TALBOT, William, a native of Suffolk, arrived with other students from Douay College, Nov. 14, 1628, and admit, under alias of Day; ord. priest Apr. 20, 1636; left vith missionary faculties, March 10, 1637 returned to Douay College, and died there in 1639.

TASBURGH, John, son of Charles Tasburgh, Esq., of Flixton Hall, Suffolk; admitted March 27, 1653.

TATTERSHALL, Peter, son of Lawrence Tattershall, of Berry-Pomeroy, co. Devon, Esq., and of Penelope Con stable, his wife; alumnus Dec. 15, 1718.

TAYLOR, Richard, alias Blackburne, alumnus Dec. 30, 1682; father had a fair estate in Lancashire, and mother was a daughter of John Blackburne, of Eccleston and Newton, and lastly of Stockenbridge, in the Fylde, gent., a Catholic family of antiquity; ord. priest, and left May 19, 1685; placed with his uncle, the Rev. Edward Blackburne, at Claughton, near Garstang, where his family owned property; on the mission assumed the name of Sherburne; about 1700 joined with uncle in the purchase of the site of present chapel house at Claughton, and upon uncle's death in April, 1709, aged 75, succeeded to the sole charge of the mission, which he retained till his death, June 3, 1726.

TAYLOR, Robert, born in Lancashire, May 23, 1743; studied at the school at Lady well, Fernyhalgh; admitted on Thatcher's Fund, June 12, 1761; alumnus Nov. 1, 1763; ord. priest April 2, 1768; died in the College, Feb., 1769.

TAYLOR, Thomas, born Aug. 5, 1770, son of Thomas Taylor, and his wife Eliz. Walker, of Ilmington, co. Warwick; went Sedgley Park School, 1783-85; admit. Feb. 22, 1785.

TAYLOR, William, admitted May 13, 1866; left Nov. 28, 1875; ord. for Plymouth, May, 1876.

THORPE, John, vide Manley.

TIDYMAN, Philip, born July 20, 1781, son of John Tidyman and his wife Hannah Boyes, of Gelizhead, Northumberland; admitted Oct. 9, 1795; left. TILDEN, Thomas, alias Godden, born Dec. 25, 1622, son of Thomas Tilden, of Canterbury; after one year at private school in Holborn under Mr. Gill, entered commoner of Queen's College, Oxford, July 3, 1638, tutor Randall Sanderson, fellow of that college; admitted pensioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, July 3, 1639, tutor " Sir Winterburne," and at Scholars Election, Nov. 4, 1640, admitted Billingsley Scholar, on recommendation of Dr. Jno. Williams, Bp. of Lincoln subsequently Archbp. of York; graduated B.A., 1641-2. Arrived Lisbon and admitted Nov. 4, 1643 alumnus June 29, 1644; ord. priest March 12, 1649; appointed professor of philosophy, March 3, 1650, and paid short visit to England same year; appointed prefect of studies, Jan. 1, 1651, vice-president, June 27, 1652, professor of theology, Feb. 16, 1653, rector of English residence, March 16, 1657, president under nomination of vice-dean Mark Harrington and Chapter, June 29, 1655, received degree of D.D., April, 1660, elected archdeacon of Chapter, Jan. 19, 1660-1, appointed chaplain and preceptor to Princess Catharine of Portugal, destined consort of Charles II., and left to accompany her to England, April 23, 1662, had apartments in Somerset House, and appointed chaplain and preacher to Queen Catharine; in Sept., 1676, was in exile in France; in 1678, during Gates Plot ferment, again withdrew to Paris for several years; died end of Nov., (will dated Nov. 25), and buried under chapel at Somerset House during throes of the revolution, Dec. 1. 1688; established a Fund at Lisbon. See list of works Bibl. Dict. Engl. Catholics.

TILLEY, Henry J., went Sedgley Park School, 1856; admit. March 12, 1866; ord. priest Dec. 18, 1869; left May 15, 1870; now at Romford.

TILLINGHAM, Charles, vide Jennyns.

TIMMINGS, John, born Jan. 2, 1788, son of Samuel Timmings and Eliz. Dodd his wife, of Weston Underwood, co. Bucks; admitted on John Shepherd's Fund, for the London District, Aug. 9, 1802.

TOMMINS, George, born Apr. 23, 1782, son of George Tommins and his wife Mary Fellows, of London, and baptized by his uncle Rev. Robert Tommins, of London; went Sedgley Park School, 1791-95; admitted Oct. 9, 1795; died in the College.

