History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/4/John C. Kelly

JOHN C. KELLY is a native of the State of New York, having been born in Cortland County on the 26th of February, 1852. His education was acquired through much effort but finally securing a position in the Government Printing Office at Washington, he acquired a thorough knowledge of printing and electrotyping. In 1873 he was delegated by Mills & Company, then State Printers at Des Moines, Iowa, to purchase their outfit and act as superintendent of their establishment. While in that position he divided and numbered the streets of Des Moines on the Philadelphia plan, and was the pioneer in organizing the first building association in Iowa. After a few years he purchased an interest in the Daily State Leader, of which he became one of the editors. After three years he disposed of his interest and purchased the Sioux City Tribune which in 1884 he converted into a daily. He was the founder of the Sioux City Printing Company which furnishes auxiliary sheets for country papers. In 1893 he was appointed by President Cleveland Collector of Internal Revenue and was also disbursing agent of the Treasury Department. He was for many years an active member of the Reform Club of New York, and has long been an advocate of tariff reform and civil service. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention which nominated Cleveland for President, and has written many of the platforms of the Democratic party of Iowa.