Showley Hall, Lancashire, seat of the Walmesleys, with Bishop Francis Petre; removed to Stydd Lodge, Ribchester, when the chapel was erected there in 1789, resigned charge of mission in 1805, but continued at Stydd Lodge till death, Nov. i, 1813.

FITTER, Daniel, born in Worcestershire, 1628, son of William and Margaret Fitter, of Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, gent.; admitted Nov. 24, 1647, under alias of Fisher; alumnus Dec. 12, and ord. priest Dec. 24, 1651; left March 23, 1654; chaplain to the Fowlers at St. Thomas Priory, near Stafford; elected Vicar-general for Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Salop, by the Chapter, April 18, 1687; opened school in Stafford temp. James II; first provincial president and procurator of The Institute, dissolved after his death in 1702; died at St. Thomas Priory, Feb. 7, 1699-1700, aged 72, and buried with the Fowlers at Baswick church.

FITTER, Francis, born 1622, brother of Daniel, q.v., made his rudimentary studies at Wolverhampton; admitted under alias of Fisher, Dec. 7, 1640; alumnus July 25, 1641; ord. priest July 30, 1645; left for England via Holland, April 3, 1647 5 stationed at Oulton, Stafford shire, seat of his brother-in-law, Mr. Cross; elected archdeacon of the Chapter, May 5, 1665, which he later resigned; joined The Institute; died at Oulton, Oct. 11, 1710, aged 88. Established "Johnson's Fund," for sick and disabled clergy of the Midland District, with money left by his brother Daniel to the Institute, but in which he had a life interest.

FITZHERBERT, John, alias Brooke, born Oct. 31, 1645, sixth son of William Fitzherbert, of Swynnerton Hall, co. Stafford, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Sir Basil Brooke, of Madeley, co. Salop, Knt.; admitted Sept. 28, 1659, ran away in 1662, but returned, and died in the College, Oct. 7, 1677, aged almost 32.

FITZHERBERT, Robert, born 1629, son of Francis Fitzherbert, of Tissington Hall, co. Derby, Esq., ancestor of the baronets of that name, after studying in England came to Lisbon at the age of 18; admitted under the alias of Eyre, Aug. 15, 1647 ord. priest T 3ec. 25, 1651, left for England, March 14, 1652, and became chaplain to Mr. Dravcott, of Pavnslev Hall, co. Stafford. He was a member of the Chapter, and was elected archdeacon of Staffordshire, Derbyshire, and Cheshire, Aug. 5, 1682, and was made rural dean of Staffordshire by Bp. Leyburne. He was still living in Staffordshire in 1699, and died there in 1701, aged 72. He was a member of The Institute.

FLOOD, John C… admitted Oct. 31, 1893; alumnus Mar. 19, 1896: left Jan. 22, 1897.

FLOYD, John, or Lloyd, oath, Sept. 15, 1707; professor of philosophy Apr. 20, and sent England, Sept. 23, 1711. It is possible that he is identical with Father Sylvester Lewis Lloyd, O.S.F., a Welshman, professed at the English Franciscan convent at Douay, who published " General Instructions," Lond. 1722.

FLOYD, William, or Lloyd, born in Carmathenshire, 1614, son of Walter Floyd, Esq., admitted as a convictor, Oct. 1, 1635; oath, June 29, 1636; ord. priest Apr. 26, 1639; left for Paris, June 21, 1642, and thence to the mission in Wales; apprehended and thrown into Brecon gaol early in the Oates Plot ferment, tried, and condemned to death for being a priest ordained abroad contrary to Statute of 27 Eliz.; died a confessor of the faith in Brecon gaol, 1679, aged 65.

FOOTHEAD, Charles, born Feb. 25, 1766, son John Jonathan Foothead and his wife Frances Hayles, of London, bapt. by Fr. Bern. Baker, S.J.; followed his brother John, subsequently a priest, to Sedgley Park School in 1775; admitted Aug. 23, 1779; left.

FORAN, William, admitted Sept. i1 1860; ord. priest Dec. 19, 1868; left Feb. 6, 1869; at Guernsey, 1869 to date; became canon of Portsmouth, 1888.

FORD, Thomas, went Sedgley Park School, 1863-4; admit ted July 13, 1864; ord. priest May 22, and left July 13, 1875; now at Bromley, Kent.

FORTESCUE, Nicholas, of the ancient family of Fortescue, of Cookehill, co. Worcester, came from Douay College, Nov. 7, 1628, and admitted under alias of Foster. He probably returned to Douay and is identical with the one of his name who took the oath there Oct. 29, 1631.

FRANKLAND, John alias or vere Moyses, was living at Boulogne in 1719, subsequently was much affected by a sermon he heard at Lincoln's Inn chapel, in Nov., 1722, and became a convert; admitted on the Thatcher Fund, Jan. 22, and became alumnus Sept. 28, 1723; ord. priest; sent England, Sept. 6, 1727, and appointed chaplain at Fithler s, Essex; was missioner at Havant, Hants, in 1734, and was exercising his functions, Apr. 1, 1742, about which time he wrote "A Memorial of a Clerical and a Missionary Life," MS.; died in London, July 16, 1752.

FRYER, James, born at Norton, Somersetshire, Sept., 1772, brother to William Victor, q.v., went to Sedgley Park School, 1782; admitted P^eb. 22, 1785, on John Woolfe's Second Fund; died a student in the College.

FRYER, William, born 1739, of an ancient family in Somersetshire, arrived at Douay College, Mav 12, 1760, where had been preceded by his brother John, on March 25, and was followed by his brother Charles on June 23; though grown up, the brothers were placed in third class rudiments, the lowest school in the College; on Aug. 14, 1766, William and Charles took the college oath, but the former had to leave for a time on account of illhealth; he returned, and at end of his third year's theology, being then in subdeacon's orders, left the college Sept., 16, 1770; first went to London, and was ordained by Bp. Challoner, then proceeded to Valladolid as Vice-president, an office which he held for twelve years, when came via Paris and London to Lisbon, and installed president, 1782. Died in the College, Aug. 15, 1805, aged 66.

FRYER, William Victor, born July 28, 1768, son of James Fryer and his wife Mary Langley, of Bath, co. Somerset, and nephew to President Fryer; admitted June 8, 1782; ord. priest, and left for England, 1796; many years first chaplain at the Portuguese chapel, South-street, London, and after its closure, acted as chaplain to the Comtesse de Front; died in his own house in South-street, Sept. 6, 1844, aged 76.

FUCHTER, William, admitted; ord. priest Feb. 24, 1895; left for Chatham; now at Wandsworth, London.

