
Title On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals
Author George Nicholson
Illustrator William Marshall Craig, Thomas Bewick
Location London
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


On the primeval state of man, 9.
On the conduct of man to inferior animals, 12.
Cruelty of a carter, 19.
Cart-horses, 20.
On mutilating animals, 23.
Travelling post, 30.
Buying up horses, 31.
Traffic of the naggers, 32.
Of impounding animals, 33.
Treatment of the ass, 36.
Stripping of geese, 36.
Entomologists, 37.
Preserving birds and animals, 38.
Anatomists, 39.
Destroying bees, 43.
Business of butchery, 44.
War, 53.
Savage amusements and sports, 63.
Horse-racing, 63.
Extravagant bets or wagers, 65.
Hunting, 66.
Bull-baiting, 71.
Badger-baiting, 72.
Cock-fighting, 73.
Shooting, 75.
Angling, 76.
Caging of birds, 77.
Of reason in animals, 79.
Voluntary and accidental improvements in ani-
, 82.
Docility in animals, 89.
Fear not natural, 90.
Acquired habits in animals, 92.
Friendship of animals, 95.
Man compared with other animals, 96.
Arguments in favour of a vegetable diet from scrip-
ture and history
, 106.
From reason, compassion, sympathy and feel-
, 119.
From medical writers, 144.
Effects of animal and vegetable food, 164.
Diet, 182.
Agricultural state, 186.
Allurements of vegetation, 190.
Instances of longevity, health and agility, arising
from the effects of a vegetable diet
, 192.
In nations, 192.
In individuals, 203.
Objections to a vegetable diet answered, 223.
Inconsistencies of flesh-eaters, 239.
On the influence of education, 243.
On the want of a national protection of animals, 254.
Concluding reflections, 258.