Index:De Vismes Kane-European Butterflies.djvu

Title European Butterflies
Author William Francis de Vismes Kane
Year 1885
Publisher MacMillan and co.
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Pages 22 and 23 are duplicated in the file, and denoted by *



Introduction, pp. v. to xxix., containing —

1. The Butterfly : the method of its capture, and preservation when travelling . . xi
2. Of the apparatus required . . xiii
3. A scale of inches, and a woodcut of an entomological envelope xv
4. Of the terms used in description, and a woodcut of Parnassius Mnemosyne xvii
5. Of measurements of expanse xx
6. Of nomenclature and synonyms xx
7. Of localities, dates of emergence varieties, and aberrations, etc xxi
8. Of Authorities consulted, Illustrations, etc. . . . xxvi

List of Abbreviations . . xxx

Fifteen Plates of Illustrations, reproduced from photographs xxxiii — xlvii

A Description of all the Butterflies of Europe, with their varieties, food-plants, and a list of localities where they occur, especially in Central Europe ; together with analytical Tables for identification prefixed to most of the genera 1 — 149

A Systematic List of all the Butterflies of Europe, their varieties and aberrations, together with all their principal synonyms 151 — 160

Index Nominum ... 161 — 184