Illustrated Astronomy
Juan Carlos Beamin, illustrated by José Utreras, Camila Benavente, translated by Catalina Limarí

Universidad Autónoma de Chile, page 100

Juan Carlos BeaminJosé Utreras, Camila Benavente3324564Illustrated AstronomyACKNOWLEDGMENTSCatalina Limarí


I want to thank Universidad Autónoma de Chile and, particularly, to the Vice-Chancellor of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Iván Suazo, for the opportunity and the trust put into writing this book.

To José Utreras for his excellent illustrations and comments, which made possible the visualization in a natural way of some very complex ideas.

To Julio Barahona for his attentive reading and acute opinions at the beginning of this work.

In particular, I’m deeply thankful of the Science Communication Center of Universidad Autónoma de Chile work team, and Isidora Sesnic, for the dedication put on this project, her comments, regular discussions, patience, and several corrections as a result of the mistakes that a careless astronomer continually makes.

Lastly, I’m forever thankful for these four people that move me every day: my wife Lilian, my son Dante, mi mother Karin, and my sister Valeska. Their affection and support are more valuable than anything the world can offer.