Hymns of the Atharva-Veda/Book 1/Hymn 9

Benediction on a King at his inauguration

1. May Indra, Pūshan, Varuria, Mitra, Agni, benignant Gods,
     maintain this man in riches.
     May the Ādityas and the Vive Devas set and support him in
     supremest lustre. 
2. May light, O Gods, be under his dominion, Agni, the Sun, all;
     that is bright and golden.
     Prostrate beneath our feet his foes and rivals. Uplift him to the.
     loftiest cope of heaven.
3. Through that most mighty prayer, O Jātavedas, wherewith thou.
     broughtest milk to strengthen Indra,
     Even therewith exalt this man, O Agni, and give him highest rank
     among his kinsmen.
4. I have assumed their sacrifice, O Agni, their hopes, their glory,.
     and their riches' fulness.
     Prostrate beneath our feet his foes and rivals. Uplift him to the-
     loftiest cope of heaven.