TOOTELL, Christopher, alias Blacoe, a member of the ancient Catholic family of Tootell, of Lower Healey Hall, Lancashire; alumnus Dec. 30, 1682; ord. priest, left Mar. 19, 1686; placed with Andrew Giffard and James Dymock at the new chapel opened in Fishmonger's Hall, Lime-street, London, but within a month, through a calumnious charge of Jansenism, these secular priests w r ere turned out and the Jesuits installed in their place at Whitsuntide, 1686; soon after, Mr. Tootell withdrew to Lancashire, became chaplain at Wrightington Hall, seat of the Dicconsons, and upon death of the Rev. Charles Penketh, alias Rivers, in 1699, succeeded to the charge of the mission at Ladywell, Fernyhalgh; in same year appointed rural dean of Amounderness, by Bishop Smith, V.A.–N.D., and in 1719, if not sooner, grand-vicar for Lancashire, Cheshire, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, when his nephew, the Rev. Edward Melling, his assistant at Ladywell, succeeded him in the deanery; suffered much persecution under penal laws; in 1700 vicar of Preston procured warrant for his apprehension; on Jan. 13, 1714, indicted at the Preston sessions, and convicted of recusancy in the following April; and in 1715, the vicar of Preston again obtained warrant for his and Mr. Melling's apprehension, and on Jan. 15, 1716, he was convicted of recusancy at the Lancaster sessions; escaped arrest by going into hiding, and making no public appearance till Aug. 15, 1717, from which time resumed his usual public services at Ladywell chapel till June 29, 1718, when the return of the Commissioners for Estates devoted to Superstitious Purposes to Preston caused an interruption till Aug. 5, 1723; Mr. Tootell was twice summoned to appear before them, but went into hiding and did not comply; remainder of life spent in peace at Ladywell, where died Nov. 18, 1727, and buried in the ground adjoining the chapel. Shortly before Feb. 6, 1726–7, he was elected a member of the Old English Chapter. Uncle to Hugh Tootell, alias Dodd, the Church Historian. Mr. Tootell was a learned and zealous missionary. Bishop Smith, whom he calls his best friend, held him in great esteem. As grand-vicar he laboured hard to impress upon the clergy the importance of catechetical instruction, in conformity with the bull of Clement XII. on that subject. Author of many works, vide Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. Vol. V.

TOWNESEND, Charles, alumnus Jan. 9, 1672.

TRAPLIN, John, admitted as a convictor, July n, 1709; left Aug., 1711.

TREMBLE, Charles, admitted Sept. 27, 1885; ord. priest Mar. 13, and left May 20, 1897; now at Bishop's House, Portsmouth.

TURNER, Richard, vide Shimell.

TURNER, Richard, alumnus July 12, 1693; ord. priest April 24, 1696; left for England Apr. 29, 1698; died at Wooller's Hill, co. Worcester, the seat of the Hanfords, June 20, 1744.

TWIST, Peter, born Sept. 10, 1800, son of John and Anne Twist, of Lytham, co. Lane.; admit. Aug. I, 1819; left.

UNDERHILL, James, son of John Underhill, gent., and his wife Dorothy, dau. and coheiress of Edward Persehouse, of Gwarn Hall, in the parish of Sedgley, co. Stafford, Esq.; alumnus Sept. 1, 1670; ord. priest; sent English mission Jan. 26, 1681.

VANCAM, John, born Feb. 10, 1693, son of John Vancam and his wife Winifred Beggs; admitted 1708; left 1712; went to Rome, where received at the English College, March 23, 1712; alumnus Sept. 1712; ord. priest April u, 1716; left Rome for the Eng. mission, Apr. 21, 1718.

VANE, John, alias Jones and Herbert, of an ancient family, was educated at one of the Universities, and took orders in the Church of England. At the revolution, "being scandalized at the doctrine and practice of his Church, which maintained it was lawful to depose a King," he became a Catholic, and was received into the Church by Bp. Giffarcl, who had been apprehended at the revolution and was then confined in Newgate. Towards the close of 1688 came over to Lisbon, and Nov. 9, 1692, took college oath and cassock; defended universal philosophy, 1693, and ded. his thesis to the dowager Queen Catharine; ord. priest May, 1693, taught classics for three years, and in July, 1694, defended theses in divinity under Mr. Roger Brockholes; left for England, April 13, 1699, and appointed agent of the College in London, where he resided, and laboured hard in his missionary duties. Elected archdeacon of the Chapter, June 7, 1703. About 1710, when the controversy concerning Jansenism in England was at its height, Fr. Thos. Lewis, alias Smith, S.J., reported that Mr. Vane had been a Jansenist, but that he had caused him to retract his errors. Later Fr. Lewis spread it abroad that Mr. Vane had relapsed into Jansenism, and the Superioress of the convent at York Bar was led to report that Mr. Vane was suspended from his functions for the crime of Jansenism, all of which was absolutely untrue. Moreover the Jesuit's relative, John Lewis, the bookseller, in his controversy with Mr. Thos. Mainwaring and Fr. Thos. Hunter, O. P., asserted, "That Mr. Vane (a clergyman) was an ignorant nonsensical fellow; that the Jesuits having challenged him to dispute he never durst; that the same Mr. Vane performing the buriall ceremony and Dirige for Dr. Short, said faciamus nwdo Anglicano, but a religious man replied, and tould him he did not understand his modo Anglicano—no, but faciamus modo Romano, said the religious man." There was no truth whatever in this charge; no such words were spoken as faciamus modo Anglicano either by Mr. Vane or anyone else, no religious man was present at the funeral, and finally the burial ceremony was not performed by Mr. Vane, but by Mr. Tobias Gibbons. " So," says Mr. Andrew Giffard, " the vhole story is a groundless fiction." Mr. Vane was noted for his assiduous attention to the wants of the poor throughout his missionary career, which he ended in London, Oct. 22, 1733.

VAUGHAN, John, probably second son of John Vaughan, of Welsh Bicknor, co. Monmouth, and of Clifford Park, co. Hereford, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Richard Lyngen, Esq.; admitted under the alias of Humphrey Price, July 4, 1663; alumnus June 29, 1635; ord. priest Apr. 26, 1639, sent to England, Apr. 14, 1640; chaplain to the Somerset family at Raglan Castle during the civil wars.

VENABLES, John, vide Gother.

VERNALTY, Edward, vide Barker.

