4364829Illinois Verse — The Snyder BustAnna Shattuck Palmer
The Snyder Bust
The hurrying girls pass by it every day,
The bust that ornaments the lower hall,
A noble head thrown back in strength and pride.
The gallant air still holds in medium cold
That characterized the man in glowing life
When he for freedom fought in Italy
And exiled from his native Polish land.
Made offer of his sword in our great strife.
The many years that followed till the end
He gave to Illinois; inspired and taught
His classes and counselled all who sought his help.
The Snyder Fund he left and still can aid
The struggling student to attain his goal.
His special sympathy was for the girls.
Alethenai first recognized his worth
By placing his sculptured head by Taft in their hall.
And now the Woman's Building holds the bust
Where all the girls in the course of their college life
May see and revere their ever loyal friend.