Index:Aristotle (Grant).djvu

Title Aristotle
Author Alexander Grant
Editor William Lucas Collins
Year 1898
Publisher William Blackwood and sons
Location Edinburgh and London
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in November 2022
Chap. I. The Life of Aristotle, 1
II. The Works of Aristotle, 30
III. The ‘Organon’ of Aristotle, 50
IV. Aristotle’s ‘Rhetoric’ And ‘Art of Poetry,’ 77
V. Aristotle’s ‘Ethics,’ 100
VI. Aristotle’s ‘Politics,’ 117
VII. The Natural Philosophy of Aristotle, 130
VIII. The Biology of Aristotle, 146
IX. The Metaphysics of Aristotle, 161
X. Aristotle Since the Christian Era, 179