VICTOR, Francis, alias Bishop, who went by the name of Williams on the mission, son of Edward Victor, of Corn wall; admitted Sept. 1, 1633; took the oath of the alumni June 29, 1635; ord. priest Apr. 20, 1636; appointed professor of philosophy, Sept. 16, 1644; professor of theology and confessor, Sept. 17, 1647, and left, owing to ill-health, for the mission, Feb. 28, 1649. He was elected archdeacon of Cornwall, Devon, and Dorsetshire by the Chapter, Sept. 13, 1661. He died on the mission in Devonshire, in 1683. His sister, Sr. Erances Victor, was professed at the Bridgettine Abbey of Syon at Lisbon, in 1652, and died there, June 30, 1681.

VERE, Langton George, admitted Oct. 22, 1861; left Aug. 9, 1865; went Old Hall Coll., and ord. priest Sept 19, 1868; now at St. Patrick s, Soho. Canon of Westminster.

WAGNER, Frederick, admitted; left Dec. 12, 1746.

WAGNER, Thomas, alum. Dec. 6, 1747; left Apr. 27, 1749.

WAGSTAFFE, James, baptized July 18, 1762, son of Charles Wagstaffe, and his vife Sarah Denton, of Manchester; went Sedgley Park School, 1774-6; thence to Douay College, where received Sept. 3, 1776; left Douay, June 3, 1780; admit. Dec. 24, 1781; alumnus May 20, 1784; ord. priest Dec. 20, 1788; left for England, Oct. 4, 1790; succeeded Mr. Edward Daniel at Croston Hall, 1792–1805; served Stydd Lodge, Ribchester, 1805 till Sept., 1844; then retired to Lytham, where died, May 3, 1847, aged 84, and interred at the Willows, Kirkham.

WAKE, William, admitted Apr. 17, 1751; left; settled at Worksop Manor, Notts; married, and was father of William, Bernard, Charles, and Henry, all of Sheffield.

WALDEGRAVE, Charles, born in Norfolk, son of Sir Henry Waldegrave, of Chewton, co. Somerset, second baronet, by his second wife, Cath., dau. of Richard Bacon, of Stifcay, co. Norfolk, Esq.; admitted under the alias of Parker, June 9, 1642, as a convictor; left May 2, 1650. His nephew Sir Henry, son of his half-brother Sir Charles, 3rd Bart., married the Lady Henrietta Fitz-james, natural dau. of King James II., by Mrs. Arabella Churchhill, sister of John, Duke of Marlborough, and was created Baron Waldegrave of Chewton, Jan. 20, 1685-6.

WALDEGRAVE, Charles and Richard, probably younger sons of Lord Waldegrave, who died in 1689, were admit, shortly after 1700.

WALDEGRAVE, Henry, born in Norfolk, brother of Charles, q.v.; admitted Aug. 15, 1647, under alias of Parker.

WALDEGRAVE, Nicholas, born in Norfolk, son of Nicholas Waldegrave, who was a younger son of Nicholas Walde grave of Beoley, co. Essex, Esq.; his mother was a dau. of Richard Russell, of Berkshire, and sister of the Bp., q.v., who sent him to Lisbon; admit. May 1, 1683; alum. Apr. 17, 1688; ord. priest; went to Coimbra to study canon law: returned to the College after the death of his uncle Bp. Russell, who made him his heir; appointed procura tor, Oct. 3, 1697 died in the College, Dec. 13, 1734.

WALL, Peter, born in Wicklow town, June 24, 1858; went Engl. Coll., Valladolid, 1871-8; admit. Sept. 28, 1881; left June 1, 1884; went Sem. at Upholland, and ord. priest Sept. 20, 1885; at St. Joseph s, Preston, till death Oct. 24, 1894.

WALMSLEY, Joseph, born Dec. 28, 1802, son of William and Elizabeth Walmsley, of Ribchester; admitted Aug. 1, 1819; alum. Dec. 3, 1826; ord. priest; left for England, June, 1829; placed at Lytham, Lancashire, 1829, erected a new chapel 1839, about 1850 built a school and chased the presbytery, and died at Lytham, Dec. 16, 1873, aged 71.

