Hong Kong Annual Report, 1946/Part 3/Chapter 4

Hong Kong Annual Report, 1946
Chapter 4: Weights and Measures
366412Hong Kong Annual Report, 1946Chapter 4: Weights and Measures

The weights and measures in use in the Colony consist of the standards in use in the United Kingdom and of the following Chinese weights and measures:

1 fan (candareen) = .0133 ounces avoirdupois
1 tsin (mace) = .133 ounces avoirdupois
1 leung (tael) = 1.33 ounces avoirdupois
1 kan (catty) = 1.33 pounds avoirdupois
1 tam (picul) = 133.33 pounds avoirdupois
1 check (foot) = 14⅝ inches divided into 10 tsun (inches) and each tsun into ten fan or tenths.

The full set of standards was not recovered on liberation, but it was found possible to resume control of weights and measures in August, 1946. At the end of the year the possibility of repealing Ordinance No. 2 of 1885, under which control is now exercised, and of introducing more modern provisions based on those in force in Malaya was under consideration.