Hong Kong Annual Report, 1953/Part 3/Chapter 4

Hong Kong Annual Report, 1953
Chapter 4: Weights and Measures
366409Hong Kong Annual Report, 1953Chapter 4: Weights and Measures

The weights and measures in use in the Colony consist of the standards in use in the United Kingdom and of the following Chinese weights and measures:—

1 fan (candareen) = .0133 ounces avoirdupois
1 ts'in (mace) = .133 ounces avoirdupois
1 leung (tael) = 1.33 ounces avoirdupois
1 kan (catty) = 1.33 pounds avoirdupois
tam (picul) = 133.33 pounds avoirdupois
1 ch'ek (foot) = Statutory equivalent 14⅝ inches. The ch'ek is divided into 10 ts'un (inches) and each ts'un into ten fan or tenths.

In practice the equivalent length of a ch'ek varies according to the trade in which it is used from 14⅝ inches to 11½ inches, the commonest equivalent being 14.14 inches.