WALTER, William Joseph, born July 2, 1786, son of Samuel Walter, of Midhurst, Sussex, and his wife Mary Philip; admit, on Triple Trust for Lond. District, May 25, 1800; left, and was at St. Edmund s College, Old Hall, March, 1806-Oct., 1807, and again from Jan., 1808-Dec., 1809, as a master; subsequently devoted himself to literature, and the following publications appear under his name: (1) "The Two Martyrs; or, The Triumph of the Christian Religion. By F. R. de Chateaubriand. Transl. by W. J. Walter." Lond., 1812, 2 vols., 8°.; ib., 1819, 8°.; ib., 1822, 2 vols. 8°.—(2) "The Mass; or, a Series of Historical and Practical Instructions on the Prayers and Ceremonies that compose the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. Translated from the French of M. J. D. Cochin." Lond., 1814, 12°.; ib., 1815, 2 vols. 12°.—(3) "Letter from Rome, addressed to M. de Fontanes, by the Viscomte de Chateaubriand. Translated." Lond., 1815, 8°.—(4) "An Account of a MS. of Ancient English Poetry entitled Clavis Sciential; or, Bretayn s Skyll-Kay of Knawing, by John de Wageby, Monk of Fountain's Abbey." Lond., 1816, 8°.—(5) "St. Peter s Complaint, and other Poems, by the Rev. Robert Southwell. Reprinted from the edition of 1595, vith Important Additions from an original MS., and A Sketch of the Author s Life. By W. Jos. Walter." Lond., Keating, Brown & Co., 1817, 8°., pp. xxxii 127.—(6) A translation of Zauberfloete s II Flauto Magico. Lond., 1819, 12°.—(7) A translation of G. G. de Rossi's Il Tancredi. Lond., (1820?), 12°.—(8) " Othello, a Tragic Opera. Transl. from the Marquis Berio." Lond., 1822, 12°.—(9) "Adelina." Translated. Lond., 1825, 8°.—(10) "Medea in Corinth." Translated. Lond., 1826, 12°.—(11) "The Prose Works of Robert Southwell; containing Mary Magdalen's Funeral Tears, Triumphs over Death, and An Epistle of Comfort, &c. Edited by W. Jos. Walter." Lond., 1828, 12&deg., forming Part II. of " Select Beauties of Early Catholic Literature.—(12) "Sir Thomas More; His Life and Times, illustrated from his own writings, and from contemporary docu ments." Lond., Dolman, 1839, 8°., forming Vol. I. of The Catholic Family Library; 2nd edit., ib., 1840, sm. 8°., pp. xi–402, with portrait of More. Transl. into French by A. Savagner. Tours, 1847, $°—(13) "A Selection from the Writings of Sir Thomas More." Lond., 1840, sm. 8., forming Vol. II., Cath. Fam. Lib.—(14) A Life of St. Chrysostom, with a Selection from his Writings. Lond., 1840, sm. 8., forming Vol. III., Cath. Fam. Lib. (15) " Mary Queen of Scots; a Journal of her Twenty Years Captivity, Trial and Execution." Philadelphia, 1840, 2 vols., 12°.0151(16) The article on "The Roman Catholic Church," in The Cyclopædias of Religious Denominations. 1853, 8°.

WALTON, William, born Jan. 6, 1778, son of William Walton, (and his wife Anne Kaye), of Manchester, Esq., subsequently Spanish Consul at Liverpool, nephew of Bp. Wm. Walton, V.A.–N.D.; followed his brothers Michael and Richard to Sedgley Park School, 1785-91; admitted June 20, 1791, his father paying his pension; left 1796; spent some short time in Spain; became perfect master of Spanish, Portuguese, and French languages; settled as a merchant at Havannah, in the Island of Cuba, and dealt in slaves amongst other goods; subsequently became British Resident at St. Domingo; returned to England, resided in London, and finally settled at Oxford, where he died in 1857, aged 79; for his numerous publications, see Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. Vol. V.

WALWYN, Anthony, vide Aston, Nicholas.

WAPSHOT, Benjamin, born Jan. 20, 1778, son of John and Rebecca Wapshot, of London; went Sedgley Park School, 1788-91; admitted July 14, 1791; left.

WARBURTON, Charles, vide Starkey.

WARD, Philip, vide Parry.

WARDELL, George, went Sedgley Park, 1769; admitted and left; probably brother to John.

WARDELL, John, went Sedgley Park School, 1763; admit.; left; settled at Plymouth; married and was father of Richard Wardell, Esq., who settled at Woodlands, Dundas, Upper Canada; widow, Sarah, died with her son in Canada, June 30, 1845, aged 77.

WAREING, Anthony, born July 19, 1780, son of William Wareing, of Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, subsequently of Manchester, and his wife Helen Lund, a relative of Mr. Anthony Lund, priest at Lady well; admitted July 17, 1795; alumnus Dec. 16, 1804; ord. priest, and sent England, May, 25, 1807; served Isleworth, was there in 1825, and died there, Feb. 28, 1854, aged 73.

WAREING, James, born July 25, 1787, son of David Wareing, and his wife Mary Winter, of London; went Sedgley Park School, 1793-1801; admitted May i, 1801, for the Middle District; alum. Sept. 15, 1807; left and went to Oscott Coll., Sept. 27, 18o8-March, 1809; thence to Old Hall Coll., March, 1809, and ord. priest there, Dec. 14, 1812; returned to Lisbon as a superior, but left the College for some reason, and settled in the city, where for years he supported himself as tutor in the families of the nobility, till his death at Lisbon, Sept. 25, 1852, aged 65. He was an elder brother of William Wareing, the first Bishop of Northampton.

WAREING, Thomas, born Sept. 18, 1774, brother of Anthony, q.v.; admitted on Revell's Fund for the Northern District, May 20, 1789.

WAREING, Thomas, admitted Dec. 21, 1822; alum. May 22, 1828; died in the College, July 29, 1832.

WARHAM, John, of an ancient Dorsetshire family; admit, under alias of Smith, Sept. 30, 1665; alumnus, Sept. i, 1670; ord. priest; appointed prof, of philosophy, Jan. 12, 1676; left for England, Apr. 18, 1681; when the presi dent, Dr. Watkinson, became disabled in 1706, and the College was in imminent danger of ruin, Mr. Warham was unanimously chosen, at a meeting of Lisbonians in London, as the most deserving to fill the place, on account of his learning, prudence, and piety; Bp. Giffard gave him his diploma, and presented him to the presidency, but after two fruitless attempts to proceed to his destination, being driven back by storms, Mr. Warham resigned his dignity, and could not be induced to go over, so in 1707 Mr. Edw. Jones was appointed; served the mission at Cowdray, Sussex, seat of Lord Montagu, where he died March 19, 1714.

