Index:Practical cooking and dinner giving.pdf

Title Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving
Author Mary Foote Henderson
Year 1885
Publisher Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square
Location New York
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Setting the Table and Serving the Dinner 13
The Dinner Party 27
Cooking as an Accomplishment 30
Breakfast 33
Lunch 36
Gentlemen's Suppers 39
Evening Parties 40
Something about Economy 40
Directions and Explanations 43
Cooking Utensils 51
Bread, and Breakfast Cakes 63
Tea 76
Coffee 76
Cocoa 78
Soup 78
Fish 99
Shell-fish 113
Sauces 119
Beef 129
Veal 146
Sweet-breads 152
Mutton 155
Lamb 159
Pork 160
Poultry 166
Geese, Ducks, and Game 180
Vegetables 190
Shells, or Coquilles 206
Potting 208
Macaroni 209
Eggs 212
Salads 219
Fritters 229
Pastry 232
Canning 244
Preserves 248
Pickles and Catchups 257
Cheese 262
Sweet Sauces for Puddings 266
Puddings and Custards 269
Bavarian Creams 282
Desserts of Rice 286
Wine Jellies 290
Cake 294
Candies 305
Ices 306
Cookery for the Sick 315
Some Dishes for “Baby” 334
How to Serve Fruits 336
Beverages 339
Suitable Combination of Dishes 342
Serving of Wines 345
To Prepare Company Dinners 349
English and French Glossary 359
General Index 365