GADD, Charles, Joseph, born May 17, 1838, son of Thomas Gadd and his wife Anne Hill, of Salford; admitted Aug. 1, 1851; alumnus Dec. 7, 1859; left Jan. 2, 1860; went Ushaw College, ord. priest at the cathedral, Salford, Dec. 20, 1861, and became curate there; created Monsignor, 1880; Canon of Salford, Mar. 30, 1884; V.G. and protonotary apostolic; now at Barton-on-Irwell.

GAHAGAN, Frederick C… admitted Apr. 26, 1893; ord. priest March 18, and left Apr. 3, 1899; at Chelsea, 1899-1900; returned to the College as a superior, 1900.

GALLAGHER, Martin, native of Liverpool, studied at The Institute; admitted Sept. 1, 1860; ord. priest Jan. 31, 1869; left June n, 1870; rector of The Institute, Liverpool, 1870-87; St. Michael's, and finally rector of St. Oswald s, Old Swan, Liverpool, where died, Nov. n, 1898.

GARDNER, John, admitted March, 1865; ord. priest May 22, and left June 12, 1875; at Woolston, Warrington, 1875-84; Birkdale, Southport, 1884, to date.

GASCOIGNE, William, son of William Gascoigne, Esq., of Yorkshire, admitted Aug. 12, 1647, under alias of Meynell; went to Douay College, where took oath, July 22, 1651, ord. priest, and came to mission; died in York, 1683.

GERRARD, Richard, born, Liverpool, 1840; admitted June 7, 1854; left May 22, 1860; ord. priest 1863; at St. Mary s, Manchester, 186370; Ashton-under-Lyne, 1870-1; Radcliffe, 1871-5; Samlesbury, 1875 till the Saturday before his sudden death in his chair, Dec. 26, 1901, aged 61.

GIBBONS, Tobias, born at Tangiers, Africa, son of Walter Gibbons and his wife Cecilia MacDaniel, natives of Ireland; alumnus Nov. 9, 1692; ord. priest; left Oct. 28, 1696, in the train of Don Lewis de Cunha, ambassador extraordinary to William III., and accompanied him through Spain, France, and Holland. On arrival in London, appointed head chaplain to the ambassador. When De Cunha was recalled in 1718, and sent to Madrid, Mr. Gibbons returned to Lisbon as a guest in the College, where he died, Sept. 4, 1737.

GIBBONS, William, admitted May 29, 1885, alumnus Eeb. 18, 1888, ord. priest Feb. 15, and left May 2, 1891; at Cardiff, 1891, to date.

GIFFARD, Peter, born 1629, son of Thomas Giffard, Esq., of White Ladies, co. Salop, by Margt., dau. and heir, of Thos. Cresswell, of Wolverhampton, Esq.; admitted Nov. 24, 1647 alumnus Dec. 12, 1651; taught classics; appointed procurator Oct. 8, 1652; ord. priest July 1, 1653; went to prosecute studies in France owing to pecuniary difficulties of the College, but returned Dec. 2, 1655; translated the first part of "Boscobel" into Portuguese, and presented it to the Infanta, before her union with Charles II.; left for England Sept. 7, 1661; probably went first to Boscobel, White Ladies, and thence as chaplain to the Towneleys at Towneley Hall, Lancashire, where spent remainder of life; recommended in 1668 for vice-presidency of Douay College, and in 1670 for presidency of the college at Lisbon, neither of which offices could he be prevailed upon to accept; secretary of Lancashire Infirm Clergy Fund, 1675; elected by Chapter Vicar-General of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Bishopric, May 29, 1682; died at Towneley Hall, 1689, aged 60.
Translated (1) "The Instruction of Youth in Christian Piety, taken out of the Sacred Scriptures and Holy Fathers: divided into five parts. With a very profitable Instruction for Meditation, or Mental Prayer. By Charles Gobinet … The last edition in French, now rendered into English." Lond., Hen. Hills, 1687, 8vo, pp. 575, besides Ded., Pref., &c., A1-8. (2) "Instruction concerning Penance and Holy Communion; The second part of The Instruction of Youth, containing the Means how we may return to God by Penance, and remain in His Grace by good and frequent use of the Sacraments. By Charles Gobinet … The last edition in French, now rendered into English." Lond., by J. B., and sold by Matt. Turner and John Tootell, 1689, 8vo, pp. 396, besides Ded., &c., Ai-8, and at end errata 1f.

GILDON, John, son of Richard and Frances Gildon, of a good family in Dorchester, from Caen in Normandy, took the oath at Douay College, Dec. 21, 1650, completed his classical, philosophical, and theological course, also taught two courses of philosophy, and took the degree of D.D., when he was dismissed by Dr. George Leyburne, in 1661, under the pretence that during the disputes with the English Chapter, Gildon had been too favourable to the latter. He was then 24 years of age, but had not received even minor orders. Thus came to Lisbon, took college oath and gown Aug. 15, was ordained priest Oct. 24, and left for England Dec. 1 8, 1661. On the mission he used the alias of Byfleet; elected canon of Chapter, Jan. 19, 1675-6; died, Aug. 29, 1700, aged 63. Dodd places him in his "Flores Cleri Anglicani."

GILDON, Joseph, son of Joseph Gildon, of Witham Friary, co. Somerset, and of his wife, Jane, daughter of Walter Barnes, Esq., of Rode in Gaspar, co. Somerset; admitted May, 1693; alumnus Dec. 21, 1701; ord. priest; appointed professor of philosophy, Sept. 16, 1706; left for England, Aug. 6, 1707. Was assistant master in the school at Twyford, near Winchester, became head master in 1732, and died in office, after a short illness, July 26, 1736.

GILLOW, Robert, only son of Robert Gillow, Esq., of London, and his wife Mary Godwin, was admitted and died a student in the College in the early years of the I9th century, prior to 1814, for which period records are wanting. His only sister became a nun at the Franciscan Convent at Taunton. His father, who died Sept. 22, 1795, aged 49, whilst on a visit to his relatives at Lancaster, was a younger son of Robert Gillow, Esq., of Lancaster, founder of the family seated at Leighton Hall.

GILFILLAN, Henry, admitted Sept. 13, 1865; alumnus May 17, 1875; ord. priest; left July 7, 1877; at Homerton, London, 1877-81; Hammersmith, 1882-3; died.

GIRLINGTON, John, born Thurland Castle, Lancashire; alumnus Sept. 15, 1680; ord. priest; sent England, Apr. 2, 1684; resided some years at Dilston, seat of Earl of Derwentwater; in 1697 was at Mr. Witham's at Sladwish; again at Dilston Hall in 1705 and for some years; finally at Sunderland Bridge, Durham, where died, Aug. 13, 1729.