WARHAM, Robert, brother to John, q.v., admitted under alias of Smith; alumnus Sept. 8, 1677; ord. priest, April 18, 1681, and taught classics for three years; appointed professor of philosophy, Oct. 27, 1683, prefect of studies, Nov. 4, 1684, prof, of theology, Apr. 2, and confessarious, Apr. 20, 1687; left for the mission, Jan. 2, 1693; died Jan. 23, 1728-9.

WARING, Edward, alias William Ellis, born 1604, third son of Charles Waring, Esq.; arrived from Douay College with his brother, Humphrey Waring, q.v., and formally admitted Nov. 22, 1628; ord. priest July 17, and left for English mission, Sept. 8, 1633; became an archdeacon of the Chapter. His eldest brother, Thomas Waring, Esq., married Winefrid, dau. of Robert Middlemore, of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, Esq.

WARING, Humphrey, born in or about 1606, fourth son of Charles Waring, Esq., of Berie Hall, in the parish of Solihull, co. Warwick, by Letitia, daug. of John Hugford, of Henwood, co. Warwick, Esq., and his wife Margt., dau. of Sir John Hugford, of Bindisleston, co. Gloucester? Knt.; went to Douay College, and there finished his course of philosophy; thence left for Lisbon, Aug. 25, arrived Nov. 14, and formally admitted Nov. 22, 1628, under the alias of Ellis, which he retained throughout life; ord. priest Aug. 24, 1635 made prof, of philosophy and theology, July 21, 1638; received degree of D.D., 1640; prefect of studies, Jan. 26, 1641; vice-president, June 15, 1642; president, by nomination of Bp. Smith, June 10, and rector of the English residence, Aug. 7, 1648; resigned and left the College, 1652; but if he returned to England on this occasion he would appear to have gone abroad again to Paris or Douay; elected archdeacon, Sept. 17, and then clean of the Chapter, Nov. 27, 1657, but did not return to England for rather more than two years, and was then sworn clean, Oct. 14, 1660; died Aug. 9, 1676, aged 70.

WARMOLL, Francis James, admitted May 13, 1866; ord. priest Mar. 11, and left May 1, 1876; at Shefford, Beds, 1876-80; Stowmarket, 1880 till death, July 9, 1894.

WARRINGTON, Henry, admitted Oct. 19, 1827 > alumnus Feb. 10, 1833; ord. priest; and left May 27, 1836.

WARWICK, James V., admitted Nov. 7, 1873; ord. priest Sept. 24, 1882; appointed a superior; left May i, 1892; now at Balham, London.

WATKINSON, Matthias, born in London, July, 1634, son of John Watkinson, who, after suffering much on account of his religion, left England that he might attend to his spiritual and temporal concerns with more peace, and settled at Lisbon, where he was joined by his son in 1647; admitted Nov. 24, 1647; alumnus, Sept. u, 1653; ord. priest Dec. 7, 1658; appointed procurator Aug. 10, 1661; and on Oct. 16 of that year dedicated a theological thesis to Queen Catharine, at which Dr. Godden presided; appointed professor of philosophy, Sept. 1, and confessarius, Dec. 20, 1664; the Dean and Chapter presented him to the vice-presidency under date Nov. 17, and he was formally installed, Dec. 2, 1668; presented to the presidency by the Dean and Chapter, Nov. 2, 1671; promoted to the rectory of the English residency, May 9, 1672; owing to failing health, given a regent in the person of Edward Jones, June i, 1706; died in the College, March 30, 1710, aged 75. The Chapter expecting that he was about to return to England, elected him a member and vicar-general, June 4, 1684.

WATKINSON, Robert, born 1803, admit. Jan. 22, 1824; alum. May 26, 1828; left May, 1833; appointed to St. Anthony's, Liverpool, where died June 17, 1837, aged 34.

WATSON, Alfred, admit. Nov. 2, 1858; alum. Dec. 11, 1861; left Oct. 7, 1862; went Ushaw Coll., and there ord. priest Sept. 23, 1865; at Bradford, 1865-6; Sheffield, 1866-7 5 Dewsbury, 1867-9; Brough Hall, 1869-73; Whitewell, 1874-6; Brighouse, 1876-81; Bingley, 1881-9; Myddelton Lodge, 1889-92; Ilkley, 1892 till death, Feb. 10, 1893.

WEBSTER, Isaac, admit. Mar. 23, 1860"; ord. priest, Dec. 18, 1869: left June 11, 1870; now at Wigan.

WEBSTER, Thomas, baptized Oct. 23, 1757, son of Thomas Webster, and his wife Doro. Bell, of London: went Sedgley Park School; admitted Oct. 13, 1771; alumnus, Apr. 7, 1777; ord. priest Apr. 5, 1783; appointed superior; left for the mission, Apr., 1792; died at Wolverhampton, July 7, 1828, aged 70.

WELCH, John, born Oct. 14, 1796, son of James and Sarah Welch of London, protestants; received into the Church by Mr. John Jones, July 2, 1813, and confirmed by Bp. Poynter, June u, 1814; admitted Oct. 18, 1816; left in ill-health, 1817; received at Old Hall, Feb., 1818; ord. priest July 16, 1826; appointed prefect July, 1826-July, 1827; stationed at Portsea, 1827-41; at Weybridge, 1841 till death, Aug. 31, 1850, aged 53.

