History of Philosophy (1903)
by William Turner

Boston & London: Ginn & Co. Athenaeum Press. (ext. scan link & transcription)

4509600History of Philosophy1903William Turner (1871-1936)
First Period—Pre-Socratic Philosophy
Second Period—Socrates and the Socratic Schools
Third Period—Post-Aristotelian Philosophy
Character of Greek Philosophy
First Period of Scholasticism: Erigena to Roscelin
Second Period of Scholasticism: Roscelin to Alexander of Hales
Byzantine, Arabian, and Jewish Philosophy
Fourth Period of Scholasticism: Birth of Ockam to taking of Constantinople
Character of Scholastic Philosophy
First Period—Transition from Scholastic to Modern Philosophy
Second Period—From Descartes to Kant
Third Period—From Kant to our Own Time