GLASSBROOK, Roger, son of Edward Glassbrook, of Wigan, canal shipwright; admitted; went to Ushaw College, and ord. Dec. 17, 1836; placed at Esh Laude, Durham, 1837-40; St. Patrick s, Manchester, 1840-1; Bollington, Cheshire, 1841-2; Great Singleton, Lancashire, 1842-4; Stydd Lodge, Ribchester, 1844 till death, Sept. 10, 1862.

GLOSSOP, Samuel, went Sedgley Park School, 1860-5 J admitted Oct. 16, 1865; left 1868; proceeded to Oscott, Sept. 1868-72, and ordained priest there, March 30, 1872; at Birmingham, 1872-3; Souldern, Banbury, 1873 to date.

GLOVER, Joseph, born Nov. 11, 1739, son of Edward and Mary Glover, of Sutton, co. Lancaster; admitted Nov. 23, 1752; alumnus June 23, 1761; ord. priest June 16, 1764; sent to England; returned, and appointed vice-president Apr. 23, 1777; left for England, Oct. 18, 1781.

GODDEN, Thomas, vide Tilden.

GODWIN, William, born Dec. 14, 1821, at Liverpool; admitted July 26, 1837; ord. priest Ember Week of Advent, 1846, left July 6, 1847; placed at Gloucester, Aug., 1847-March, 1848; Stonehouse, Plymouth, 1848-Jan., 1850; Fairford, 1850-2; St. Mary's, Bristol, 1852-4; Macclesfield, 1855-6; St. Patrick's, Liverpool, 185763; St. Anthony s, Liverpool, 1863 till death of typhus fever, Feb. 15, 1864.

GOLTIER, Sam., vide Phillips, John.

GOMEZ, Jerome, vide Allen.

GOOD, John, alumnus, July 12, 1693; ord. priest; sent England Jan. 19, 1698.

GOOD, Thomas, alumnus Apr. 17, 1688; ord. priest, Dec. 21, 1689; sent to England Jan. 2, 1693; chaplain for many years to the Lacons at Linley Hall, Salop, and died there Dec. 3, 1732, bequeathing a legacy to his alma mater, and £200 to the Common Purse of Staffordshire.

GOODEN, Peter, son of Peter Gooden, of the Old Hall, Pendleton, co. Lancaster, gent.; admitted 1661; alumnus Aug. 6, 1666; ord. priest; left for England, Feb, 2, 1670; stationed at Leighton Hall, Lancashire, seat of Sir George Middleton, Knt. and Bart.; removed about 1680 to Aldcliffe Hall, near Lancaster, seat of the Misses Dalton, where he kept a little seminary for the supply of ecclesiastical students for the colleges abroad; during reign of James II., appointed chaplain to Duke of Berwick's regiment; obtained celebrity as a controversialist, vide Nos. 1 & 4, Vol. II., pp. 527, Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. No. 2, referring to Edw. Coleman and Edw. Meredith, and No. 3, to Dr. Thos. Godden, being inadvertently credited to Peter Gooden. Died at Aldcliffe, Dec. 29, 1694.

GORNALL, Ralph, born Nov. n, 1755, son of Richard Gornall and his wife Eliz. Johnson, of Elswick, Lancashire; went to Sedgley Park School; admitted Feb. 16, 1782; oath, May 20, 1784; died in the College.

GORTON, Thomas, admitted Aug. 13, 1878; alumnus Dec. n, 1886, left June 30, 1888; ord. priest at Salford, Apr. 22, 1889; at Oldham, 1889-94; St. Wilfrid's, Manchester, 1894-5.

GOTHER, John, or Venables, born of presbyterian parents at Southampton, Hants; admitted Jan. 10, 1668; alumnus Jan. 9, 1672; appointed professor of philosophy, Apr. 10, 1677, and prefect of studies, Nov. n, 1678; ord. priest close of 1682, and sent to England; elected canon of Chapter, June 2, 1690; towards close of life became chaplain to George Holman, of Warkworth Castle, co. Northampton, Esq., whence set out to pay a visit to the College at Lisbon, in connection with some of its affairs, and died on the voyage, Oct. 13, 1704. For works vide Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. II. 541 seq.

GOWER, John, vide Hawkins.

GREEN, Henry Francis, admitted Aug. 24, 1896, ord. deacon and left Nov. 19, 1900; ord. priest for the diocese of Portsmouth, 1901; now at Woolston, Southampton.

GREENWELL, Thomas, a native of Cornsay Row, near Lanchester, Durham; admitted Aug. 17, 1727, on the Carlton Fund; alumnus, Dec. 21, 1733; ord. priest, July, 1736; left for England, July 15, 1736; chaplain at Stella Hall, seat of Lord Widdrington, till 1748, when removed to Blagdon, parish of Stannington, Northum berland, till death, Aug. 23, 1753.

GRENE, Richard, alumnus Sept. 15, 1707; ord. priest; appointed procurator, July 5, 1715; left for England Mar. 30, 1727; died in London, Apr. 24, 1750.

GRENE, William, born in Staffordshire; alumnus Dec. 30, 1682; ord. deacon, Sept. 5, 1683; priest; appointed procurator, May 5, 1686, and confessarius, Sept. 7, 1692; left for England Nov. 30, 1698. He was stationed in Staffordshire in 1702, but seems to have been transferred to Nottinghamshire in or about that year. He died, Oct. 3, 1727.

GRIFFIN, George, born 1621, son of Edward Griffin, of Bickmersh, co. Warwick, Esq.; admitted as a convictor, Dec. 7, 1640, defended theses in theology, June 29, 1644 left at end of third year's theology, Aug. 8, 1646; enlisted into the Portuguese army, and served for some time; resumed his studies, joined the Bridgettines of Syon Abbev at Lisbon, and became a zealous preacher; died at Syon Abbey, June 24, 1695, aged 73.

GRIFFIN, William, born 1639, son of John Griffin, of Bristol, Somerset, admitted as a convictor Sept. 8, 1652; recalled March, 26, 1655.

GRIFFITH, James, alumnus Sept. 7, 1686; ord. deacon Nov. 16, 1687; priest; sent England, Dec. 23, 1689. Lived many years with the Talbots at Longford Hall, Salop, and in 1717, as a Catholic non-juror, registered property at Rushhock, co. Worcester, perhaps his native place. Died at Longford, Feb. 23, 1734.

GRIFFITHS, Gerald Prosser, admitted Nov. 12, 1889; alumnus Feb. 9, 1894; ord. priest March 13, and left May 25, 1897; at Cardiff, 1897-8; Usk, 1898-9; Ton-yPand-y, 1899 to date.

