Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York/Appendix/7/Table 5

Statement, BY Occupations, of the Passengers arrived in the United States during the Thirteen Years, from 1856 to 1868 inclusive.

Occupations. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. Total.
Laborers . . . 37,019 43,249 22,317 21,696 31,268 19,413 17,752 46,198 48,041 45,245 58,629 55,443 68,947 515,217
Farmers . . . 24,722 34,702 20,506 16,323 21,742 11,668 9,265 12,319 13,837 20,012 30,302 29,717 19,804 264,949
Mechanics . . . 9,805 18,074 11,995 13,092 13,033 7,575 6,934 14,418 14,156 20,218 23,939 25,966 17,298 196,503
Merchants . . . 11,101 12,114 10,217 12,495 11,207 7,523 7,763 7,582 9,468 12,676 15,834 11,841 8,393 138,214
Miners . . . 6,136 5,660 4,254 9,510 3,834 2,337 1,732 4,314 6,093 7,631 8,010 7,205 4,698 71,414
Servants . . . 1,748 1,322 1,142 1,281 1,415 770 3,704 9,088 15,629 9,236 8,905 6,367 8,021 68,628
Mariners . . . 906 990 1,109 826 1,007 734 1,624 2,088 2,106 2,518 2,687 2,501 1,892 20,988
Clerks . . . 135 271 259 194 200 122 658 1,277 1,574 2,775 2,731 2,317 1,351 13,864
Bakers . . . 19 51 74 46 104 28 183 520 647 1,003 966 988 751 5,380
Butchers . . . 54 22 38 38 58 27 194 403 545 842 840 974 623 4,658
S'mstr's & mil'nrs . . . 215 258 261 250 273 49 182 347 640 304 373 336 282 3,770
Physicians . . . 163 147 178 253 221 216 236 284 315 399 521 438 365 3,736
Artists . . . 37 69 45 97 80 31 88 377 340 606 662 661 468 3,561
Clergymen . . . 118 173 132 157 183 213 274 231 258 374 453 454 302 3,322
Weavers & spin'rs . . . 1,255 189 80 114 141 43 57 347 130 143 135 156 76 2,866
Tailors . . . 25 108 156 137 204 41 66 75 147 366 322 299 205 2,151
Shoemakers . . . 22 86 117 141 156 383 85 73 148 209 272 250 186 2,128
Lawyers . . . 90 78 113 166 116 106 108 156 132 249 359 252 17 1,942
Manufacturers . . . 22 187 74 62 50 218 94 66 107 181 254 198 183 1,696
Engineers . . . 105 72 165 118 132 98 97 95 86 100 142 111 24 1,345
Teachers . . . 35 28 46 86 57 22 19 16 29 59 112 33 237 809
Masons . . . 10 16 68 40 59 22 21 31 37 77 132 184 102 799
Millers . . . 73 26 39 37 48 29 21 5 24 40 54 65 36 497
Musicians . . . 15 31 115 45 108 26 14 7 12 10 21 32 14 450
Actors . . . 4 44 33 54 27 5 17 15 20 18 47 94 . . 378
Painters . . . 1 31 31 15 29 11 8 27 29 43 65 60 18 363
Printers . . . 12 21 19 8 14 12 22 15 19 20 44 22 19 247
Hatters . . . 2 . . 3 . . . . 1 1 . . 1 1 12 4 1 26
All other occup'ns . . . 602 246 451 609 835 218 389 360 308 455 618 437 426 5,984
Occup's not spec . . . 130,045 153,717 70,869 77,619 90,090 60,761 62,860 99,047 106,657 161,589 202,442 192,222 191,493 1,602,411
Aggregate . . . 224,496 271,982 144,906 155,509 179,691 112,702 114,463 199,811 221,533 287,399 359,943 339,627 326,232 2,938,296