WHALE, Peter, son of Peter Whale, of Catton, co. Norfolk, Esq.; admitted, under alias of Robinson, June 9, 1642; alumnus June 29, 1644; dismissed, Sept. 6, 1646.

WHARTON, John, born May 26, 1772, son of Henry Wharton, and his wife Anne Molyneux, of Little Crosby, co. Lancaster; went Mr. Simon Geo. Bordley's School, Ince Blundell, sent by him to Lisbon; admit. Oct. 10, 1787.

WHARTON, Michael, born 1733, near Kirby Stephen, co. Westmoreland, being descended from the Whartons, of Wharton and Kirkby Thore in Westmoreland, and of Yorkshire, of whom Sir Michael Wharton, of Beverley, Knt., was living in 1724; admitted on Revell's Fund, Nov. 7, 1751; alumnus Mar. 13, 1756; ord. priest Dec. 20, 1760; left for England, July 18, 1761; chaplain at Leighton Hall, Lancashire, whence removed the mission to Yealand, where a church was subsequently erected by Richard T. Gillow, Esq.; there he died Dec. 10, 1809, aged 76. Was rural dean of Lonsdale hundred.

WHELAN, Arthur, admitted Sept. 28, 1881; left Jan. 18, 1887; went St. Thomas Sem., Hammersmith, and ord. priest Sept. 20, 1890; now at Clarence Gardens, Regent's Park.

WHITAKER, Humphrey, son of Thomas and Eleanor Whitaker, christened Aug. 10, 1614, at Burnley, Lancashire, where his father was master of the grammar-school. About 1626, through the influence of his mother who was a Catholic, he was received into the Church by Dom Robert Haydock, alias Benson, O.S.B. He continued his studies under his father till he was sent to St. Omer's College by a Jesuit known under the name of Edward Squire, Nov. I, 1629. Thence he went to the English College at Rome, where at the age of 18 he was admitted under the alias of Francis Starkie (probably taken from his mother's family surname) Oct. 22, 1631. There he was ordained priest Aug. 25, 1638, and left, Sept. 21, for Piacenza as procurator of the College, and assisted there for two years. He then returned to England, whence he was sent immediately to Lisbon to teach theology, and assumed that chair Dec. 26, 1640. On June 25, 1642, he was appointed prefect of studies and confessarius, and for five years, till 1647, was Vespertine lecturer. Owing to ill-health he left the College, Aug. n, 1647, by way of France for England, and thence went to Douay College as professor of divinity. Ill-health again compelled him to resign this office, and returning to England he was made canon and secretary of the Chapter, in 1649. In 1650, he returned to Lisbon as prefect of studies and confessarius, and received the degree of D.D. On July 11, 1651, he became president under the nomination o Bishop Smith, and so continued till his death, Sept. 19, 1653, aged 40.
At Lisbon, as in England, he was known by the alias of Francis Clayton. His father became a Catholic before his death in Jan., 1625-6. His brothers arid sister had been brought up Catholics. One of his brothers, Thomas, went to the English College at Valladolid in 1632, was ordained priest and sent to England in 1638, and was seized at Blackehall, Goosnargh, the seat of Edward Midgeall, Esq., in 1643, committed to Lancaster Castle, and there martyred Aug. 7, 1646, aged 32. He used the alias of Starkie.

WHITAKER, Samuel, born Aug. 24, 1802, son of Samuel and Frances Whitaker, of Ordsall, co. Notts, protestants; received into the Church by Mr. Samuel Corbishley, Dec. 25, 1817, and confirmed by Bp. Milner, May 10, 1819; admitted June 29, 1819; alumnus Apr. i, 1823; ord. priest; left for the mission, Nov. 12, 1829; at Louth, co. Lincoln, 1830-1.

WHITE, Philip, baptized Apr. 3, 1748, son of John and Mary White, of Beenham, co. Berks; admitted on the Triple Trust, Sept. 13, 1764; alum. Mar. 16, 1772; ord. priest; died in the College, Jan. 22, 1777, aged 28.

WHITE, Thomas, born 1593, second son of Richard White, of Hutton, co. Essex, Esq., by Mary, dau. of Edmund Plowden, of Plowden, co. Salop, the eminent lawyer; his elder brother, Richard, married first, Anne, dau. and heiress of Andrew Grey, of the Inner Temple, and secondly, the Lady Catherine Weston, dau. of Richard, first Earl of Portland; entered the English College, Valladolid, under the alias of Blacklow, Nov. 16, 1609; transferred to the college at Seville in 1612; thence to the college at St. Omer; went through his scholastic theology at Douay College, and was ord. priest at Arras, March 25, 1617; he graduated B.D.,and taught classics, philosophy, and theology at Douay; left Douay for England on business affairs, Aug. 17, and returned Oct. 23, 1623, bringing with him one of the ribs of the martyr, Thomas Maxfield; left Douay for Paris to study canon law in the university, but thence was despatched, as agent for the clergy, to Rome, where he was residing, March 21, 1625-6; on his return to Douay, he received his nomination to the presidency of the College at Lisbon, with orders to proceed without delay, and he arrived in May, 1630; here he taught theology, and drew up a code of rules for the government of the college; visited Madrid on college affairs in 1631; two years later he left for England to obtain a fresh supply of students, and to procure means for the advancement of the college, but failing in the latter object, he resigned the presidency, and applied himself to missionary work; in 1635 he was one of those nominated by the Chapter for the Episcopacy; in 1650 he is found back at Douay College, teaching divinity, and holding the office of vice-president, in which year, on March 2Oth and 2ist, King Charles II. visited Douay, and was presented by the president, William Hyde, with Latin and English poems in the name of the College; soon after returned to England, where spent most of his time in publishing books, " which made a great noise in the world "; he "dyed " his lodging in Drury Lane," July 6, 1676, "betwixt three and four a clocke in the afternoone, being the octave day of St. Peter and St. Paul," aged 83, and was buried on the 9th, in the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields; for whose works see Bibl. Dict. Engl. Caths. Vol. V.