GROSCH, Henry I., admitted Aug. 28, 1878; ord. priest Mar. 19, 1888; left May 21, 1889; at Isleworth, 1889-92; Commercial-road, London, 1892-6; Homerton, 18961900; Clarendon-square, London, 1900-1.

GUNNING, Luke, admitted May 22, 1850; alumnus Dec. 16, 1865; ord. priest; left Feb. 6, 1869; now at Winchester, and canon of Portsmouth.

GWILLIMS, John, alias Williams, admitted Sept. 22, 1735; alumnus Sept. 15, 1737; ord. priest June, 1739; sent England, Aug. 2, 1743. Many years at The Cross Keys, the secular mission at Holywell, Flint, apparently succeeding to that charge upon the death of Rev. John Roberts, Jan. 6, 1753; died there, Apr. 3, 1763.

HABBERTON, Charles, born March 1, 1771, son of Charles Habberton and his wife Catherine, converts, of Abel's Court, London; went to Sedgley Park School, 1782-4; admitted Sept. 18, 1784.

HACKETT, James, possibly a son of Theobald Hackett, of Golch, co. Flint, gent., a Catholic, non-juror in 1717, admitted on T. Woolfe's Fund, 1710; alum. Dec. 21, 1711.

HALDANBY, Francis, son of Robert Haldanby, of Haldanby, co. York, Esq., by Katherine Knollys, of Rollenfield Greys, who died in 1707, aged 52, and was buried at Grevs with the Knollys family; admitted, with his brother Robert who did not persevere, Jan. 3, 1667; alumnus Sept. 8, 1677; ord. priest Feb. 6, 1678; left for mission Apr. 30, 1680, and living in Oxfordshire in 1702.

HALL, Henry, born March 11, 1807, son of Richard Hall and his wife Elizabeth Swarbrick, of Liverpool; sent Sedgley Park School; admitted Jan. 13, 1819; confirmed by Bp. of Lamego, Feb. n, 1820; transferred to Oscott College, Aug. 1822-30; ord. priest June 5, 1830; stationed at Louth, Lincolnshire, 1832 till death, having retired from missionary duty two years previously, July 9, 1878, aged 71.

HALL, Thomas, son of Thomas Hall, confectioner, of Ivy Lane, near St. Paul s, London, admitted with his brother William, q.v.; alumnus Sept. 15, 1680; received diaconate Sept. 8, 1683; left for Paris to study divinity, Apr. 2, 1684; admitted B.D., at the Sorbonne, and sent to teach philosophy at Douay College, where arrived Oct. 22, 1688; ord. priest Sept. 24, 1689; left Aug. 21, 1690, to proceed in divinity at the Sorbonne and took degree of D.D.; went with his brother to Nieuport in 1692, took Carthusian habit, but finding the Order too severe for him left; returned to Lisbon, and assumed chair of divinity, Apr. 23, 1695; finally died at Paris in 1719. Left various works in MS., vide Bib. Dict. Engl. Caths., III. 95.

HALL, William, brother of Thomas, q.v.; alumnus Sept. 15, 1680; ord. priest considerably under canonical age, and sent to England April 2, 1684, where he became one of the preachers in ordinary to James II., who esteemed him as the best preacher among the Catholics. He was also chaplain to Dean Massey, at Magdalen College. In 1688 followed his Majesty to France, and in 1690 accompanied him to Ireland, where was taken prisoner by the Orange men, but soon released, then sailed for France, and during a storm made a vow to become a Carthusian. In April, 1692, received habit of St. Bruno from Prior Bilcliffe at Nieuport; in less than two years became novicemaster, and transferred with three novices to the charter house at Brussels; elected prior of Nieuport in 1696, resigned in 1699, re-elected 1715 till 1718, when became procurator, and died in 1719.
There was published "A Sermon preached before Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager, in her Chapel at Somerset House, … May 9, 1686. By William Hall, Preacher in Ordinary, to His Majesty. Published by Her Majesty's command." London, 1686, 4to. He also left in MS. a folio volume of "Collections of Historical Matters."

HALLAHAN, Daniel, admitted Jan. 13, 1864; ord. priest May 22, 1875; superior; left Sept. 3, 1876; now at Cardiff.

HALLIWELL, Richard, vide Birtwistle.

HAMERTON, Edward, a member of one of the ancient family of his name seated at Hellifield Peel, and at Monkswood, near Pontefract, co. York; admitted under the alias of Shillet, June 18, 1640; alumnus March 31, 1641; left July 16, 1641.

HANMER, John, alias Bennet, born 1635, was the eldest son of Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer, co. Flint, Bart., by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas Baker and sister and heiress of Thomas Baker, Esq. of Whittingham, co. Suffolk. Admitted Apr. 10, 1649, defended theses in theology in 1651 and 1653, but left the College in March, 1654, and entered the army. He succeeded his father as second baronet in 1678, and in 1685 and 1688 he represented his county in parliament. In 1687, when James II. sent instructions to the lord lieutenants of counties to interrogate the deputy lieutenants and justices of the peace as to whether they would support His Majesty's declaration for Liberty of Conscience and the repeal of the Penal Laws and Tests, Sir John, who was a deputy lieutenant, was returned as absent with his regiment, of which he was major-general, but his name was marked with a cross signifying that the King might rely upon him. Notwithstanding, at the Revolution, he sided with the Prince of Orange, and led his regiment into action against his lawful Sovereign at the battle of the Boyne. At this time he would appear to have conformed, though his family had generally been true to the faith, and had long maintained a chapel in Hanmer Hall. He married Mary, daughter and heiress of Joseph Alston, Esq., of Netherhall, co. Suffolk, but had no issue, and upon his death, in 1701, the baronetcy and estates passed to his protestant nephew (of the half blood) Sir Thomas Hanmer.

HANNE, Charles, born June 14, 1711, son of John Hanne, of Deviock, Cardinham, Cornwall, gent., and his wife Dorothy, dau. of George Tattershall, of Berry-Pomeroy, co. Devon, gent.; admitted, but left, and entered the Society of Jesus, Sept. 7, 1731; was Superior of the Worcester District for some years, about 1759 was transferred to the Durham District, and lived many years at Haggerston Castle, Northumberland, the seat of the Haggerstons, till his death, Apr. 27, 1799, aged 87. Being incapable of performing the duties of the mission through age and infirmities, he was given an assistant in 1790, in the person of the Rev. Michael Tidyman, who succeeded him in the chaplaincy.

HARDMAN, John, admitted Aug. 12, 1873; ord. priest for Liverpool Diocese, Dec. 23, 1882; left Apr. 3, 1883; subsequently changed to Salford diocese, and now at Oldham.

