Illinois Verse/The Gregory Boulder

4364825Illinois Verse — The Gregory BoulderAnna Shattuck Palmer
The Gregory Boulder
Half hidden by the bushes,
A massive boulder lies
Near the John Street entrance to the campus.
Hurrying crowds, unseeing, pass by it every day.
Thousands enter college
And at the end of four years leave,
Not knowing that the huge granite stone
Marks the last resting place
  Of the University's first able leader
  Revered by the old graduates.

"If you seek his monument
Look about you"—the epitaph.
Could John Milton Gregory himself but stand here and look about him
What amazement would fill his soul!
Only old Uni Hall remains intact.
Far, far beyond the reach of human sight
Stretches a great sea of new buildings and grounds,
Stupendous! Inspiring!