Index:Ludovico Guicciardini - Description of the Low Countries.djvu

Title Description of the Low Countries
Author Lodovico Guicciardini
Translator Thomas Danett
Year 1593
Publisher Peter Short
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
A Table how to find readilie all the Provinces of these low Countreys, in the same order that they be described in this Booke.
1 Lothier. fol. 22 All these five are in truth comprehended within the precincts of Brabant.
2 Brabant fol. 22
3 Marquisat of the sacred Empire, fol. 42
4 Lembourg, fol. 48
5 Malines, fol. 50
6 Guelders, fol. 52
7 Zutphen, 54
8 Overissel, 56
9 Frise, 57
10 Groeninghen, 59
11 Holland, 60
12 Utrecht, fol. 71. By some mistaking of the printer Utrecht is not set under the Title of a Province as in truth it ought to bee, whereof I thought good to admonish the Reader in this place.
13 Zelande, 73
14 Flaunders, 78
15 Artoys, 96
16 Haynault, 101
17 Luxembourg, 109
18 Namur, 112
The Bishoprick of Liege, 114. Though this bee none of the Provinces of the Low countries, yet because Guicciardin describeth it & Aquisgrane (for reasons alledged by himself) among them, I have thoght it meete to place them and quote them in order as they stand.