HARGREAVES (Hartgreaves), William, bapt. Sept. 9, 1596, son of William Hargreaves, alias Hart, and his second wife Aloysia, of Burnley, both of good lineage, and allied with the Townelevs, Banisters, and other ancient Lancashire families. He was probably grand-nephew to Sir James Hargreaves, priest, instituted vicar of Blackburn in O. Mary's reign, Oct. 24, 1555, deprived upon the accession of Elizabeth for "papistry," reported in 1568 as having said Mass at Mr. Talbot s, of Salisbury Hall, Mr. Towneley s, of Towneley Hall, and at Padiham, still serving in the district in 1575, and hunted about till his apprehension and commitment to Salford Gaol, where he lay in Jan. 1584.
William Hargreaves was reconciled to the Church by Fr. John Scroop alias Hart, who is probably identical with Fr. Laurence Anderton, S.J., alias " John Brereley, Priest"; studied at St. Omer's College, whence sent to the English College at Valladolid, where admitted under the alias of Hart, Nov. 1, 1616; thence proceeded to Rome, where admitted into the English College, Oct. 8, 1617; ord. priest Dec. 21, 1622, and sent England, Apr. 29, 1623, a year before completion of his course of studies, and there used the alias of Holcroft, possibly his mother's name; suffered persecution and imprisonment; on presentation of Don Pedro Coutinho (the founder) and Bp. Smith, appointed president of the College at Lisbon, Jan. 14, 1634; was said to be "a person of singular parts, learning and conduct," but his management of the College was not successful, and in 1637 he was recalled; returned to Rome about 1647, where he died, Jan. 14, 1660-1, aged 64, and interred in the mortuary of the English College under a stone bearing the following inscription:—D. O. M. Rev. Dno. Gulielmo Harto, alias Hargravio, Presbytero Anglo, patria Lancastrensi, sacra theologiæ et philosophic variis in academiis professori, postremo vero in pontificio Romanæ Sapientiæ studio, quo in munere post diuturnos ad Dei obsequium labores, carceres etiam ærumnas pro fide in Angli toleratas, pie mortem obiit, xiiii Calendas Januarii MDCLX, ætatis suæ anno lxiiii. Bonis omnibus pios in usus erogavit. Curatores posuerunt.
In his declaration upon entering the college at Rome he says that he had four brothers, one a Father of the Society, and two sisters. According to the Burnley register, his father was married to his first wife, Isabel Shackleton, Feb. 20, 158r, and the only issue of this marriage, recorded, was a son, James, baptized Dec. 9, 1584, the mother being buried on the following Jan. 7. James was reconciled to the Church in Framlingham prison by a priest named Robt. Woodroffe, one of the Woodroffes of Bank Top, near Burnley, who were allied with the Hargreaves family. He went to Douay College, matriculated in the Douay University in 1602, and proceeded to the English College at Rome, where he was admitted Oct. 6, 1603, and received minor orders in Aug. and Nov., 1604. He is not found in the Collectanea S.J. By the second marriage with Aloysia, his father had four sons—William, the subject of this notice; Robert, born May, 1600; John, born Dec. 1603; and Matthew, born March, 1605-6, and buried June 17, 1608; and two daughters—Mary, bapt. Oct. 8, 1598; and Anne, bapt. Apr. 9, 1609. Lady Eliz. Hart, abbess of the Bridgettine nuns of Syon, when the Community removed from Rouen to Lisbon, and Sister Margerie Hart, who died at Syon, July 23, 1628, were probably aunts to William Hargeaves.
Fr. Wm. Shackleton, alias Stanton and Banister, S.J., who died in Lancashire in 1655, aged about 71, was most probably a near relative.

HARKNESS, John Buller, admitted Oct. 20, 1828; ord. priest; left Aug. 6, 1839; at Derby, 1839-41; Wolverhampton, 1841-2; Uttoxeter, 1842-4; Swynnerton Park, 1844-57; Sutton Coldfield, 1857 till death, Sept. 3, 1882.

HARNAGE, Henry, born in Oxfordshire, March, 1650, son of Edward Harnage, Esq., of Belswardine, co. Salop, by Mary, dau. of Mynne, of Somerton, co. Oxon, Esq.; admitted Jan. 3, 1667; ord. priest; appointed procurator, April 10, 1677; sent to England, May 12, 1678, and was stationed in Shropshire. For many years lived at Madeley Court, seat of the Brooke family, with the Rev. Wm. Pegge, the one as house-chaplain, and the other as missioner to the Catholics of the neighbourhood, till Mr. Pegge's removal to St. Thomas Priory, in 1700, when Mr. Harnage remained in sole charge; elected by the Chapter archdeacon of Shropshire and Herefordshire, Jan. 9, 1699-1700; died at Madeley, after a holy and devout life, Jan. 7, 1736-7, aged 86. He left considerable benefactions to the clergy. His younger brother, Thomas, ord. priest at Douay, was serving in Middlesex in 1702, and died in 1719, leaving his name commemorated in Dodd's "Flores Cleri Anglicani."

HARRIES, Joseph, vide Harvey.

HARRINGTON, Henry, was with Mark Harrington (q.v.) at the opening of the College. On account of his health he left July 8, and died in England, Nov. 1635.

HARRINGTON, Mark, alias or vere Drury, born 1591; ord. priest at Douay College, Dec. 7, 1616, thence to Paris, Apr. 16, 1619, and, having completed his degree of B.D. at the Sorbonne, returned to Douay where successively taught philosophy and divinity. In 1624 he is said to have been sent to the mission, but apparently returned till Aug. 25, 1628, when he was sent to Lisbon to teach divinity in the new establishment. Arrived in Nov., and on Apr. 28, 1629, formally appointed vespertine lecturer; left for England, Nov. 1, 1633, and was stationed in Wiltshire. Bp. Smith made him one of his vicars-general, conjointly with Dr. Geo. Leyburne; at general assembly of the Chapter in 1649, Harrington was appointed subclean, being then vicar in solidum and archdeacon, with power to act in the absence of the dean, Peter Biddulph, alias Fytton, in Italy. In that position he died in July, 1657, aged 66.

HARRINGTON, Thomas, born 1626, second son of John Harrington, of Bishton, co. Salop, Esq., by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Crispe, of Ore, co. Sussex, Esq.; admitted Aug. 6, 1642, under alias of Johnson.

HARRISON, Francis, vide Milliard.

HARRISON, Francis, admitted Sept. 9, 1884; left Jan. 9, 1890, went Ushaw College and ord. priest Aug. 10, 1895; at St. Bede's, Manchester, 18956; on sick leave since.

HARRISON, Joseph, born at Farnworth, Sept. 4, 1856; admitted, and having passed through course, left 1880; at Salford Seminary till ord. priest July 10, 1881; at St. Bede's College, 1881-2; Miles Platting, 1882-3 5 Reddish, 1883-6; health failing returned to college at Lisbon, 1886-90; died at Lytham, July 3, 1891, aged 34.

