Index:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 2.djvu

Title History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 2
Author Jadunath Sarkar
Year 1912
Publisher M. C. Sarkar & Sons
Location Calcutta
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Volumes *Volume 1 (reign of Shah Jahan)


Chapter XV. Battle of Dharmat.

Jaswant at Ujjain, 1—his movements, 2—tries to avert a battle, 3—his difficulties, 5—treachery in his ranks, 7—his plan of battle, 9—contending forces, 11—order of battle, 12—Rajput Van charges, 14—defence by Aurangzib's Van, 15—Rajputs destroyed, 18—Murad attacks the Imperial left wing, 19—Jaswant's flight, 21—plunder, 22—Aurangzib's gain in prestige, 23—his memorial buildings, 24—casualties, 25—Aurangzib crosses the Chambal, 28—reaches Samugarh, 30.

Chapter XVI. Battle of Samugarh.

Shah Jahan starts for Delhi, 32—Dara gathers a new army, 33—takes leave of Shah Jahan, 36—reaches Samugarh, 38—evening before the battle, 39—Dara's army: its formation, 40—its weakness, 43 — Aurangzib's battle order, 44—cannonade, 46—charge of Dara's left wing, 47—repulsed, 48—Chhatra Sal charges Murad, 49—Rajput attack on Aurangzib, 50—desperate fight, 51—Dara's foolish movements, 52—havoc by Aurangzib's artillery, 56 — flight of Dara's army, 57—Dara's escape, 59—casualties, 60—tactics criticised, 63.

Chapter XVII. Capture of Agra Fort and Captivity of Murad.

News of Samugarh reaches Agra, 65—grief of Shah Jahan, 66—Dara's despondency, 67—his flight from Agra, 68—Aurangzib arrives outside Agra, 70—is joined by many nobles, 71—his correspondence with Shah Jahan, 71—Shah Jahan's loving messages, 74—Aurangzib seizes Agra city, 77—besieges Agra fort, 78—cuts off its water supply, 79—Shah Jahan's pathetic entreaty, 80—he surrenders Agra fort, 82—Jahanara's embassy fails, 83—Aurangzib refuses to visit Shah Jahan, 85—close confinement of Shah Jahan, 85—Murad's jealousy of Aurangzib, 87—his ambition, 89—open rivalry with Aurangzib, 90—Murad invited by Aurangzib, 92—welcomed and feasted, 93—treacherously disarmed and imprisoned, 94—Murad in Gwalior prison, 97—attempted rescue, 98—tried for murder of Ali Naqi and beheaded, 99.

Chapter XVIII. Pursuit of Dara Shukoh.

Dara at Delhi, 101—his difficulties, 102—goes to Lahore, 103—holds the line of the Satlej, 104—Aurangzib at Delhi, 106—crowns himself, 107—his Van crosses the Satlej, 108—Dara abandons the Bias, 110—desertions from his army, 110—his suspicion roused against Daud Khan by a false letter, 112—Dara leaves Lahore, 113—Aurangzib pursues Dara to Multan, 115—history of Dara's flight down the Indus, 117—pursuit to Bhakkar, 119—Dara's miserable condition, 120—deserted by Daud Khan, 121—pursued to Sehwan, 123—intercepted, 124—escapes to Tatta, 126—to Guzerat, 127—return of pursuing army, 128.

Chapter XIX. Shuja's Struggles for the Throne.

Character of Shuja, 129—he crowns himself, 130—advances to Benares, 131—his camp surprised by Sulaiman Shukoh, 132—Shuja's flight, 134—treaty with Sulaiman, 136—Aurangzib's friendly letter to Shuja, 137—Shuja's second advance, 139—reaches Khajwah, 140—Aurangzib arrives to oppose him, 141—advances on Shuja's position, 143—eve of the battle, 144—Aurangzib's camp looted by Jaswant, 145—panic and dispersion, 147—Aurangzib's coolness, 148—the contending armies, 149—Aurangzib's left wing routed, 153—attack on his centre repelled, 154—his right wing hard pressed, 155—reinforced, beats the attack back, 157—general advance of Aurangzib's army, 158—flight of Shuja, 159—spoils, 160—tactics, 161.

Chapter XX. Battle of Deorai.

Dara's flight from Sindh, 162—welcomed by the Rao of Cutch, 163—Dara at Ahmadabad, 164—his conflicting plans, 165—invited to Ajmir by Jaswant, 167—Jaswant deserts Dara, 168—Dara entrenches a pass near Ajmir, 171—battle: first day, 173—second day, 175—third day, 176—Dara's left rear turned, 177—attack on Shah Nawaz Khan's trenches, 178—obstinate fight, 179—trenches stormed, 181—flight of Dara's troops, 183—Dara's family escape from Ajmir, 185—plunder, 186—Aurangzib after victory, 187.

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