House Concurrent Resolution 73 (110th Congress)

United States House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution No. 73 (110th Congress)
by Tom Tancredo

H.Con.Res. 73. This concurrent resolution would make it 'the sense of Congress' to normalize relations with the Republic of China, or Taiwan. This resolution was introduced by Mr. Tancredo to challenge China, which he has frequently criticized.

110530United States House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution No. 73 (110th Congress)Tom Tancredo



1st Session

H. CON. RES. 73

Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan (the Republic of China), and for other purposes.


February 16, 2007

Mr. TANCREDO (for himself, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mrs. MUSGRAVE, and Mr. CHABOT) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan (the Republic of China), and for other purposes.

Whereas the people of Taiwan (also known as the Republic of China) have established a vibrant and pluralistic democracy;

Whereas the people of Taiwan have conducted three successful presidential elections, successive elections for members of their national legislature, numerous local elections, and one national referendum;

Whereas President Bush recently noted, `Taiwan is free and democratic and prosperous. By embracing freedom at all levels, Taiwan has delivered prosperity to its people and created a free and democratic' society.;

Whereas Taiwan has never been under the jurisdiction of the Communist government in Beijing, which continues to illegitimately claim sovereignty over Taiwan and its 23,000,000 citizens;

Whereas the Shanghai Communique, which maintains that there is `One China' and that `Taiwan is part of China', was established without the consultation of Congress or people of Taiwan ;

Whereas Communist China has since used the `One China Policy' to block Taiwan's membership and full participation in international organizations and events, ranging from the United Nations and the World Health Organization to the Olympics;

Whereas the `One China Policy' is effectively obsolete, and does not reflect the obvious reality that Taiwan has functioned as an independent and sovereign country for over half a century;

Whereas Taiwan maintains diplomatic, cultural, and economic relations with several countries around the world;

Whereas Taiwan and the United States maintained formal diplomatic relations until 1979;

Whereas former President Jimmy Carter abruptly severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979 and terminated the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and Taiwan without consulting or seeking the approval of Congress;

Whereas Congress responded later that year by adopting the Taiwan Relations Act, codifying in law the basis for continued friendly relations between the United States and Taiwan ;

Whereas former President Ronald Reagan issued the `Six Assurances' to Taiwan in July 1982, including the assurance that `[t]he United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan .';

Whereas former President Bill Clinton declared that the United States will `continue to make absolutely clear that the issues between Beijing and Taiwan must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan .'; and

Whereas Taiwan has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a responsible and compassionate member of the world community: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That--

(1) the United States commends the people of Taiwan for making a successful transition from a dictatorship to a flourishing, multi-party democracy that respects human rights; and
(2) it is the sense of Congress that--
(A) the President should abandon the fundamentally flawed `One China Policy' in favor of a more realistic `One China, One Taiwan Policy' that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country, separate from the Communist regime in Beijing;
(B) the President should begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan ; and
(C) the President, the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, and other relevant United States officials should aggressively support Taiwan's full participation in the United Nations and any other international organization of which the United States is a member, and for which statehood is a requirement for membership.