WHITWELL, Joseph, born Aug. 7, 1796, son of William and Catherine Whitwell, of Bethnal Green, London, protestants; received into the Church by Mr. John Jones on the same day with John Welch, q.v., July 2, 1813; con firmed by Bp. Poynter, June u, 1814; admitted Aug. n, 1814; left in ill-health, 1818.

WILCOCK, Peter, born Oct. 28, 1777, son of George Wilcock (and his vife Anne Taylor), of Bolton, younger son of James Wilcock, of Thorp Green, Brindle, co. Lancaster, land-surveyor, by Margery, dau. of Mr. Gerard, of Brindle; grand-nephew of Dom Peter Wilcock, O.S.B.; went to Mr. Simon Geo. Bordley s school at Ince Blundell; admit. on the Bordley Fund, Oct. 10, 1792; alumnus Dec. 8, 1801; ord. priest Dec. 25, 1802; retained as professor; left for England, Dec. 28, 1808; stationed for a short time at Ladywell, Fernyhalgh, co. Lancaster; thence removed to Sunderland, co. Durham, and succeeded Mr. Wm. Fletcher in the charge of that mission in 1812; removed to St. Anthony s, Liverpool, 1825; erected new church, schools, and presbytery, 1830, and retired in ill-health in 1844, till death at Liverpool, Aug. 15, 1857, aged 79; wrote "Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth, translated from the Venerable Bede." Sunderland, 1818, 8vo.

WILKINSON, James, born Nov. i, 1777, son of John Wilkinson, of Cottam Hall, co. Lane., yeo., and his wife Eliz. Adamson; left.

WILKINSON, John F., born April 29, 1804, son of William and Mary Wilkinson, of Chester; admit. Aug. 1, 1819; alumnus Dec. 3, 1826; ord. priest, and left for England, March 15, 1830; stationed at Clewer Green, near Windsor, Berks, 1830-55; at Chichester, 1855 till death, Oct. 15, 1866, aged 64. In 1835 he had the honour of being presented at court to William IV. by Lord Melbourne, prime minister.

WILLIAMS, Charles, son of Thomas Williams, of Monmouthshire, Esq.; admitted Aug. 14, 1647; alumnus Dec. 12, 1651; ord. priest Dec. 24, 1651; left for England, March 14, 1652.

WILLIAMS, Francis, vide Victor.

WILLIAMS, John, vide Gwillims.

WILLIAMS, John, son of Thomas Williams, of Monmouth shire, Esq., and brother of Charles, q.v.; admitted Aug. 14, 1647; alum. Dec. 12, 1651; ord. priest Mar. 29, 1653; appointed superior July n, 1654; procurator Sept. 19, 1657; confessarius, Apr. 13, 1659; prof. of philosophy, Aug. 12, 1661; prof, of theology, Sept. i, 1664; vice-president, Dec. 20, 1664.

WILLIAMS, John, admit, on Lloyd's Fund, Sept. 28, 1713; alumnus Oct. 31, 1720; left for the mission, Mar. 25, 1726. WILLIAMS, Reginald, born Jan. 21, 1772, son of Reginald Williams, and his wife Sarah Rand, of Hull, co. York, and probably descended from the Williams family of Llanbadock, co. Monmouth; admitted Dec. 4, 1784.

WILLIAMS, Roger, born 1615, son of Reginald Williams, of Lanbadock, co. Monmouth, Esq., was received into the English College at Rome, Nov. 6, 1633, and adopted the alias of Powell, probably his mother's name; returned to England, after receiving minor orders, finding him self quite unfit for ecclesiastical life; came to Lisbon for another trial, and was admitted July 7, 1640; alumnus March 31, 1641; but was expelled, April 5, 1642. His nephew, Reginald, was ordained at Rome in 1682.

WILLIAMS, William, admitted Mar. 9, 1849 5 alum. Feb. i, 1856; ord. priest; superior 1863; left June 1, 1865; at Treforest, 1865-8; Tredegar, 1868-83; Cardiff, 1883, (V.G. of Newport, 1883, and Mgr. 1887) till death Sept. 24, 1895.

WINDER, Peter, born at Caton, near Lancaster, was son of William Winder, yeoman, whose wife was probably Alice, daughter of Peter Bradley, of Little Eccleston-cum-Larbreck, yeoman. At the age of sixteen he went to Douay College, and for some time was servant to Dr. Kellison, the president. Afterwards he pursued his studies, took the college oath on Dec. 17, 1640, and in due course was ordained priest. From Douay he was sent to Lisbon, was admitted into the college, under the alias of Bradley, June 9, 1642, and left for England, March 6, 1644. He was stationed in his native county, apparently at Quernmore, where his parents seem to have settled. The sum of £10 per annum was allowed out of Sir Thos. Preston's estate for the use of the priest at Quernmore and neighbourhood in 1677. In 1680, the name of Peter Winder, of Quernmore, appears in a list of fines for recusancy. Dodd, the historian, otherwise the Rev. Hugh Tootell, says (in a MS. account) that whilst in Lancashire in the reign of James II. he knew Peter Winder personally, and that he was then a very old man. He was still alive and serving the mission in Mar., 1697.