HARRISON, William, vide Breers.

HARROLD, Daniel O Connell, admitted Oct. 20, 1859; ord. priest Dec. 21, 1867; left Mar. 22, 1868; at St. Anne s, Leeds, 1868-74; Hunslet, 1875-8; St. Mary s, Sheffield, 1878-9, where he died.

HART, William, vide Hargreaves.

HARTLEY, George, born Nov. 9, 1769, son of Richard Hartley, and his wife Anne Ashness, of Chipping Norton, co. Oxon; went Sedgley Park School, 1778-1783; transferred to Douay College, Nov. 3, 1783, but left July 21, 1785; admitted Feb. 7, 1787, on funds; ord. priest, Dec. 25, 1794, and sent to the mission 1795; served Spetchley Hall, co. Worcester, seat of Robert Berkeley, Esq., till removed in 1803 to Harvington Hall, co. Warwick, where he died June 26, 1806, aged 36. He was nephew to the Revv. Thomas and William Hartley.

HARVEY, John, born 1698 or 1699, son of Henry Harvey, Esq., by his wife Margaret Rivett, a member of the ancient family of Harvey, of Beacham Well, co. Norfolk, and probably a connection of the family of Monnoux, of Wotton, co. Bedford, Baronets; convert, about 1713, and confirmed by Bp. Giffard; admit.; left, and subsequently received into the English College at Rome, under alias of Monnoux, March 23, 1724, aged 25, where ord. priest by Benedict XIII., Sept. 18, 1728, and left for the English mission, Apr. 6, 1729; opened a school in London soon after his arrival; subsequently, owing to persecution, probably aroused by the attention called to the school and its energetic master in a little pamphlet, published in 1733, entitled "The Present State of Popery in England," he removed to Ugthorpe, co. York, where he reopened his school, and so continued till after the Stuart rising of 1745; persecution was then renewed with greater vigour, and Mr. Rivett, by which name he passed, towards the close of 1745, was arrested at Ugthorpe, under the Duke of Newcastle's warrant or detainer, for suspicion of high treason, " brought before Mr. Robinson, M. Consett, and Tho. Skottowe, justices, as a popish priest and keeping a school for the education of children in the popish religion, and on examination, confessing the same and refusing to take the oaths, committed to York castle." In the following March he was tried at the Lenten assizes holden at York with Sir William Anderson, a Valladolid priest, "for that, being popish priests, and little regarding the laws and statutes of this realm, and not fearing the pains and penalties therein contained after the 25th of March, 1700, to wit, the 8th of Sept., in the 19th year of George II (1745), did say Mass at Craythorne and Ugthorpe, and that office or function of a popish priest did use and exercise in contempt of the said lord the King and his laws." After sometime Mr. Harvey obtained his release, returned to London to continue his labours, and died there Dec. 22, 1756, aged 57. Latterly he seems to have been known by the name of Monnoux Harvey.

HARVEY, Joseph, of an ancient Essex family, was admitted under the name of Haynes into the English College at Valladolid, 1604, at the age of 23; ord. priest, and left for the English mission, in Apr., 1609. He was serving in or about London in 1623. Dodd says he passed sometimes under the name of Harries, and became an archdeacon of the Chapter. Came to Lisbon to co-operate in foundation of College; returned to England, 1627, and nominated first president by Bp. Smith; went to Douay College same year to obtain students, where arrived June 12, 1627, left with colony, Aug. 25, 1628; arrived Lisbon, Nov. 14, 1628; died on day appointed for public opening of schools, Feb. 22, 1629, and buried in church belonging to the College.

HASSALL, William, born March 22, 1705-6, younger son of William Hassall, of Berrington, co. Salop, gent.; sent Douay College, where ord. priest June n, 1730; appointed prefect Oct. 1, 1730; prof, of philosophy, Oct. 1, 1731, and, at request of Dr. Manby, left for Lisbon to be vice-president and to teach theology, Jan. 21, 1732; installed prof. of philosophy, Sept. 15, and vice-president, Nov. 4, 1732. Elected member of Chapter, July 14, 1739; left, stationed at Yeldersley Hall, co. Derby, seat of Pegge family, and died at Burton-on-Trent, May 3, 1741, aged 35.

HATHORNTHWAITE, Robert, of the ancient Catholic family seated at Hathornthwaite and Catshaw, in Upper Wyresdale, co. Lancaster; admitted and ordained priest; probably served Upper Wyresdale, and died in 1684.

HAVARD, Lewis, son of Mr. Havard, of Brecon, South Wales; went Sedgley Park School, 1825-7 5 admitted July 19, 1827; ord. priest; left June, 1837; at Brecon, 1837-50; Wrexham, 1850-1; Carmarthen, 1851-64; Brecon, 1864 till death, 1871. His uncle, the Rev. Lewis Havard, resided with him at Brecon, till his death in 1858.

HAVARD, Michael, born Sept. 9, 1799, son of David Havard, Esq., of Brecon, co. Brecnock; went Sedgley Park School, 1812-18; admitted Apr. 14, 1818; alumnus Jan. 7, 1821; ord. priest; left for the mission, April, 1825; died at Brecon, Jan. 22, 1831, aged 30.

HAWKINS, John, son of John Hawkins, of Essex, admitted under alias of Gower, July 4, 1633; left May 10, 1634.

HAWKINS, William M., admitted Nov. 30, 1881; ord. priest Nov. 4, and left Oct. 21, 1883; now at Leicester.

HAYDOCK, Thomas, born Feb. 21, 1772, second son of George Hay dock, of The Tagg, Cottam, co. Lancaster, gent., by his second wife, Anne, dau. of William Cottam, of Bilsborrow, gent., and eventual heiress to her brother; made his preliminary studies under Rev. Robt. Banister at Mowbreck Hall, Kirkham; taken by Dr. John Gillow to Douay College, where arrived Sept. 29, 1785; escaped during the Revolution, being then in his second year's philosophy, Aug. 5, 1793, and returned home; thence came to Lisbon, and admitted in Sept. 1794, but left towards the close of 1795, his superiors coming to the conclusion that he had no vocation for the Church; went with his brother George to the college at Crook Hall, Durham, Jan. 17, but left Nov. 5, 1796; became a noted Catholic printer in Manchester and Dublin; died at Preston, Aug. 29, 1859, aged 87; for works vide Bill. Diet. Eng. Caths. Vol. III.

HAYES, Joseph, native of Preston; admitted Aug. 13, 1878; ord. priest Mar. 19, and left May 21, 1889; now at Prestwich.

