than Seventy-two Hours 9 per Ton.

The estimate for making this canal was made by May Upton, Esq. civil engineer, in 1824, and amounted to the sum of £5,957, 16s. 7d. The advantages arising from it are chiefly local, and consist of the increased facility by which manure may be brought into the interior, and the agricultural produce more easily disposed of.