In Other Words/It's Really Disheartening

It’s Really Disheartening
When Homer smote his you-know-what
To sing about M. J. Ulysses,
Old Constant Reader said ’twas not
The thing to read to youths and misses.
And Old Subscriber sent a note
Whose words Hellenic I’ve forgotten—
Translated, this is what he wrote:
“Please can this Homer simp; he’s rotten.”

When Q. Horatius penned a pome
And put it in the Sabine Journal,
Pro Bono Publico, of Rome,
Wrote in: “This column is infernal.
If that is humorous, good night!
Don’t tell me that you pay him money.
Whoever said this boob could write?
Whoever told him he was funny?”

And when a column, all in rhyme,
In solid agate, signed ‘‘John Milton,”
Appeared, some cleped him “Quince” and “Lime,”
And said his stuff was very Stilton.
When Avon’s bard put on a play
Those were who said: “He can’t deliver,
This William Shaxpur! Fade away!
Good sooth, the fellow is a flivver!”

His path is steep, his lot is hard,
Who Rare and Wondrous Lines composes.
Alas! to be a famous bard
Is not an ostermoor of roses!
And if of those great poet-men
Some folks would say: “This guy a shine is,”
What show have I? for now and then
Their stuff was just as good as mine is.