HAYNES, Joseph, vide Harvey.

HEARSNEP, James John, admitted Aug. 15, 1824; alumnus Feb. 10, 1833; left Aug., 1834; went to Old Hall Coll., Nov., 1834, ord. priest there, Apr. 2, and left July 1836; at Poplar, London, 1836, till death, July 29, 1861.

HEXSHAW, Thomas, admitted April 9, 1890; left July 26, 1892; pursued his studies elsewhere; ord. priest, and now at Institut Catholique, Paris.

HERBERT, John, vide Vane.

HESKETH, George, born June 11, 1641, 5th son of Gabriel Hesketh, Esq., of Whitehill, Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, by Ann, dau. of Robert Simpson, of Barker, in Goosnargh, gent.; admitted Nov. 9, 1660; ord. priest Aug. 12, 1665, and died in the College, Oct. 30, 1666, aged 25.

HESKETH, Roger, born June 11, 1643, 6th son of Gabriel Hesketh, admitted with his brother George, Nov. 9, 1660; alumnus Sept. 5, 1663; ord. priest; appointed procurator, July 18, 1667; confessarius, March 7, 1672; prof. of philosophy, Jan. 12, 1676; prof. of theology, Sept. 14, 1677; vice-president, by letters patent of the dean and Chapter, Apr. 25, and installed, Dec. 6, 1678; took degree of D.D.; recalled to England by Bishop Leyburne, Apr. 29, 1686; appointed president of the College, when Dr. M. Watkinson wished to resign, by letters patent from the dean and Chapter, but did not take up the office; elected canon of the Chapter, July 9, 1694; was stationed at Stonyhurst, Lancashire, seat of the Sherburnes; transferred to Lincolnshire, probably to Hainton Hall, the seat of the Heneage family, where he was in 1702; died, March 4, 1715, aged 73. Author of a Treatise on Transubstantiation, 1688, which was answered by Dr. Edw. Bernard, of Brightwell, Berks, Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford. He was also engaged in the Surey demoniac controversy, in 1694, when at Stonyhurst. He has a place in Dodd's "Flores Cleri Anglicani."

HESKETH, Thomas, born March 15, 1695-6, 4th son of Gabriel Hesketh, of Whitehill, in Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Isabel, dau. of Richard Westby, gent., younger brother of Thomas Westby, Esq., of Mowbreck Hall and Bourn Hall, co. Lancaster; alumnus, May 23, 1715; ord. priest; appointed prefect of studies, April 23, 1727; died in his father's life-time, before March 13, 1730-1.

HEYS, Ralph, born 1801, son of James and Helen Heys, of Whittle-le-Springs, co. Lancaster; went Sedgley Park School 1811-14 5 admitted Oct. 12, 1814; left 1817.

HEYWOOD, Robert, son of John Heywood, of London, born 1628; admitted under alias of Dymock, Nov. 24, 1647; left 1651.

HIGGINS, James, admitted Sept. 25, 1889; ord. priest, Mar. 13, and left May, 25, 1897; now at Good Shepherd Convent, Blackley, Manchester.

HIGGINS, John I., admitted Nov. 29, 1881; ord. priest, Sept. 21, 1888; superior; left Aug. 1, 1893; now at St. Augustine's Priory, Newton Abbot, S. Devon.

HIGGS, Charles, probably a brother of Bro. Alexius Higgs, O.S.B., a native of London, who was professed at St. Gregory s, Douay, in 1699; alumnus March 30, 1697; ord. priest; left for England, Dec. 22, 1702; stationed in Middlesex; removed to Dorset, and was chaplain at Chidiock early in 18th century; subsequently resided with Mr. Church at St. Columbe Major s, Cornwall, where he died, Sept. 24, 1736. He was a man of unbending resolution.

HILL, John, alumnus, March 30, 1697; ord. priest, left for English mission, and was in Middlesex in or about 1702; died Sept. 3, 1723.

HILLIARD, Francis and Henry, the former using the alias of Harrison, were admitted about the commencement of the 18th century. They were probably brothers to Fr. Thos. Hilliard (or Hildyard), S.J., of an old Lincolnshire family settled in London, who died in 1746, aged 56.

HILTON, Robert, admitted Nov. 2T, 1847; ord. priest; left May 21, 1859; at Edgeley, Stockport, 1859-63; Duckinfield, 1863-9; Wellington, 1871, till death, July 11, 1873; cousin to Mgr. William, q.v.

HILTON, William, admitted Dec. 18, 1840; ord. priest, 1850; left Dec. 5, 1856; at Talacre Hall, Flint, 1857-8; Bollington, 1858-60; Stalybridge, 1860-7 Canon of Shrewsbury, 1864; Hooton, 1867-76; Wrexham, 1876-83; V.G., 1876, and provost of Shrewsbury, 1878; returned to the College as president, 1883 to date; domestic prelate.

HILTON, William, born June 28, 1836, son of John Hilton, master-builder, of Sedgley, co. Stafford, and his wife Mary; went Sedgley Park School, 1845-50; admitted Sept. 22, 1850; ord. priest; left July 24, 1861; at Bishop's House, Birmingham, 1861-3; Brailes, co. Warwick, 1863-9 Nuneaton, 1869-77 procured a dispensation and entered the Society at Manresa, Roehampton, Sept. 7, 1877, and after repeating theology at St. Beuno's College, 1878-80, placed at Liverpool, 1880, where died of typhus fever, Dec. 31, 1881, aged 45.

HITCHINGS, Edward, admitted July 15, 1887; ord. priest May 26, 1898; now at Birkenhead.

HODGSON, Christopher, born 1729, son of William and Elizabeth Hodgson, of Ugthorpe, North Riding of York, an old yeomary family of substance in Lythe and Ugthorpe, which suffered much for recusancy; admitted on Edward Jones Fund, June 2, 1745, alumnus Dec. 6, 1747, ord. priest, April 7, 1753, appointed procurator, Aug. 3, 1754; left for England, 1762; stationed at Ugthorpe till death, Dec. 25, 1765, aged 36.

HODGSON, Samuel, admitted Aug. 25, 1748; alumnus March 13, 1756; ord. priest, Dec. 20, 1760; left for mission, July 17, 1761; died near London, Feb. 7, 1766.

HOGAN, John P., admitted Sept. 26, 1876; left Nov., 1882; ord. priest at St. Hugh s, Nottingham, March 21, 1885; at Nottingham, 1885-91; unattached.

HOLCROFT, Wm., vide Hargreaves.

HOLDEN, James, went Sedgley Park School, 1828-35; admitted Nov. 14, 1835; ord. priest, and left Mar. 17, 1843.