WINSTANLEY, Edmund, born Oct. 17, 1772, son of Thomas Winstanley, and his wife Eliz. Herd, of Ashbourne, co. Derby, descended from an old Lancashire Catholic family; went Mr. Simon Geo. Bordley's school at Ince Blundell; admitted Oct. 10, 1787; ord. priest Dec., 1796; soon afterwards offered his services to Wellington, who was then marching for Spain, which were accepted; after battle of Waterloo, returned to the College; appointed vice-president; presented to the presidency by Bp. Poynter, Dec. 27, 1819, and formally installed, Jan. 19, 1820; D.D.; died in the College, Aug. 14, 1852, aged 79. He published: (1) "The Christian's Companion." 2nd edit., Lisbon, 1812; (2) "An Outline of Ecclesiastical and Civil History." London, 1846, 2 vols., 8°.; (3) "Short Sketch of Ancient Geography." Lisbon, 1848, 8.; (4) "Short Geography of the Holy Land." Lisbon, 1850,8°.; (5) "The Lisbon Guide." Lisbon, 1853, 12°. 2nd edit.; (6) His portrait in lithograph was published at Lisbon, 1852.

WOODBURY, Gerard, vide Bernard.

WOODROFFE, Robert, son of Robert Woodroffe, of Stafford shire, gent., and of his wife Anne; admitted Jan., 1672, as a convictor; alumnus Oct. 30, 1678; ord. priest Jan. 1, and left for the English mission, July 17, 1680; stationed at Yeldersley, co. Derby, and attended to the Catholics about Norbury and Roston, where much esteemed as a preacher and an exemplary missioner; was probably grand-nephew of Robert Woodroffe alias Worth, ordained priest at Rome in 1606, whose father, James Woodroffe, was mayor of Barnstaple, co. Devon, his father having settled in Devon from Lancashire or Yorkshire; Robert Woodroffe, a priest of Rheims and Rome, who was condemned to death at Lancaster in 1591, but reprieved, and afterwards imprisoned at Wisbech Castle and Framlingham till 1603, belonged to the Woodroffes of Bank Top or Hall, Burnley, which estate was carried by an heiress, Isabel Woodroffe, in marriage, Feb. 4, 1606, to Nicholas Towneley, of Royle, Esq., and afterwards descended through heiresses to the Inglebys, of Lawkland Hall, and then to the Sherburnes of Stonyhurst. Subsequently it passed by sale to the family of Hargreaves, whose representatives now possess it.

WOOLFE, John, alias Allan, who assumed the name of Brown on the mission; native of the diocese of Worcester; ord. priest July 26, 1674; left College for the English mission July 30, 1676. He was elected an archdeacon of the Old Chapter, Sept. 2, 1695, and was secretary; was in Middlesex in 1702. He died in Shropshire, June 15, 1735. He established two Funds at the College.

WOOLFE, Thomas, probably brother of John; admitted Jan. 3, 1667; took oath of alumni Jan. 9, 1672. Presumably came on the mission, as he established a Fund at the College.

WOOLFREY, Norbert, admit. May 13, 1866; ord. priest Dec. 22, 1877; left Feb. 10, 1878; now at Liskeard, Cornwall.

WORTHY, Francis, alumnus Apr. 17, 1688; ord. priest Nov. n, 1691; left for England, 1692.

WOTTON, George, vide Jerningham.

WRIGHT, Edmund, admitted as a convictor June 26, 1700; left with his brother, Paul, Sept. 20, 1703.

WRIGHT, Joseph, born in London, 1851; went Sedgley Park School, 1866-8; admit. Nov. 11, 1868; left July 28, 1873; went St. Thomas' Sem. and ord. priest Dec. 18, 1875; at The Orphanage, Blackheath, 1876-84; entered the Society of Jesus at Manresa, Roehampton, 1884-5; St. Beuno's Coll., St. Asaph, 1885-7; St. Walburge's, Preston, 1887-90; Manresa, 1890; Glasgow, 1891; Wimbledon College, 1891-5; went out to Grahamstown, South Africa, to recuperate his health, 1895-6; Blackpool, Oct., 1896, till death Apr. 6, 1897, aged 46.

WRIGHT, Paul, admit, as a convictor, Oct. 23, 1700; left with his brother, Edmund, Sept. 20, 1703.

WRIGHT, Thomas, born 1647, son of John Wright, and his wife Eliz. Somerset, of London; admitted as a convictor under the alias of Bradley, March 12, 1659.

WYCHE, George, alumnus 1697; ord. priest and sent to England; a priest of this name succeeded Mr. Pierce Parry, at Claxby, co. Lincoln, in 1762.

WYNNE, Hugh, son of William Parry Wynne, of Flint; alumnus, under alias of Parry, June 29, 1636; ord. priest Apr. 10, 1640; sent England, Sept. 7, 1644.

YATES, Richard, ord. priest; left for the mission, Apr. 29, 1674.

YOUNGE, Thomas, admitted July 1, 1670; ord. priest and left for the mission, Apr. 10, 1681; served under the alias of Brooks in Lancashire, probably his native county; was at Orrell, near Wigan, in 1699, when he purchased five acres of land at Crossbrook, Orrell, upon which he erected a large house and chapel; died there about May, 1714.