History of Gardner, Massachusetts/Medical Practitioners

2289607History of Gardner, Massachusetts — Medical PractitionersLewis Glazier

Medical Practitioners.

Joseph Boyden was probably the first physician in Gardner. Soon after he came into town, Rev. J. Osgood united the medical to his clerical office; there not being practice enough for both, Dr. Boyden left the place. Mr. Osgood was the only physician in town for nearly thirty years.

Dr. Howard practiced medicine here a few years. In 1822, Horace Parker, from Westford, came to Gardner; after practicing medicine about seven years, his health failed and he returned to Westford, where he died soon after.

In 1823, David Parker came into town; after studying awhile with his brother Horace, he commenced the practice of medicine with him, which he has continued to the present time. After the death of his brother, he was for many years the only physician in town.

Occasionally a physician would locate here until a better opening might be found. Dr. Sanborn practiced in the south village a short time. Dr. Carpenter, Dr. Harriman, Dr. Warner, and Dr. Jewett, have also been located as physicians here. Dr. Sawyer and Dr. Macomber are now practising physicians in the place; the one last mentioned is of the homœopathic order.

W. H. H. Hinds, dentist, resided in town seven or eight years, when he sold out in 1859 to Dr. E. D. Gaylord.

Nathan S. Lincoln, son of Rev. Sumner Lincoln, fitted for college at Springfield, Mass., and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1850. Studied medicine in Baltimore, Md.; commenced the practice of medicine in the city of Washington in 1853, where he still resides.

Albert Kendall, son of Hubbard Kendall, studied with Dr. Harriman, of Gardner, and attended the Medical College at New York, where he received his diploma for a physician, in which practice he is now engaged at Newton Lower Falls.