HOLFORD, Peter, born 1690, a younger son of Thomas Holford, Esq., and his wife Mary Wrath, of Holford and Lostock-Gralan, co. Chester, was brought up a protestant, but quitting home, unknown to his parents, was received into the Church by the Rev. John Vane alias Jones, the London agent of the College at Lisbon, whither he was sent by Bp. Giffard. Admitted in Oct., 1708, under alias of Lostock; alumnus, Feb. 22, and appointed professor of philosophy, Sept. 23, 1711; ord. priest, Oct. 30, 1712, and in same year appointed prefect of studies; left for Paris to pursue his studies at the Sorbonne, July 16, and admitted by Dr. Ingleton at St. Gregory's Seminary, Paris, Aug. 19, 1718, on recommendation of Bp. Stonor; became director of English Benedictine nuns at Paris, 1722, where suddenly taken ill, and died, Aug. 31, 1722, aged 32. "He was a man," wrote Dr. Ingleton, "of very eminent parts, accompanied with a great sweet ness of temper, and an exemplary humility." He was the author of "Paradoxa Physico Thomestica," 1716, 4to., a thesis ded. to Card. Nuro de Cunha, inquisitor-general in Portugal; also of "Via Civitatis Hobitaculi. Directions for a Spiritual Pilgrimage to Jerusalem." MS., at Syon Abbey, Chudleigh, S. Devon, ded. "To the Virtuous and Religious Sisters of the Order of St. Bridget att Sion," signed P. Lostock.

HOLLAND, Daniel, admitted Feb. 22, 1889; left Apr. 3, 1898; ord. priest Mar. 18, 1889; now at Battersea Parkroad, London.

HOLLAND, George, of the diocese of Hereford, admitted in June, and died in the College, Oct. 27, 1629.

HOLLAND, John, vide Sergeant.

HOLLINSHEAD, Thomas, born Sept. 13, 1765, son of Joseph Hollinshead and his wife Eliz. Barnicle, of Warwickshire, admitted July 10, 1777, on the presentation of Anne Peres; left Feb. 3, 1782.

HOLMES, Francis, admitted Nov. 14, 1878; ord. priest May 19, and left May 21, 1889; now at Chester-le-Street, Durham.

HOLYDAY, John, born March 1, 1777, son of Charles Holyday and his wife Helen Baxinton, of Chester; admitted on John Sheppard's Fund, May 3, 1791; left.

HOSTAGE, James, of an old Chester family, went Sedgley Park School; admitted Oct. 6, 1839; ord. priest; left Oct. 15, 1846; at Hull till 1849 5 Halifax, 1849-55 5 York, 1855-8; Egton Bridge, 1858, till death, Aug. 17, 1859.

HOTHERSALL, Edward, a native of Lancashire; admitted Mar. 22, 1836; ord. priest, and appointed superior; left May 9, 1850; at Stockton-on-Tees, till 1852; Bellingham, 1852-8; spent many years at St. Bernard's Abbey, Leicester, and died March 26, 1890.

HOUNSHILL, Martin, born March 8, 1718, son of Martin Hounshill, of Ringwood, co. Southampton, brazier, and Elizabeth Hunt his wife; bapt. by Rev. Joseph Gildon; confirmed by Bp. Bona. Giffard; educated at Twyford Catholic School; admitted June 6, 1736; alumnus, Sept. 15, 1737; ord. priest March 27, 1742; left for England, Nov. 14, 1744, and succeeded Rev. Wm. Steel, at Roundhay, Yorkshire, but was apprehended in following year, after the Stuart rising, and committed a prisoner to York Castle for not having attended the parish church and received the sacrament during the preceding twelve months, and also for refusing to take the oaths appointed in the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary; remained a prisoner 13 months, and upon release returned to the South and was stationed at Arundel Castle, Sussex; subsequently returned to Lisbon, and became chaplain to the Bridgettine nuns at Syon Abbey, but owing to ill health, returned to England, and a few days after his arrival died suddenly in London, Aug. 9, 1783, aged 65.

HOWE, George, born Oct. 4, 1771, son of George Howe and his wife Winifred Herd, of Ipstones, co. Stafford; went to Sedgley Park School, July 15, 1783-1785; admitted Feb. 22, 1785, on Thos. Wolfe's Fund; ord. priest April 5, 1795, and left same month for the mission; served New port, Salop, 1806-22; Shrewsbury, June 16-Oct., 1822, Newport again, 1822, till death, Nov. 1, 1837, aged 66.

HOWES, John, admitted and ordained priest; sent to English mission, Apr. 29, 1674; was stationed in Lancashire in 1697-8.

HUGHES, Denis, admitted Sept. 28, 1881; ord. priest Dec. 17, 1892; left Mar. 2, 1893; now at Stockton-on-Tees.

HUGHES, John F., admitted Jan. 4, 1893; ord. priest Mar. 18, 1899; left Apr. 12, 1899; now at Birmingham.

HULL, Joseph, born May 23, 1771, son of William Hull and his wife Helen Hodgen, of Goosnargh, co. Lancaster; admitted Oct. 23, 1784.

HUNT, William, admitted Aug. 30, 1696; oath, Dec. 21, 1701; ord. priest; left for English mission, Aug. 6, 1707; died, April 6, 1733.

HURST, Joseph, nephew to Revv. Thos. and Will. Hurst, q.v.; admitted Apr. 10, 1847; ord. priest, and left May 20, 1859; at York, 1859-63; Sheffield, 1863-5 Middlesboro', 1865-6; Attercliffe, Sheffield, 1866 to date.

HURST, Thomas, born Dec. 21, 1774, son of Joseph Hurst and his wife Margt. Preston, of Ormskirk, co. Lancaster, and nephew of the Revv. John and William Hurst; went Sedgley Park School; admitted Sept. 25, 1788, on the Carlton Fund; ord. priest, and retained in the College as a superior till death, March 31, 1855, aged 80.

HURST, William, born Apr. 8, 1776, brother to Thomas, q.v.; went Sedgley Park School; admitted Sept. 25, 1788, on the Radcliffe Fund; ord. priest, and left; resided for several years at Westminster, and raised and opened St. Mary's Chapel in Romney-terrace, Nov. 21, 1813; left St. Mary s, 1817, and went out to the mission in the island of Trinidad, where died, Aug. 10, 1823, aged 47. Pub- The Hist. of the Primitive Church of England, Lond. 1814, vide Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. Vol. III.

HUTCHINSON, Samuel, born Feb. 7, 1764, son of Robert Hutchinson and his wife Mary Person, of Oldborough, co. York; bapt. by Rev. Henry Maire; admitted May 19, 1775, on the Thatcher Fourth Fund; confirmed May 24, 1777, and took the name of Simon; left July 26, 1778.